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Conor Letham Jun 2014
What you don't see
is the way I wait,
watching her braid
worries in her hair
speckling small daisies,
my eyes like tumblers
gulping her in swigs
as she perches glasses
on the arch of her nose,
and then we'll take
a photo
to remark on how
we were back then
and now.
Lunar Jun 2014
take a shot;
down it all in one go and feel the temporary high
take a shot;
click the button to capture the moment and make it forever
take a shot;
inject yourself and be immune to life's diseases
take a shot;
attempt to do the impossible and prove haters wrong
take a shot;
a go at the goal and score as much as you can
take a shot;
at life and live it to the fullest.
No time to lose. You only live once. Take a shot.
Marquis Hardy May 2014
It was just a normal day that we happened to be together. Your hand in mine; us side by side and then you broke away. You broke away to stare at something from far away so it wouldn't be self conscious of you peering into its soul. You stood there looking so intently at something I couldn't
see. I couldn't see what you perceived for I couldn't believe that there was something you saw that I couldn't conceive. So I stopped...I smiled and I took a picture. I took this picture of you staring in the distance with this half acquired smile... a moment in time that I would be sure to keep with me forever. The moment penetrated my soul ever so deeply that I decided to keep the picture somewhere it could affect even the ground I walk on. I keep the picture in my sole.... In the sole of my shoe so no matter where I go I'm walking with you.
Cunning Linguist Jun 2013
Not even the shame of our eradicated bliss
is enough to replace the image of your face
imprinted on the inside of my eyelids

My memories return me to a time,
when being able to call you mine
was more than enough reason
for me to want to shine

a reason to try,
a reason to fly,

and just when life was too perfect to be right,
suddenly you erased all my stars
and I was cast deep into the night

Why does this still frame remain
when I could not refrain
from letting you walk away?

Why was I so easy for you to discard?
We were so much alike
it ripped us apart

Now you look upon me with such blatant disregard
I stare up at the stars
look wide and far,
I can't find them;
I see only caverns of scars carved across the sky

It took until now
to figure out
life will proceed,
even if I never know how

to so reclaim this piece of me you took when you left
I'm incomplete
and this hallowed heart slows its beat in my chest

Since I'm a victim to my narcissistic thinking;
and you're overflowing with persistence,
unblinkingly let our flowering love blossom into this,

You had been worth so much,
you tore me down such,
I never realized
you weren't ever worth a drop of my blood
our love had been such a burden in a blessing,
falling apart was effortless

This story fails to have a happy end
I'm sure the future will cross our paths to some extent
until then, I can pretend to let this image fade away
until it returns, then disappears once again
Aeipathy (Archaic) Noun. A continued passion; an unyielding disease
He slid his picture next to hers.
To dust the spaces beneath it.
Let the corners of the frames touch.
Left them together, to see if she would smile.

Pointless spring cleaning.
Her picture was collecting dust.
He held her name so tight behind his teeth-
He forgot he needed to breathe.
The sunset is beautiful
I only wish you were here
to complete the evening

If you were
what would we do?
Where would we go?
Perhaps we'd just stay here
sitting on the steps
standing over the water
leaning on the buildings by the docks
simply talking
about how life has been
individually, several miles apart

Familiar our exchanges might be,
no small thanks to
our fancy flatscreen devices,
I'd still want to hear each word
while we do whatever we desire
because you'd be here
and we'd be together
at last in person again
laughing, smiling, jesting
holding and stroking each other
poking and patting in this place and that
all while looking out at the sunset
although I wouldn't want
to look away even if I could
from those deep brown eyes
flowing with the tone of your soft skin
and the groomed lines of your elegant hair;
perfect as a pristine painting
whether afar or in the details.

I only wish
that you were here
beside me.
Just another fantasy by another hopeless romantic.
AavelinaJaden May 2014
Your bone structure is architecturally statued in museums of perfection and I can only hope I don't crack you
The butterflies use your body as a perch and I stay after hours trying to read how the street lamps affected the glow on your face
You captivate me, trying to photographically memorize every ******* inch of cartilage that lies between your fingernails and mine
I've never admired a piece of modern art the way I've scrutinized every detail of heavens work and they say you can't put a price on love
At least fire and lightening can't crumble the walls surrounding our palace of forsaken fortitude and everlasting sanity
But honey I'd give up every breathe of my soul to be molded into your arms to stay forever captivated in the moment of stone enditement
a series of tweets put together
J M Surgent May 2014
I met a girl,
Who wrote a poem for me,
Took a picture,
And put them together.

It took some time for me to say it
But I loved her,
Though the picture was in waiting, lonely.

Today, it sits beside my nightstand,
For my to wake up to,
Her face shining in morning light,
To remind me why I wake up every day.

Her face, the place
I want to say good morning to.
I want to say good afternoon to.
I want to say good night to, too.
If a picture's worth a thousand words
Then I'll send you a picture of me smiling
Because I'm speechless when I think about you.
B M Clark May 2014
Paint a picture for me
Paint me the night
Paint the world as you see it
Paint it with love

Paint for me your hopes
Paint your dreams intertwined
Paint the thing you want most
Paint the best you can

You've painted all you want
And all you see
Paint now what you have
And what you love

Now you've done that
Step back, take a look
What have you created?
A master piece of you.

But do not gaze long
Do not gaze often and dream
Instead put it away
Go pursue the dreams you've created.

Nothing is worse,
No nothing hurts
More than a dream
You do not pursue
10th Grade
16 years old
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