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Jessie Taylor H Aug 2020
A poet never really stops writing,
only sometimes, we lose the strength to write it all down.

But when we write,
we spill our hearts upon the pages.
Every ink filled line,
giving full access to our minds,
for whoever dares to read them.

I apologize for the tears and blood stains,
sometimes my pen reveals too much.
As I close my eyes,
and my hand glides across the page,
my soul speaks to me in the best possible way.
Sally A Bayan Jul 2020

Afternoon and evening rains are signs
our monsoon season is nigh
yet, some wells stay in drought...isolation
can't just clear waters of stagnant emotions

i need water flowing like blood through the veins
water creating brooks below green mountains
been trying to make this water flow, but in vain

when poetry hides, days become a drag
it's like walking without protective clogs
while crossing hanging circles of fog
descending......from towering crags...


©Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
July 4, 2020
Merlie T Jun 2020
Creativity does not come with the pen.
I have 1...2...3....4..5!
I have 5 pens.
Yet creativity, I have none.
Writing has been a burning passion
Lately the fire has been waning
Like the crescent moon coming back around
In this moment I am still fading
I know it soon will return to me
But in what moment might it come back?
Cause lately I’ve been feeling like creativity is what I lack.
Or possibly a misguided soul
Or suppression of my true feelings.

Through troubled waters and vicious seas
I admit, I am still healing

The numbing I have come to know
Is degrading of my deepest treasure.
A whirlwind of fire, a breeze of wind,
An emotional strength beyond measure.
Miriam May 2020
White with lines
Tap tap tap
In and out in and out, breathing,
Crack pick up another,
Tap tap tap
Start Begin Go!
write my soul
write my agony
write my joy
Write my mind
Tap tap tap ...
k May 2020
Without knowing what else to do
What else to write
I sit and glare at a book only half finished
I look for help
Nothing seems to help my writer’s block
Getting rid of a character might do the trick

The protagonist?
Or maybe not
I don’t know

I’m just tired of writing this autobiography
Ryan Clark Nov 2012
Is there no pen for my hand to bear?
No thought tamed by self owned wit?
The stationary leers into me,
My mind succumbs to hysterical fit.
To what veil shrouds my mind?
A clairvoyant candle once for lit.
O' my imagination's seems,
... acquaintances
                 far past met.
I wanted to add another poem... but I couldn't think of anything... so I wrote this one
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2020
As I stare at blank sheets
To jot down my thoughts
Realize how alone I feel
Only friends are vacant lots

These restraints tighten around my words
Keeping in place
Long to leave their chamber
They're running out of space

I really want company
Singing solo to an empty room
The cage known as my conciousness
Lyrics of honest emotion attempt to bloom

Remembering yet unable to manifest
Moments sliding around mind
My suffering festers in seething sores
Until despair is finally defined
About having writers block when you really need to express something a certain way and you cant find the right words
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