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hazy morning beams,
refractions through lapping waves
brighten the blue depths
This haiku was submitted to Pure Haiku for the month of February's Ocean theme. It did not make the cut.
 Feb 2018 The Black Beast
A princess to be,
No one yet to see,
The witch has kept me high,
Where no one can reach even if they try,
Living and learning the world through books,
The witch has cast me with good looks,
Up high in the tower is where I reside,
Waiting for a rescuer to come by my side,
With locks of hair braided tight,
I know my prince is out of sight,
Soon I shall be free from this dreadful lonely place,
Where I have been kept like a prisoner in a tall case,
Today I saw a handsome guy on a white horse,
Dressed like a prince wearing a holy cross,
Our eyes met but he could not reach me,
He assured that he will come back for me,
I let my hair down and up came my dream,
Took me away while the witch cried with scream,
Locked up high she lives in the lonely tower,
Without any sorcery without any power...

This should be easy :)
 Feb 2018 The Black Beast
No stranger to brokenness,
Outward or within.
No foreigner to our damages,
Or any type of sin.
He rubbed shoulders with the beggar,
And broke bread with the lame.
The harlot and the tax collector,
He loves them all the same.
So when you think you’ve gone too far,
Cast your eyes on them.
And know the life of Christ, our God,
Who was poured out for all men.
Don’t listen to the enemy.
Whatever he may say,
And know whenever God saves “them,”
Well, we are those “they.”
 Feb 2018 The Black Beast
She is his Cosette

and I



A little fall of rain can

hardly hurt me now

but you can–-

you have—

my love.

–The Miserable
Any similarities/references to Les Miserables--either the musical or the novel by Victor Hugo--are purely intentional.
 Feb 2018 The Black Beast
a new boy told me i was beautiful as his eyes traced my body
i cringed at the words because his tongue didn't wrap them the way yours would

a new boy grinned at me when i approached as he spoke hello
i barely managed to smile back because his eyes didn't light up in the way yours would

a new boy hit my phone up trying talk about anything
i left it unopened because his conversation felt forced and he didn't speak the way you would  

any new boy could be good, this is true
but here i am uninterested
because they just aren't you

i promised it would be forever,

and the scars on me will stay,

 Feb 2018 The Black Beast
You may bring me down

Try to hurt and torture my soul

You may bring me to the ground

But like the wind I will carry through.

Does my happiness upset you?

Why are you so selfish?

Cause I am strong and independent

I have the capability to do anything I desire.

Just like gravity in space

With everything trying to pull me down,

Just like the momentum to keep going

I will carry through.

Do you want to see me hurt?

Give up on everything I have worked for?

My body falling to the ground,

Weakened by the terror of the future.

Does my happiness upset you?

Don’t try to bring me down.

Cause I am strong like I’ve got superpowers,

Flying through the struggles of life.

You may hurt me with your words,

You may try to crush me,

You may try to torture me,

But still, like the wind I will carry through.

Does my confidence upset you?

Does it come as a surprise?

That I have the capability to do anything I put my heart to,

At the moment that is right?

Out of the struggles of life,

I carry through.

Up from a past buried in cries,

I carry through.

I’m a blue ocean, flowing and changing.

Capable to bear the effects of the tide.

Leaving behind all of the bad memories,

I carry through.

Into a world that I can call mine,

I carry through.

Putting the past behind me

I am the one who represents the future.

I carry through.

I carry through.

I carry through.
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