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Salwa 22h
I can’t escape your waking gaze,
While in a trance, I pace—waiting for pain as I hear
The fall of rain,
And feel the gloom of day,
Hiding the sun’s rays.

The room is empty, the clock ticking—
Lights flickering, air thick with sorrow.
I wait.

I wait to declare my love,
My adoration.
Oh, how I yearn for your presence,
To be seen by your conscious.

It pains me, my love,
As I see your half-conscious state,
Knowing what you wish to say.

But, please, for my sake,
Don’t make me wait.
Don’t leave me.
Love me, before it’s too late.
I think,
unrequited is addicted to me.
I don’t know but it just happens to find me no matter where I hide,
It’s almost like it’s waiting for my smile to be a little to wide,
and my cheeks to turn a little too red to creep back into my life and turn things on its head,

I think its favorite pass time is to make my heart ache because just when I swear that I’m done, someone comes and so does unrequited right behind it,
I hate it,

It’s almost like it needs me to stay with it because it chases everything else away, it’s addicted,

But somewhere deep down, I think I need unrequited just as much as it needs me
I kind of hope it doesn’t leave me,
Not yet at least,
I’ve grown well acquainted with unrequited, and it’s strange because, even though I don’t want it, reject it, and run from it,
it’s always there waiting for me after my heart is done being too happy,

It’s almost like it’s home for me, no matter where I go it waits patiently for me.
I don’t think I’ll know what to do when it really leaves,
So now I wonder,
Am I just as addicted to unrequited as unrequited is addicted to me?
For those that feel haunted by unrequited too
I gave the boy with the pretty frame-worthy eyes a pen the other day in class,

I switched the top of the black one I gave him to the blue that I used, and vice verse-a giving him a blue-black pen and me a black-blue one.

To him, in that moment,
I was just goofing off in class instead of listening to the teacher yap,

But to me, the pens and the colors meant something,
The day I made that blue-black pen, I was trying to make me and him,
The blue me, the black him, and together, us.
It was my heart,
And me giving him the blue-black pen was in a way, me giving him my love.

Maybe he missed the message in between the lines, or maybe he chose to by pass it,
Or maybe,
What I thought we had going on, was a delusion,
Maybe it was only one sided, and the connection was all in my head,

Perhaps I should’ve left the pens alone,
leaving my feelings unknown, and the lack of reciprocation would’ve hurt a little less,
But now my heart aches,
Especially whenever I see that cursed blue-black pen.
Maybe it a curse,
That unrequited is the only one to know me for who I am,
Maybe it’s a curse, that love and I aren’t meant to be friends
All the
Pretty guys with nice eyes always seem to overlook mine,
And I,
I always seem to stand to the side as,

My ghost on campus leaves with a goodbye that contrasts the simple hi

And the one with frame worth eyes, just lies

And what could’ve been no longer crosses my mind,

But the one from that Saturday night lingers around sometimes, but

Maybe it’s a curse or it’s a blessing in disguise,
That unrequited is a shield that guards me from the, pains and heart aches that the guys of this era creates

It has to be some sort of sick spell cast upon me like Maleficent did Sleeping Beauty,

But reject it as I may,
Maybe this curse is my saving grace
For As much heartache unrequited creates,
It saves me from the strongest hex called heartbreak.
The third of December is tomorrow,
And all I can think about is you, her, and where my sweater could’ve possibly vanished to.

I think of you because I liked what we had going on,
I liked the jokes, our conversations, the glances, and the implications.
I liked your beautiful brown orbs that belonged behind frames you refused to showcase them in, and the curls that hid them like curtains.

I think of her because that should be me.
What was between us should’ve landed me in her place,
And I think of my sweater.
My heather sweater that I’ve worn every third of December since 2020, because it’s cold out, and it’s sweater weather.

Heather has your sweater when I should be its “owner,”
Heather holds your heart when it should be in my hands,
And Heather is the mesmerizing sight that soothes your sore eyes,
While I stand to the side, and watch her pull the smile from you that I like to see.

Why would you ever implicate the thought of you and me?
Lead me to believe that you would pick me when Heather was the choice from the very beginning?

Now she has you, and the sweater that would always and forever be given to Heather,
It may be polyester, but ****, I wish I was Heather.
In honor of Conan Gray and Heather Day
shaina Jan 2023
I'm just a female
who has empathy
a really nice
female friend
who has feelings
that you lack

you get scared,
at the thought
that I cry

you distanced yourself
from me
because I feel emotion.

Oh, I'm just a female
who has empathy
who's there
if you need a hug
or there to understand

but am I just a female to you?
am I nothing more?

I was just a female.
that's all I ever was.
"Female" is about how he only saw me as a female and not as a girl or a woman. He couldn't understand why I was run with emotion. While I was looking back into our messages to timeline, it became very clear that he never actually liked me or thought of me as a person. "I thought I could talk to a female because they are so empathetic"

This is from my project, "Rose Tinted," a collection of poems, drawings, and stories of reflection. The art can be found on my instagram in the upcoming months.
Voahirana Nov 2020
I knew that you didn’t love me back,
that didn’t stop the pain that came with the words,
“I’ve never thought of you that way.”
I cared for you,
you cared for yourself.
I was never good enough to be loved unconditionally,
never good enough to be your first choice.
You were the rain,
creating my river of tears.
Not one conversation ended happily,
yet you remained a bolder in my path that I refused to move.
I locked myself in a cage with your name on it to impress you,
you didn’t even notice.
Flirting and leading me on was a game,
a punishment,
in your words “just a joke,”
In mine,
the final straw that pushed me into my suicidal hole.
And, I still loved you.
My cheap thrills
may be different than your cheap thrills

My cheap thrills are looking into someone’s eyes and trying to read into their soul
Into their very existence
But eyes aren’t really windows to anything
Are they?

They are but closed doors;
Trap doors, luring you in
And showing you what you want to see
For it’s not with my eyes but the brain that I see !

But when I see him
I see him

I see him for all his beauty and kindness
He’s my blue eyed boy;

See the pun I’m making here
He actually has blue eyes
Ha ha ha
I know
I know
But he’d laugh at that !
And that’s what makes him so perfect;
Perfect to my imperfect eyes
That are merely simply tools
Trapped in the maps of projections that my brain casts over him

My cheap thrills aren’t cheap,
They require me to buy bandages
In bulk
Every time I see him kiss someone that isn’t me, I swear I know what it feels like to be the hulk!

Yes I know,
Augustus waters said
That “You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you.”
And if my heart were to look like a ball of elastic bands except covered in band aids
I’d rather have it be this way for you : )
Storm Jan 2015
What would I give
To hold you in my arms,
To keep you there at night,
To receive the kiss
Only an angel such as you could give?

What would I risk
For one shared moment--
Breath mingled,
Bodies pressed together,
Exchanging words of love?

What would it take
To have you see,
Have you hear,
Have you notice
Just how much you mean to me?

How would it feel
To know you were mine,
That you loved me as I love you,
To keep you close to my heart,
To know you would not leave?

What would it take
To have you as my own?
Basically my thoughts as of late.

— The End —