Dear sister can you hear me
are you out their are you listening.
Do you know that they have got me,
do you know that I fee like I'm drowning.
Our father he did tell us about the monsters in the sea
He told us to be cautious
he taught us to be weary.
Now I've lost you the ocean floor.
now the very monsters have me, locked behind the door.
I don't know if your still breathing,
But if you are I'll tell you this.
I am aboard the vampiret ship
Aboard the ship that moves threw nightmares
The flags made of bones and ash
Threw your dreams we will go
Aboard this ship that we sail
Aboard the ship of black and soulless flags
I have lost you but one day find you
Then we will never again fear the night
We together aboard this ship that carries all of fear
Aboard the vampires ship