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I love the way the sun rises
And peaks through my curtains,
Casting sharp figures of light on my ceiling,
For it reminds me
Of the flecks of white
That fill the gaps of blue
In your eyes.
The sun pouring through my window
Guarantees that you are the first thought
To cross my mind
In the early morning.
It promises that every day
Before I even rise,
I have thought of you
And your mirroring freckles
On either side of your face
Right above your lips,
And of the chip on your tooth
That reveals itself each time you laugh
Making me thankful
That I have found the one
I want to share my life with
And the one I want to fall asleep to
Every night.
Sunday I met you
and now it's Thursday
haven't left your bed

Spring weather so riotous
and erratic
love so dangerous it breaks
hearts and bedsprings
bent blankets and electric
tingles hands scraping
each other's bodies
inspired by a friend, the seatbelt effect's poem
 Mar 2017 Tahirih Manoo
 Mar 2017 Tahirih Manoo
Nothing you write
is yours alone
every word
on loan
only from you
comes some wit
to decide the order
in which they are writ
We dare
Travel to mars
We dare
Seek the stars
Our allegiance
Space colony
When you meet someone you know could swallow you whole
You have two options

Jump into their mouths
Make their teeth your roof
and their tongue your bed
Hang on their every word
Roll with the waves of their words
Let their hot breath shape your being
Fall down their throat into their hot belly
You have no home but here
Outside is no place for you now

Run as far away as your can from the gaping cave
Plug your ears against the siren call of their voice
Do not let the inhale of their lungs pull you
Do not be small enough that they could fit you inside
Stand on your own
They are no place for you
you are your own
Living is easy when you're half alive.
I've been borrowing other people's smiles just to get by.
I can feel it, the sadness that leaks from everyone's eyes.
They may think they can hide it, but I'm the one that created this disguise.
 Mar 2017 Tahirih Manoo
PJ Poesy
She doddered about
Watering funeral flowers
Brought home after the mass
Even the silk ones
Comfort, in it, was the same
Who could tell her any different?

Snow today, lighter
Than yesterday's, so heavy
Than yesteryear's, so deep
Seemingly lost feathers
Of newly anointed  
Divinity's messenger
Flapping heartily, resolutely
Upward, onward, on
Clear-cut, transpicuous lifting

And snow angels
Smirk tender amusement
As harbored resentments
Drift on
I spill beer on myself unashamed,
I like for liquid to run from my mouth,
like a lord drinking wine from a horn.

Summer nights soon,
where things dry quickly,
and I'll taste things in my throat
and smell them on my pants
for nights to come.

Living for the nights where shuddering ceases,
and one can throw a rock from a rock
in the warm moonlight.
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