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Kewayne Wadley Jan 2017
At the bookstore I found a guide
Inside was a simple instruction.
A funny looking diagram.
I tried everything imaginable but still couldn't figure it out.
Flipping page after page, Telling you what I've found.
The way the instruction was wrote was shoddy.
Continuing to follow the diagram.
Attempting what I read all you did was laugh, none of it worked.
It didn't hit me until I threw the paperwork that I might have been reading it
upside down.
Finding a different way to love you.
Upon further reading I followed the instruction verbatim.
If anything it pushed me further away from you,
A strange look that continued with the raise of a eyebrow.
I looked online and read the reviews, found the publisher of the book.
I wrote them stating that the guide was entertaining but still had problems
applying what I read.
I looked again at the strange stick figures wondering if figure one really was
figure one.
Reading the publishers reply,
They really should print these things better as all they did was laugh.
It wasn't until I reached the end of the book and read in fine print.
For entertainment purposes only
Becky Littmann Jun 2014
Who am I?
I am me, who else would I be?!?
Not Tinkerbell or Repunzelle with the long, long hair
Nor Peter Pan in Never-Never land without a care
I am just ME
Happy little ME
What did you say??
OF COURSE I am ME every day!
There's no other way!
I don't want to be anyone else but ME
& that's who I am
...WHAT!!?? NO, I am not a Pam or a Tam
I told you already who I am!!
I am ME!! I am ME!!
Who sometimes climbs a tree..
Who sometimes lays by the sea...
But no matter where I go
There's something you should know
I am always ME!!
Change!? Not never no how will that ever happen,
It just simply won't be...
I love being little ME
Why wouldn't I be, I'm the coolest ME there will ever be!!
You just watch & see....
I am who I am & I am ME
That's truer than true
Just as much as you are you
& there's nothing you can do!!!

— The End —