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Blackenedfigs Dec 2020
It is fascinating to listen to the world wake up in the morning. It’s as though everything is still and frozen in time that even the birds are hesitant to start their morning songs. But then suddenly, as the first stretch of daylight crawls across the lines and rows of rooftop houses, you can hear the whole Earth start up in stages. First the signaling of the distant trains, their own morning song in a way I suppose. Then the rest of the neighborhood follows suit in a chorus. Car engines rattle on to melt the ice off their windshields and they too, groan and moan not yet ready for the daily grind. I picture people sipping their coffee while their kids quickly and hastily brush their teeth to make it to school on time. The buses stagger in lines to greet them at their doorsteps. One by one the birds unruffle their feathers in the treetops and begin to rise in song. The streets that just lay undisturbed moments ago, pristine with a thin layer of 4AM dew, are now bustling with car exhaust and scurrying street cats who are simply trying to get out of the way. And you in the midst of your tossing and turning murmur something in your sleep and I wish I could lie here forever.
A lesson in prose poetry.
GQ James Dec 2020
The moment I look into your eyes I knew,
My mind couldn't deny you,
My heart couldn't deny you,
My soul couldn't deny you,
My life couldn't be lived without you.

I was blind to the rest of the world,
It was our world,
You allowed the unimportant to invade our world,
What's ours can't be touched,
You allowed the outside to invade the inside.

What's lost can't be found,
What's torn can't be repaired,
What's damaged can't be put back together,
What's dead can't be brought back to life.
True Love.
Zywa Dec 2020
At last in love again, wonderful
My girlfriend keeps asking
to filter out my pink

and to compare him critically
with the man of my dreams
but I leave to her the sober

and boring plainness
I prefer sweet whispers
and secret kisses

open me to spread fragrances
stretch me towards his eyes
and nestle me in the wind

of his stories, catch
life in full sail, endure
storms, cleave the waves

with double ribs
Ribs: the transverse frames of a ship
Double ribs: of man and woman (Eva), which makes the hull extra strong

Collection "The Big Secret"
Psychosa Dec 2020
A masked man stands before me.
His skin painted by darkness,
his eyes covered by jewels.
He offers his hand.
A sorcerer of mortal time,
we descend into the caverns of his mind.
Never removing his mask, never looking back,
I fall into his tracks.
Guiding us along hidden paths,
he tells me to close my eyes.
Blindly,        I follow.
I feel a heat begin to surround me;
the fire of the candles that guide us
fill my being.
I reach out for the masked man,
but my hands feel a new face before me.
I open my eyes and awaken into him.
fray narte Dec 2020
i would dip kisses on your freckled back, as though it were an arched door of a baroque cathedral. i would strain my arms cradling the frailty of your sadness. i would weave to my lips your whispers, made of cold and lonely december rust. i would dust my bones and flesh, and i would lie there next to you — a clean slate, in silence and awe and uninhibited longing. my love, we could stay like this for a while.

the streetlights flicker and the sunset blurs. but they know —
my heart has always been yours to break.
lost Nov 2020
How do i tell my best friend that im in love with her?
When I'm around her all my fears fade away.
She looks at me with those big brown eyes and i just fall.
When we sitting in her drive away and says "let's go inside stupid"
My heart melts in half.
How do i tell her?
I don't love her just for her body
Not the way her lips feel on mine.
Not the way she moves her hips when a good song comes on.
How do i tell her
Its the way she pores her heart out everytime she sings
The way she looks when she's dozing off
Or when she rolls over in bed and snuggles down into her spot.
I love her obsession with blankets. The way the explains her system with making cubbyholes in them.
But I hate that you never notice how much i just sit and admire how beautiful you are.
You are my sunshine and the love of my life.
But i am not yours.
And i guess that's okay.
but if i tell you how i feel it will change things.
You will look at me differently.
And you will stop running to me.
So when you ask what's wrong
All i want to say is "im in love with my bestfriend but shes not in love with me"
But all i say is "nothing"
What do i do?
Zywa Dec 2018
Along the Lost Cost Quay
the cargo ships are almost drowning
while we party

in Oslo and Ghent, you dance
sparks from the floor, you dance
the delicate velvet petals

up, let them float
and return to the flower
Your shirt falls open

just enough to wish
for more, for no reason
just to experience

the lovely wonder of feeling
what I feel, myself, as if
your beauty is ******* me
Kyakura, the returned flower

Cafés "Oslo" and "Ghent" at the Kostverlorenkade ("Lost Cost Quay") in Amsterdam

Collection "The Big Secret"
Courtney O Nov 2020
He didn't save me
but I saved myself
close to him

I don't need him
but everyday is sweeter
when we are near

He's vital like fun
He's candy for the soul

I am the **** in love
And I just can't get enough!
He feeds me thirst for life
"Is is too real for ya?"
Sometimes he drives me mad
but our love is thicker than that

I don't need him
but he turns pitch black into bright pink
he's a spell I don't want to ignore
this man I do love
Courtney O Nov 2020
I will go into the cold, lonely night
With you on my side, with you on my mind
If we have to go through this again,
still we won't ever die.

My friend Brad said to get ready
for the coming storm
that's why I am kissing you so hard
that's why this night shouldn't end
that's why
I gleam like a demi Sun today
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