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1.8k · Aug 2018
Life Stops
T Detter Aug 2018
And suddenly,
life stops.

You forget the troubles on your mind, you forget your tired eyes, you forget to breathe.
Time starts to slow, everything goes numb.

Deep breaths can't make up for all your lost air.
Sleeping becomes a second thought.
You can't believe it's real, but you stare at your screen just waiting.
Small things aren't important anymore.

Keep fighting.

Conversations become silent.
How do you find words?
Frozen in place you wait, and wait.
It gets harder and harder to distract yourself.

Everything is going to be okay.
Everything is going to be okay.

Until it's not.

You realize you never said how you really felt.
How they inspired you, how they taught you, how much you loved them.
You regret not visiting them, you regret not speaking with then more often, you regret --


And suddenly,
life stops.
Fly high.
1.7k · Jul 2018
All I Feel
T Detter Jul 2018
is all i feel.
without love,
without friends,
without support.
is all i feel.
days spent in my head,
days sitting on my own,
days all alone.
is all i feel.
no one to understand,
no one to listen,
no one to waste my time.
is all i feel.
when i lay in bed with no one by my side,
when i am unnoticed even though i am in plain sight,
when i cry in the darkness but tell nobody because how could they understand what i am feeling inside?
is all i feel.
i live in a world with billions of people,
i surround myself with laughter and fun,
i smile through my days,
is all i feel.
1.3k · Aug 2018
T Detter Aug 2018
negative space.
you reach into the darkness,
but find no light.
where do you go when you don't know your way out?
when the only light you see are the ghosts of your self doubt,
how do you find the real you?
how do you keep up with yourself,
when there's no more time?
for how many hours can you play the same game,
before you tire out?
how do you know when to give up?
how do you find your way back home when you can't tell where you're going?
213 · Feb 2020
A Realization
T Detter Feb 2020
And suddenly I've come to realize that my life doesn't actually matter in the large scheme of things.
I pity this world.
It tears apart the good and shoves the aspiring into boxes of conformity from which they shall never rise.
All those creative must appeal to the people and not to themselves.
The misunderstood tend to be the most miraculous.
An artist, for example, could live their whole life poor and unwanted.
When they die, their work is suddenly valuable.
So I've come to realize that our lives don't actually matter in the large scheme of things, it's what we leave behind that counts.
Doing something well and not getting credit isn't worth nothing, it's worth everything.
A painful realization.

— The End —