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Zywa Feb 2021
I'm stuff in love and

forget to get off the bus –

I'm lost in her scent.
“Uit het leven van een hond” (“From the life of a dog”, 2019, Sander Kollaard)

Collection "Loves Tricks Gains Pains in the 0s and 10s"
N Pescador Feb 2021
I want a love that is really mine
Love with no fear
Love whole heartedly
I want a love that never ends
Boston Tueller Feb 2021
Iv'e been lost in your beauty
Many times before.
The way you flow so flawlessly
The way the light shines through you
The way you sparkle and shine
As it bounces off each remarkable ripple.

I've been up and down you
Many times before.
Getting lost in your current
Endlessly exploring every part of you
You've carried me so far
As I floated contently for the ride.

I have come to you
Many times before.
You have never let me down
You have been so kind
When I need a friend, you will comfort me
And I'll be forever grateful.
Boston Tueller Jan 2021
Spelling secret messages
With my fingers
On your back
Of the words that I am too afraid to tell you.

Living in a fantasy
That is a reality
My younger self
Could never comprehend.

As we float downstream
I wish this river had no end
Not knowing if i'd ever
Get to see your face again.

But I open my eyes
And there you are
Standing right in front of me.

Paralyzed by your smile
I can only do the same.
e Jan 2021
how many times have you said i love you
while they weren’t listening?
how long have you stared at them
wishing you were close, just enough to cling?
ask yourself :)
TheSanguinary Jan 2021
I need sme water
My body needs more
This thirst,
I hve failed to quench
The more i drink
The thirstier i become
The thirdt only she can quench

I hve been inslaved to my desire
My desire to hve her
My desire to hold her
To devour her
The harder i try to escape
The deeper it feels
As a slave to my desire
An addict to her love

I feel like i hve a pit inside me
One that can keep eating for eternity
Deep and dark
U mightcall it bottomless
Am I tired....?
Can i stop....?
I cant stop eating
My hunger for her keeps growing
with every bite i take
The pit grows deeper
Leaving me starving for more
A hunger even she cant satisfy
Call me gluttony

I thirst for her lips
My body craves to taste em
A revitalising kiss that brings back life to my shrivelled and dry body
I am an addict to her love
A day without her feels like eternity
When im in her,
Arms feels like home
When i see her
My heart jumps from joy
Like playing a song for her
I starve for her body
The slightest and most delicate of touches feels like hve touched heaven
The screams and moans....,
Melodies i can't live without
When she kiss me
When she holds me
And when she takes me in
I pray it is a fantasy
Because if not......
fray narte Jan 2021
to kiss you senseless until i am a seaglass buried deep inside your skin. to lick salt off your palms with paper-cut lips, until each breath has gone haywire. to quietly sigh your name until it baptizes my heathen tongue. oh, the wars i would start; the wars i would end — darling, there is something soothing about all the violent ways i can love you.
Ziv Dec 2020
I want you to kiss me
until the liquor on your breath
burns my tongue,
to hold me so tight that
the smoke on your clothes
rubs into my skin, and the hiccupping beat
of your tired heart is all I can hear
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