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Ignatius Hosiana Oct 2017
Love is blind because
doubt killed her vision
Ignatius Hosiana Oct 2017
It's not a thousand miles you should be afraid of,
It's easier to walk those than a mile away from love.
No matter how bad it hurts to stay
it always feels like the best choice on the scale of preference...
Love is the longest distance you'll ever walk,
sometimes even without barging an inch.
Ignatius Hosiana Oct 2017
Why's it that long after you did my heart shatter
the rains of melancholy on my soul still do patter?
Why are the scars still bearing the sore feeling
centuries after they coated in the name of healing?
Ignatius Hosiana Oct 2017
The more I get over you,
the less poetry I write
so you
either were a great inspiration
*Or I was never a poet, but
just a man hopelessly in love.
Ignatius Hosiana Oct 2017
Walked away,
*but ain't moved on
Ignatius Hosiana Oct 2017
Gave me a reason for living
but none for leaving
Jungdok Oct 2017
I feel sleepy,
And i'm quite tired
It has been a long day
And so I lost my desire
To live and to strive

Surviving just feels so forced, so cliche

I felt nothing new, but why are they so amused?

Is it really that beautiful to experience the same thing, over and over again?
Just freaking depressed, just random scribbles during break time
Ignatius Hosiana Aug 2017
The waves have washed me far from where I belong
I think I can't remember who I was...
I will always be gone for so long
but time and again still find the shores...
I miss doing my poems everyday, just too busy for it...
Ignatius Hosiana Jul 2017
And here I was thinking she's my happy ending...
the road of life has a funny way of suddenly bending.
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