Take a bite!
Have a taste!
How dare you say no!
What a waste!
One bite won't **** you!
Well not that you will ever know.
Just please taste it!
Once you do, I'll let you go
There you have it!
It wasn't that bad right?
Ha! Fool! It was poisoned!
Now you're turning white.
Why did I do this?
Because I was the fairest before you arrived!
So to come to my former glory,
I had to **** the person in which this beauty thrived.
Sorry it had to be this way little child,
I didn't wish to harm you this way....
Oh wait, of coarse I did!
I'm just so glad that I had finally succeeded today.
I'll leave you to rest,
For you won't be living in a minute,
I mean you're practically already dead!
So just lay down and let your eyes shut.
I am the queen, fairness and all.
Snow White, you were destined to fall.