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Khoisan Mar 16
Eat sleep birdies chirp
tweety-tunes taily-twerks
life survive dawn surprise
tasty worms sunrise  
early-birds catchy verbs
Monika Mar 8
Change has been my lifelong foe —
We've been at war since forever ago.
Been in battle ever since I gave life a chance,
It was the only way for me to take a stance.

Losing control — my worst nightmare
That's a recipe for disaster, right there.
Getting consumed by the fear of the unknown,
Back at square one, no matter how much I've grown.

So every step, I measure twice,
Safe for now, but skating on thin ice.
Always making sure things fall perfectly in line,
Mapping my path, watching out for a sign.

Yet roads will twist — they always do 
No matter how well I plan them through.  
Now a higher power has taken the wheel,
Swerving, getting tortured by the despair I feel.

Unfair how time wields a ruthless hand,
Undoing all the things I have planned.
A single crack and the flood pours in —
Chaos ensues, and mayhem within.

One wrong move, one shift too steep,
And I’ll be falling, falling deep.  
They say that change can set you free —
But freedom feels like losing me.  

I'd rather chain myself in place,
Than gamble all I can’t replace.  
No script survives, no maps stay true,
Control dissolves — as I do too.

Too late for salvation — there's only grief
But perhaps it brings a strange relief. 
For change may call, but I won’t flinch —
You'll have to escape my grip, inch by inch.

And perhaps one day, I'll make my peace
No longer holding on, ready to release.
And maybe I'll even learn something from it,
Like that by losing the game, I've also won it.
Prans Mar 5
A light shines so bright from the sky
Crashing down to earth, it explodes
Butterflies in my stomach, no, it's a rose

Growing until it reaches the heart
When it grew it turns into an art
I can't believe I am staring an art for free
A masterpiece that speaks of love and poetry

I was once a lost boy
Couldn't find joy
When you came, it all flipped
My heart beat, skipped

You are so beautiful
It can turn darkness to colorful
Like the sun that gives light
And the stars that shines the night

Everywhere I go, it reminds me of you
A mile away, what a view
Her voice is like birds chirping
I told you, my heart beat skipped, now it's working

I risk everything just to see you
Cause my sky rains but you paint it blue

Across how many times
In you, it only rhymes
Memories of us remains
Eternally, it locks with chains
Everlasting, I will keep all these pain
B Feb 27
Can you swallow hunger downwards
can you sleep it all away?
Work it out and calculate
revise and reshape
cursed and caged
by a body I cannot escape.

Another stone thrown across the river bed
another afternoon
without food.
I'm tired (so tired)
of this being the only thing
I cannot seem to lose.
Monika Feb 23
Give credit where credit is due,
And time will **** it all for you
... But all in good time —
It's patience at its prime

Stop feeding your internal strife,
You've been killing time all your life
Waiting for the world to shift its tide,
Unaware time was always on your side

I finally get it — better late than never,
Now I'll become the game, not just a player
No longer trying to beat the clock,
Ready for action not just cheap—*** talk

Can't turn it back, so I won't look behind
Mistook it for an enemy for never being kind
Believed if I had more of it I'd surely touch the sky
Never waiting for me, I hated that it could fly

But as it goes by I've got less and less to spare
Instead of it getting easier, we learn not to care
They promised I'd get it once I come of age,
But if time's money, I only have loose change

So Ima take some time off while it heals all my wounds,
Gave me a hard time even when I followed the rules
I wonder if I'm just wasting time until I'm all out of it
Guess only time will tell — poetic a bit

Anyway, I promise it's the last time I'll ask
This time, I'll even take off my mask;
Could you find the time,
To make some time
For me to try
And make it in time
This time?
I'm top heavy; my thoughts are resting at the brim – no cap! Often
my lips leak their thoughts at the brim; and I’m a cup with so
much to spit. I'm words on a spit – burning away time, in these fires
of life. Always the unannounced guests, coming to visit your home;
to make it feel like a show, making sure everything is in order – the
house is live.
Also, as you live with a drive, those around you hope
you’re a responsible driver, to arrive with you alive.

I'm the tip of a scent towards destiny – hoping the path where my
soul goes, my heart also knows; I shoot my shot with aims to shoot
goals. I hold the script of a child's life, and my younger self looks at
me, to play all of those roles.

But when the model falls, and rolls over on their stage, do you still
look at them as your role model. At times I know why my self relates
so well to a bottle – all of those emotions a man tries to keep bottled.
While life feeds you time; a man still finds it a bit hard, for that piece
of pride he has to swallow.

These days feel like too many moments of regrets, questioning what
to do next – like the morning after ***. The two sit up, deciding who
will go and buy the morning after; *** can be like sleeping with
your regrets – it's an uncomfortable bed, but the one that you made.
There's no shame in admitting your mess; just clean it up with your
responsibility, before looking to hire a maid.

That's enough overthinking for today.
B Feb 26
A shiver of uncertainty
prickling stars on the corners of my frame.
Weaving through speach, playful and playing
what is this awful game?
Deep in the chasm, pain in my belly
never satisfied, never done
disrobe myself and begin once more
to never find myself ready
nothing ever won.
And I can sharpen my wit
day by day
whittle it to a blade
practice what I say.
It's nothing impressive
next to the truth
I'm completely and compulsively obsessive
with the way that you move.
In fact, I am entranced
by every little thing that you do
embarrassingly strong, this yearning notion.
I cannot break through.
a crush that slowly crushes you too
To My Valentine

You're not just the girl for me,
You're the world to me.

My first good morning,
my last goodnight.

When You're in my arms,
everything feels right.

The sound of you sleeping soothes My soul.

The warmth of your touch makes me feel whole.

Lying here in my arms,
the kiss of your lips,
the smell of your skin,
the curve of your hips,
in those moments the world disappears.

In those moments,
all that I hear
is two hearts beating.

Saying love is here.
Write me a poem for Valentine's Day!
If your a poet,
You know that's what She'll say.
So writers block be ******,
My dues must be paid,
To that arrow slinging Cherub,
If I have any hopes to get laid!!!

Happy Valentine's Day
to my fellow poets!
Yeah... I’ll be the reflection of one’s depression – to hotspot their
emotions, for the ones that lack real expression. I am a weapon by
the impression of my pen; I demand love and attention – so ****
possessive; these words are my greatest possession.

My mind… my mind is just a book, and I feel so overbooked.
And the dreams in my eyes are overlooked, while I dream about
my death knowing it’s never too good. But we feel so misunderstood
hoping not to leave pieces of ourselves. Life dares to cut me down
like a tree, and sometimes I wish it would.

I’m two doors swinging in the milestones of a lonely road. I threw
my rocks at my reflections – their irregular metre, is such an ugly
ode. Still if I reflect other's depression; I’ll transport it around the
globe, and carry their load.

I am their depression to be showed. Yeah, we're depressed, but I
doubt a lot of you would really know!
Descovia Jan 29
My wordcraft game is mad insane. They say no pain, no gain.
What would you gain if my words tore you into atoms. I am suffering, from feelings I'd rather not explain. I crash out. No parachute. I am not talking Crash without Bandicoot. Mad when they hear truth.  In this Raging Revolution atrocities, are destroying our youth! People nowadays never question, before they decide to shoot!

These boys better learn, to go about the flow as the table turns. Playing with fire only will leave you with burns.

We have our worries and concerns.  But I know this for sures.
If you live by love, then that love will be returned.
Ego vs Logic the warzone in my dome  contradiction of actions can misdirect words!

Hating on me, without understanding my intentions. Hating on me, for wanting simplicity. Life been constantly complicated since my existence.
Putting on bars it's just a hobby for weekend. Don't get it twisted. Winning is my only addiction, hella gifted with brutal ambition. One of the best by definition. Haters? I never seen ya'll... as competition.  Third eye gaining focus, so everything implemented barely reaching my mind's vision!

Without condescending and threats.
What else you can bring to share?
Trying to move me?
We'll fly places,  steel-toed patience can't stand to bare
My mind in despair descending into depths of irreversible hell.
You wouldn't make it there!
If you wish. Be my guest.
You can have your space.
I am not easy to scare.
I been treated all kinds of ways
This is why I treat everyone fair.
Your toxicity is killing the air.
The shackles on my heart
are barely beginning to wear.
Everyone out there just needs
That one homie or friend
who will show care.
Another reason why ...
I choose discernment over despair!

© Descovia

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