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The voice Mar 2018
I stand in the middle of the room
My classmates are commanded to listen to me
I am the 14th person to present and so far, everyone has done a good job

I stand in the middle of the room
I begin to saw the name of my project
“My Poem”
I cannot remember what it was about
I do remember, what I felt

I stand in the room,
Hoping that everyone feels what I felt when I was writing it
I felt excited, my stomach had ‘butterflies’ I think
I felt the heat in my heart and the cold on my shoulders.
I felt the tingles all over my body, and the air escaping me

I stood in the middle of the room
I stand in the middle of the room
I was in the middle of the room and said
“My poem”
I heard a chuckle.

I ignored it because the ‘in love’ heart in my chest was more excited than It should have been
I continues and my voice began to play tricks on me
And the r’s rolled and the words were suddenly in another language
My mind still ignored it and continues
Because I felt I could write, and read this and everyone could love it

I stood in the middle of the room,
I waited for the, applause, the smiles, the congrats, or even a simple ‘good job’ like everyone else
My teacher said, work on pronunciation. She said it again. Pro-noun-ci-a-tion
Ok. ‘Work on grammar.’ ‘Work on sentence structure’
“Work on being American” the chuckle said
Or the person who chuckled?

It didn’t mean much, you know
I loved writing so much that it did not matter
I would be a writer, I would continue to
STAND in the middle of the room and share my talent
And when I did, he chuckled
She chuckled, I was Mexican

Not a writer. Writers can’t be Mexican
Unless you write in Spanish and in Mexico
But I was too American for that at this point…

SO the next time I wrote I was ashamed,
Maybe if someone else wrote my writing?
But it didn’t matter,
When the teacher began reading,
The chuckle reminded the class it was the ‘Mexican’ who wrote it

“Mi nina” My mom would say
She reminded me that no only was I Mexican
I was a woman,
Only men thrive in this world
I believed it
And that is why my name is ‘The Voice’
Not my actually name,
Disclosure: I accept criticism on how to better my writing
NOT on what to write or on my background
Thanks, for a lesson I will never forget:

I make my own destiny!
Gonzalitu Mar 2018
Nuestro corazón es músculo.
Por más que esté ya tieso o flojo.
Uno lo tiene dentro suyo,
y hace grande al de los otros.

¿Hace cuánto no lo ejercitas?
Emblandecer un corazón apagado.
¿Recuerdas tu primera cita?
Terminas, dolor y agotado.

Has pensado en abandonarlo
Pero día a día, se sana.
El corazón inanimado,
ahora vivo, siente y ama.

El ejercicio ya es costumbre.
Rutina de amor, la jornada.
Siempre mágico, nunca aburre.
No para, corazón, se agranda.

El que una vez roto y solo.
Callado, oculto y en desuso.
Ahora, inmenso, fuerte y rojo.
Gracias a usted, que se antepuso.
Rileigh Shanks Mar 2018
of sun and heat and romantic glory,
of coal black eyes and a remarkable story,
came a man, dark and handsome, though not quite so tall
with the cunning ability to make every girl fall
under a curious spell of disoriented love
by making each believe they were set above
all the rest, by showering them with praises
of their incomparable beauty, and using masterful phrases
he could capture the heart of an innocent girl,
promising her nothing short of the world.
but in an instant, in a moment, it would all be gone,
because his love was as fleeting as dawn.
he fought with a love that seemed solid and true,
his earnest eyes promising his heart to you.
his silver tongue and alluring voice
made it easy for his captives to make their choice
to surrender their hearts and allow him to hold
their futures and affections because they were told,
with words spoken in the language of love,
that they were meant to be, they fit like a glove:
“Te amo, te amo con todo mi corazón.
Tu eres mi amor, y yo sé que tengo razón
Cuándo yo dijo que significas todo para mí,”
and with beautiful language he would make you see
that he was right, and you needn’t fear
the heartbreak that was drawing near.
for when another beauty happened by,
she wouldn’t fail to catch his eye,
and he would always rush again to start,
taking with him your broken heart.
SonLy Mar 2018
Quisiera decirte cuán estúpido me haces sentir
Quisiera decirte cuán alegre me hace leer tus palabras
Quisiera decirte que no siempre las comprendí
Quisiera decirte que las recuerdo, en ellas pienso por las mañanas
Sueño con tu rostro, aunque no tenga muchos recuedos ya
Sueño con tu canto, aunque apenas por unos minutos te oí hablar
Sueño con abrazarte, aunque ni a tu lado me acerqué
Sueño con caminar contigo, aunque sé que no podré
Quisiera ver tu mundo y explorar cada uno de tus sueños
Ayudarte a cumplirlos, que en mis ojos veas lo que en el mundo no ves
Quisiera escuchar tus penas y ser tu mejor consuelo
Regresarte la esperanza que cruelmente te arrebató el ayer
Quisiera que cada lágrima que derrames no sea en vano
Que en sus caídas dibujen líneas para nuevas vidas
Quisiera que árboles de luz crezcan del suelo que han tocado
Que sus frutos fortalezcan tu corazón, cansado de mentiras
Sueño con ver tus ojos brillar de felicidad
La cual yo también quiero encontrar
Sueño con verte correr hasta la infinidad
Ver tus pies senderos pintar
Sueño con que tus sueños sean conmigo
Invadirlos y que veas lo que puedo crear contigo
Sueño que me ayudes a recuperar
Mi tan deteriorada creatividad
Porque en ti quiero confiar
Aunque tenga miedo de volver...
De volver a ver una puerta ante mis ojos cerrarse
Dejando vacíos que nunca podrán llenarse
Sueño que mis palabras sean reales
Sólo a ti te sueño, despierto y escribiendo...
I wish I could tell what still remains inside... I just wish
English is not my first language, hopefully I'll be able to translate this one very soon and properly
The Non-Poet Mar 2018
siempre van a ver
las manchas
en el sol
la sombra negra
a tu brillante luz

no pierdas
la esperanza
para ser lo mejor
cada momento
de este regalo, amor

de vueltas
en la lluvia
y bailes
con tu amor
sea la estrella
del centro
de cada persona
sin temor

la vida es
solo una vez
por favor
con toda tu purez


there will
always be
the dark spots
in the sun
the black shadow
to your brilliant light

don't lose
the hope
to do what's great
each moment
of this gift, my love

spin around
in the rain
and dance
with your love
be the star
in the center
of every person
no fear

is only once
enjoy it
with all your pureness

i'm sorry the poem is in spanish, this is just how it flowed for me

enjoy the translation at the bottom (it doesn't come out the same, but i tried my best)
Gonzalitu Mar 2018
Tiranos momentos, se encuentran tan lejos.
Gobiernan las vistas, gobiernan lo nuestro.
Difuso y añejo, de tu rostro, el recuerdo.
Ya pocos y fríos son nuestros encuentros.

Tirano es el tiempo, te mueves tan recto.
Inalterable, ni con el mejor beso.
Te esfumas, te aprieto, te escurres de nuevo.
Por favor, sólo este instante deseo.

Y ella, pospone la visita, a mí, enfermo.
Por simples deberes.
Compromisos, trabajos o  paseos.

Nuestra despedida, desatada nos viene.
Aprovecha, estoy todavía despierto.
Hay algo que aún no comprendes.
Lo mio por ti, no es eterno.

Estoy aquí, aguardando el llamado.
Ven cuanto antes, que te quiero.
Te espero, te espero escribiendo.
A way too personal reflection about shared time.
Piel suave
plumas de quetzal
ambar en los dedos
y azucar en los labios.

Flor de café
trazos en madera
las caricias en mi pelo
y los roces secretos.

Rosas en el suelo
espinas como sueter
sangre ultravioleta
mirada violenta.

Mascara de avena
saliva envinada
sabores frutales
tu grito silenciada.
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