It's not your fault.
You were so young you didn't know,
you couldn't possibly have known
that your life was falling apart.
Ripped apart.
No mommy and daddy!
Just mommy.
Just daddy.
The foundation ripped out right from beneath the family, the home.
From underneath your little toddler feet.
How could you not blame yourself?
But it's not your fault.
That you had low self-esteem,
and deep dark thoughts
and a heavy heart
and a ball of anger inside
that flared up like a meteor
falling down to earth.
But you couldn't control it.
How could you?
It's not your fault!
That you cried and cried not knowing why.
And you blamed yourself
for every little thing.
It's less now.
The pain is a memory,
distant and cold like a boat
from the shore on a cloudy day.
It's not my fault!
Mommy I don't blame you.
Daddy I don't blame you.
I, don't blame me anymore.
I'll always have a loss.
But from the depths of the sea,
the depths of me,
I have found a way to heal.
And this time it is real.