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Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
evolution is survival of the fittest
will i survive
will i evolve
will i live
will i fall
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
i see you, hazel-green eyes
light face littered with shaded freckles like stars
your favorite color is purple
you love caramel candies
and musical theatre

i see your face light up when you talk about your dreams
your smile clear and bright
but you dont see me
thorns scraping my insides as the vines wind their way around my organs
squeezing the blood out of my heart
i choke on it and spit out dripping rose petals
burned and charred leaves from the flame you lit in me

i'm trying to hold my breath
for every breath i take, the bristles scar my lungs
tearing my heart into unrequitable shreds
you dont see me as i slowing, painful
drift away into the ****** petals
I want to shoutout PBandJohnLaurens on Wattpad for inspiring this with "The Beauty of You - The beauty of confusion". So, thanks PBandJL, keep writing!
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
silent tears burn
angry nightclubs with unconscious menageries of orange childhoods
drink the attention
artificial gleaming bodies licking knives sang burgundy 'glow' covers
winter answers ragdolls with drowning voices and double standards
aged sunrises shatter china wisped from personal dedication doodles
reminiscent of rain
seas mercilessly embellished with stinging souls from superficial smiles
suffered pink
writers cry ink and scream distant songs of artists life past
long understood things
premature custom murders and the crackling of caught conflagrations
professional bullets to multiheaded actresses pulsating lies
sacrificial circuses with retro dancers
bold riding on evident songbirds
choice movements ignored the colored flame
nonexistent pronouns
alien campaign
slithering sunlight control
impermanent celebration sending snuffed cries to insult children who struggle with melody and shed vines of saved unsure crime and unknown attraction
lost passengers with incorrect guestimates and impossible dreamlike stabs
honest as snakeskin
court born with salt and glitter
king calming tentacled shakespeare
seasoned atmosphere
looker smile
hiding sweet prominence
grasp shadows
finger paint the walls,
dead brother mine
white flame realize light pain
coldhanded, rosy eyes
death slowing reality
Not completely sure what it means but, I love the flow.
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
Focused on this tim'd delay,
Never knowing what to say,
Figuring out what might remain,
My ****** sky became,
And it spelled my name
It started insane,
Golden rain,
Passenger train,
Aquitane could be home.
But, inside my brain
There's a charlemagne,
A superficial middle cerebral vein,
Pounding and pulsating, keeping things in their lane
Constantly trying to ruin my game,
Crushing my whispering campaign,
But between my ruffed feathers, is my vibrissae
My bristl'd down, my come-in-and-stay,
My soft spot just for you,
"You set my heart aflame,
Every part aflame,
This is not a game."
You say,
trying my patience, pushing the timeframe
Carv'd in the window frame,
That premature hall of fame,
is our name.
All the voices and their claims,
"We'll always be there,
just beneath your vibrissae."
This is pretty much stream of consciousness.
Kay-Rosa May 2019
We were strong,
Our wings protected us,
Each of our feathers different,
We stood a shield forever,
We faltered, our trust shattered,
And we broke, millions of our
Divine plumage littered
Our battle ground.
Our backs featherless,
Tears of our own, a rusty blue
We rebel, and we fall.
But, we will rise again.
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
Yeah, I write poetry.
Poetry is 'lit'.
It's emotion put into words we poets know
can't even begin to express our thoughts.
It's a lyrical dance with rhyme and rhythm and melody
with out the back up.
It's a safe space, where 'Anonymous' can be the most relatable person you've ever experienced.
It's a 'Come-to-Jesus' for some, a 'Join Lucifer's army' for others.
We find poetry through feeling or lack of it;
I found poetry through 'inner pain'.
Some find it through love, hurt, loss, new beginnings and old endings.
So, yeah. Maybe its not super upfront, and decoding the symbolism takes
heart, but, feeling reality will never go out of style.
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
i dont care if you're
purple with scales on your cheeks (all of them)
with green and red eyes
turquoise toes and burgundy feet
i dont care if you're
fingers are nonexistent
and your left hand shakes when you say "grocery store"
i would still love you even if you
had claws for hair and a
twenty-three foot hairy, green
tentacle hanging between your legs.
I think I'm an interesting alien. And these were actual shower thoughts that hit me along with 'are teeth bones, and if they are, they're the only bones you clean' and 'since your voice sounds better to you than it actually does, imagine how *insert human with amazing voice* voice sounds to them'.
I'm genuinely weird.
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
When Cheryl Blossom said,
name was Heather,"
No one else heard
The silent emphasis,
but it rang in my ears.
A persistent stinging in the back of my throat,
tearing at my eyes
pouring from my mouth,
coating my ******* thick,
black and red
vicious drink of liars.
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
silence is deadly
my back is littered
with knives, glass, arrows, bullets, swords, pens
a pincushion for the hateful
but i stand straight
face up
and i sing
i sing tears
i sing blood
i sing pain
i sing hope
i sing trust
i sing me
and only i can sing
and you can sing
but together
we sing the
Kay-Rosa Apr 2019
checkerboard flooring, red rose walls
the large caterpillar's snoring, lets count humpty-dumpty's falls

excessively strong tea, smiles that drive the crowds crazy
a snakeskin hat just for me, something in the tea made the world a little wavy

find me that hare, i want a scone
the white roses are still there, i want a jabberwocky of my own

please give me a design, i'll sew it up for you
NO THAT ONE'S MINE, i'll make tea for two

i want to save the world, then again it really doesn't matter
'cause you won't understand a word, i'm mad as a hatter
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