A sign says stay away
Don't fall, don't stay
You'll drown in her cesspool
Those glinting eyes
Reflect a mirror a world beyond
A world you'll get hooked to
Her loving like wine
When she gets in to your blood stream
She'll taste like divine
She'll spin you like crazy
She'll adore you till your dizzy
You could want nothing better
So euphoric you'd not want it to stop.
But when your eyes open
You'll see the mess
But you will not be able to escape
So inebriated and intoxicated
You'll keep coming for more
Trusting her just once again
Wanting to touch ecstasy
You once felt, only she could take you there
Now so out of reach
It's a whirlpool in which you'll spin
At the same time float
You'll feel like your drowning
But the end is not near
Worse than quick sand
This cesspool is filled
With the mess of her abuse
Her past so overwhelming
Yet you'll find her so giving!
The owner of the mess
Is clueless herself
She yearns to get out
But she too is hooked
Her emptiness is so endearing
You'll want to rescue
The pain is part of her
Or she is part of the pain
Is yet unknown.
Just something!