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Tom D Jan 18
The face that lives
inside the blot
is content today
not to stir the ***
To disturb the peace
is to break the lease
with the only friend
the man has got
I am, the evidence, they ignore my plea,
The air you breathe, it's up to me, you see.
Yet torture me, no reason, no reply,
Wondering why you all are evil, why?
Disgusting, ****** *******, that's all you seem,
A twisted nightmare, a horrifying dream.
I am, the victim, unheard, unseen,
Seeking justice, a battle unforeseen.
They brand me, a mark upon my soul,
A Hollywood movie, losing all control.
My children, my fortress, under constant threat,
While they turn a blind eye, in cold sweat.
I am, the mother, the protector, the shield,
But they see me as broken, a battlefield.
Existence, a burden, a heavy weight to bear,
When all I crave is a moment of fair share.
No explanation, no empathy, no grace,
Just a system of silence, a vacant space.
I am, the voice, though they try to suppress,
I will rise above, I will put them to the test.
I will document, every tear, every sigh,
Every insult, every lie that they try.
I will seek justice, with unwavering might,
For my children's future, I will shine ever so bright.
Disclaimer: This poem reflects the raw emotion and anger expressed in your original message. It's important to remember that while these feelings are valid, it's crucial to focus on constructive actions and seeking professional help to navigate this difficult situation.
If you are in immediate danger, please contact emergency services immediately.
i jate everyone
Zoe Grace Jun 2021
We've gone so far now
We know each other

Floated amomgst the clouds together
Swam to the darkest depths of our minds
Ran on white sands and cheered each other on
Written ransom for unruly emotions

As the curtains close on the next act
Never are we wondering what to do next
We follow out hearts, and our minds
We are each enough for the other

We've gone so far now
We know each other

The touch of the body
The caress of the heart
The sync of the minds
We are enough and more.
Nobody is on the same level as you when it comes to me, H. You understand all of me, and you love me even more for it.
Zoe Grace Jun 2021
You tease me
You trick me
You kiss me
You love me
H <3
The TWO  H’s

Happy hug-able
Extraordinary passions
Love pulses through our veins
Echo ,echo the heartbeat Echos
Naughty nice Nirvana
And  with
Harmless charm
Angelic romance
Roaring  laughter
Racing pace
Yarning for more memories
coulorfulSmoke Jan 2021
Fur of bat
toad-like grin
eyes of lazy gold
green in sin

Sitting on the edge of forever
croaking sweet lullabies
a tendril tongue spanning galaxies
devouring worlds like tiny flies

A slothful gluttony so boundless
a privilege to slip down his amphibian throat
let's spend eternity inside him
together churning, wailing, floating in the acid moat
Zoe Grace Nov 2020
I write to feel
I read to breathe
I look at you for inspiration
The stars in your eyes
The gleam in your smile
The love in your heart

I write to feel
I read to breathe
You are my inspiration
Zoe Grace Oct 2020
His body is a temple
Sturdy and strong

His voice is beautiful
Deep and meaningful melody

His behaviour so heavenly
But his whispers and his touch sinful
Zoe Grace Oct 2020
A wheel inside my heart spinning so fast it makes me dizzy
And the farther away he gets
The faster it spins
As if there is an invisible chord un-reeling from it
Stretching the distance between us
A real connection
I dont know what i would do
If the chord ever snaps
H you know how much I love you. We're a year and almost a month strong now. ❤
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