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LC Aug 2020
whenever I stumbled and fell,
instead of helping me up,
they pushed and berated me,
knocking me down even further.
safety was never a guarantee.
I take each step carefully - too carefully.
wondering who can see my trembling hands
and feel my heart pounding in my chest.

now when I stumble and fall,
I push the helping hands away,
even though I want to feel
a hand in mine
more than anything.
I've come to expect sharp,
grating words from everyone,
even though not everyone is like them.

I pick myself up and hide
waiting until the storm settles.
sometimes when it all dies down,
I'm still not convinced that it's over.
I step out of my hiding place
and wait for the thunder.
I jump at every noise,
and I wince at every touch.

I want to have spaces in which
my body can relax instead of
looking for the next threat.
in which my hands are steady,
my heart takes a leisurely stroll,
and I don't have to hide.
in which I can tell myself,
"I am safe," and fully believe it.
It's not easy to live with the effects of emotional abuse, but I am healing. I'm hopeful for the future.
Oskar Erikson Apr 2019
loneliness in his fashion
invited anger to stay round
for a brief escapade.

like fast friends
they laid ruin to the pockmarked love scarred battlefield
in a one-sided war.

like fast friends
they lasted like a spring shower that drenches out the sky into colours you could only dream of pronouncing.

i hope they one day become lovers.
As I wince to inhale
I wonder if
I've lost the taste for your smokes
or if I've lost the taste for you.
StuKerr Jun 2014
Please never do that
Now I'm getting quite nervous
Your bites aggressive

— The End —