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Venny Mar 2016
Constantly searching for serotonin. Because norepinephrine won't let me breathe. Dopamine, you're my dream. Epinephrine you stagger me.
R K Hodge Jul 2014
White cotton kisses
I pretend you occupy the space of this  pillow
I remember your navy sheets
I think they kindly absorbed the blood
it was there, somewhere.
beating or gliding within walls of muscle.
This type of loving has become liquid and electrical.
It is certainly electrical.
spiky pains edging fingertips
Strands of copper threaded into the grooves of your fingerprints
It has a real colour. I don't know what that is.
It's weight fits inside your body.
It is manufactured.
Maybe the ***** triggered it.
Or the serotonin shots when I see your face.
All I have with me now is bone dry fabric and wadding
mandy rigby May 2014
Overwhelmed .. by your sweet smile.
Crushed, defeated ... I like your style.

Taken once again by your guile and charm.
A dopamine rush straight in my arm.

There ya go again, givin it the patter.
I lose control .. but does it matter?

Hatin myself for being unable to resist,
I try to fight the feelin,
but your a catalyst.

wrapped once more in your desire.
tryin to fight it ... but I just get higher

rushed once again .. serotonin flood
I try to hold back .. but ya just so good

(c) mandy rigby 20/05/2014

— The End —