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Frecky Rosa Feb 2015
Roses are black,
Violets are white,
Sugar is bitter,
And so NOT are you!
Brianna Feb 2015
I wanted to be there when your mind stopped wandering and you remembers who your real friends were.
I wanted to trust that you would come back to me because this is how things worked.
But love and family and friends only go so far these days.
Betrayal and lack of honesty is what will come out to play.
I wanted to see you remember that there was a time you were happy but I was wrong.,
Because even though he broke your heart you ran back every time.
And like a worn our recording of your favorite song... The record skipped a few beats so I could sing on.
You were my best friend and now your just dust in the wind.
I hope a boy was worth the end of a friendship.
And an upset stomach,
last night I did something bad, but that's
every weekend.
soemthing stupid for a spark of laughter happiness and
masking how I feel and what's really going on
I need to get it together.
but somewhere in my mind is telling me other wise.
Last night was a good night to only get punished. Was it worth it?  A lil. but now I feel sick and I need to get the toxins out one way or another
Stages and Ages Feb 2015
I'm tired of being reminded
Of all the places you've touched.
I'm scared of looking in the mirror,
Because I'm scared I'm going to see all the marks you've left.
You've scarred my body
And I'm the only one who can see it

My anger burns up these walls
And the floors are cracked
Because my spine has sunken so far into it
You said you wanted to ruin me,
Darling you just ruined the walls all around me.

I used to write all the time
And I don't know if you took up too much of my time
To pick up a pen
But the second you left
I couldn't breathe without writing about how painful it was.
I've been writing so much lately.
I'm finally getting all the words out of my head.
rained-on parade Feb 2015
Stupidity tastes surprisingly like guilt.
I think I've made a fool of myself. Hopefully not a big one.
Elizabeth P Feb 2015
Hello followers
Young and old
I've been gone a while
And there's a story to be told

Young, stupid me
Followed a whim
Broke up with a great guy
And took a chance on him

He is a curly haired gamer childhood friend
Evan, the name is
Funny, unique, weird
And that little smile of his

Weeks the sweetness lasted
And I thought maybe this could be
But one night it soured
And the next morning, he broke up with me

Yes, he cares
And yes, we're still friends
But he has further confirmed
At one time or another all ends

So now I'm left with remorse in my heart
And my mistake on my mind
In the end life's just a big lesson anyway
So I guess I'll leave the regret behind

I'm okay
Just another door to close
Wish it wasn't so
Just highs and lows, I suppose
Lesson learned: stay with original guy.
Jaanam Jaswani Jan 2015
I blame myself for distasteful stupidity;
This inability to conceptualise my sentiment.
I'm magnetic to your waffled fingers, and you're blind
To palpability.

Your purity pours into me like a purgation I've never known;
A thousand sins, each recognised, loved.
How many words have we swapped?

I pine, boy, and ponder upon the postulates you follow
To place a seed into my soul.
Must I really bury my affections for you?

*Saya ingin berdiri sebelah kamu, sebagai putri raja kamu.
Olive Jan 2015
We always ask the kids,
"Who are your friends?"
"What teachers do you like?"
"What would you like for dinner?"
but I never, ever have heard someone ask,
"Are you alright?"
until it is too late
Autumn Whipple Jan 2015
the sight of soccer makes me sick
the smell of old spice makes my eyes *****
seeing a buick makes me want to curl in a ball
it always seemed like you stood so tall
above me
as i stood in your shadow
you were
are oblivious
as you chat away
every day
pretending to care
like you want me there
today you almost
read my poems
to lend you my computer
while it was up
you read one
before i freaked and pulled it away
it makes me
this hopeless devotion
it curdles my stomach
this senseless inward commotion
reading like a sheakspere historian
into your every word
every time
our eyes meet
i fall a
little more in love
and get a little angrier
at myself
for succumbing to
this foolish
black hole
of a sickness
well, im angry at myself a) for feeling like that for a guy who wouldn't notice if i never talked to him again and b) not paying enough attention before handing a boy ive written LOADS of sappy poetry about the computer where i have one of the poems up. one of the poems about him
and he knows it was about him, but he... ugh!!!
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