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Anais Vionet Jan 31
This poem was mused by:
"Shakespeare won't look at me" by ThomasW.Case
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We fill our lives with work and stress
in the lust for new possessions
we're taught that this is called success
and it makes for good impressions

But pleasures we’re taught to suppress
so our souls will fly up to the heavens
but this flesh that god has gifted us
are our only true possessions

If we find ourselves casually undressed
which is frankly, our natural condition
and if ****** needs should be addressed
there’s no need for ****** confessions

for pleasure is something to be expressed
if we’re alone or in a marvelous coalition
So I wish you satisfaction in elations quest
as you work the knobs, slants and levers
because this isn’t some kind of competition

P.S. Will Shakespeare was familiar with *******'s guilty thrills.
"The expense of spirit, in a waste of shame is lust in action"
A song for this:
Flowers by Miley Cyrus
For a contest. This poem was mused by:
"Shakespeare won't look at me" by Thomas_W._Case © Anais Vionet
Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
Crimes gone on and on and against all humanity with a refusal to ever scrutinize
Twist the rule of law to accommodate the blatant lies they prioritize on both sides
That's the American dream, can only be seen behind closed eyes
Allowed to look but can't touch the prize, that's the hook, the bait and switch slight of hand is no surprise
A separate set of law books slipped in on the sly, guess the compromise
One for the citizen and one for the almighty enterprise, just dollar signs in their eyes
All for one and one for all, false bravado, see what happens when a nobody tries
See how quick a global problem is prioritized to keep in check a global unrest notably on the rise
Also on the rise, fear of a population turned unbiased congregation then weaponized
Who exactly are the good guys? If it's a non zero number I'd be surprised
Who would have guessed that building an enterprise on the lives of the little guys would be a possible demise?

🎼If you go into my neck of the woods prepare for a big surprise
A lone baby cries it's own lullabies through innocent eyes as innocence dies
The evil in people is all that thrives, it's never been the best of times🎼

Dawn Treader Jan 2017
You ask me for collateral
As though you are preparing for battle
A request I cannot deny
For you I shall comply

This apprehensive feeling
When I reveal the pain I’ve been concealing
I present to you a loaded gun
In it, the bullets I hope to outrun

Your grin is oh so charming
This I find quite alarming
You hold out your gentle hand
What is it you have planned?

Six rounds in this revolver
I hope your heart will never falter
A fear of mine engraved on every bullet
The trigger—please don’t ever pull it

So in your loving hands I place
A loaded gun I wish not to face
Of all this trepidation I am ashamed
I pray to the gods I won’t be maimed

And happily you smile,
A devious act that's absolutely vile
You point this gun at my heart
In an instant you could ******* apart

You say this gun is for your security
So with it I give you all of me
Six bullets in the revolver’s chamber
I’ve given a weapon to someone quick to anger

This malaise feeling I cannot shake
Six bullets to the heart I will take
In your passionate moment full of angst
I know you won’t be shooting blanks
He said it would be fun if we exchanged ammunition to use against each other in the event of nuclear fallout. I am apprehensive. The secrets I have told, the fears I have expressed all at his disposal.
starling Jul 2014
so this night, I set stars heavy on my brow

and paint my lips with ash

a courting ritual, a lady’s rite—

my warpaint is the lean of my hips,

my sword, the word of gods in my mouth.

yea, I will rule thee

like the sea of my birth

and the snows of my forests,

and you will think it is you who are king.

my warpaint is the curve of my throat,

my sword, the feather-touch of fingers.

do not think that I will hesitate

to take what is divine right.

the splendor,

the agony,

the death

is mine.

— The End —