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LC Mar 2021
a little simile here,
a splash of metaphor there,
all carefully folded and mixed
to form a delicious souffle.

it goes into the oven
at the perfect temperature.
the souffle begins to rise,
the sweet aroma engulfs the room.

but the timer chimes early.
they take the souffle out,
and it sinks within itself,
forming a deep, large canyon.

but this souffle is different.
they put it back in the oven.
it bakes longer and longer
until it finally rises again.
Sometimes it takes time to find the right words. Take all the time you need. :)
M Solav Jul 2019
Ô toi qui hélas aura daigné t’ôter la vie,
Mettant un trait au dessein que tu dessines;
Grande n’est-elle pas parfois la jalousie
De qui partage la misère qu’on te devine.

Ô toi qui aura su mettre fin au jour
Pour enfin écourter la longue nuit
En soufflant d’un seul et court souffle
Sur le scintillement de tes bougies.

Jamais ne sauras-tu
Qu'il fût un monde
Et quel monde!
Qui t'eût compris.

Comme il en prend du courage,
Et il en prend du mal de vivre
Pour faire la traversée de l’enfer
À l’origine de toute la vie.
Écrit en mai 2018 - pour un vieil ami disparu.

— Droits d'auteur © M. Solav —

Cette oeuvre ne peut être utilisée ni en partie ni dans son intégrité sans l'accord préalable de l'auteur. Veuillez s'il vous plaît contacter pour toute requête d'usage. Merci beaucoup.
Liquid Gold Apr 2019
Mentally athletic.
Too much of the sweet life will turn you diabetic.
Sugar rush evoking an urge to be frenetic.
The glucose in your blood stream is sticking there, it's magnetic.

Crippling your immune system,
that's not very diplomatic.
Body temperature rocketing sky high,
it's chilling in the attic.
Unhealthy eating seems harmless at first but it's so problematic.
Inducing laziness and low activity,
leaving you static.

I don't want to work for a boss with tendencies that are psychopathic.
I don't want manual labour,
I want my money automatic.
Flipping pound coins and notes,
make my money acrobatic.
Flexible income streams,
gold medal in gymnastics.

stretch that dough for generations.
Well bred children keeping active is preparation for the elevation of a nation.
On a journey on a train stopping at the next station.

Reaching the final destination.
We want celebration, not desecration.
Perpetual sacrilegious profanity will cause a mass declaration,
signalling the disintegration of society due to miseducation.

Segregation. Aggravation. Unjust starvation.
The list goes on longer than a standing ovation for a patient who beat every single disease caused by contamination.
My imagination is creating the foundation to make up an explanation.

One that outlines that the creation of one of the most corrupt political systems was by a Caucasian group of people,
on extended vacation,
in an unknown location,
renamed America by their dominant population.

A merry go round of nonsense which doesn't appeal to me but comes to my mind so randomly.
Taking time to dive into my inner thoughts like it's the deep blue sea.
I think, I write, I read, I wait and see
If the passage I create is meant to be.

It's time to flip the script with a somersault.
Take all that I've said with a pinch of salt.
If you didn't get it the first time, it's not your fault.
I got an explanation behind my rationale in my vault.
Feedback is welcomed
Olivia Oct 2018
That means breath in French.
And many other things that I can’t describe.
That means that I am in peace.
That means that I have the right to exist
Just because I, too, breathe.
I, too, am alive.
I, too, can speak for myself.
I belong to the living ones.
I inhale.
I exhale.
I breathe.
That long expiration,
As I close my eyes,
Is the only proof that I exist.
That’s why this word might be my favourite
Because thanks to it, I have the certainty of my existence.
That’s a short and soft word
With a deep meaning to it
And a deep meaning to me.

— The End —