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james nordlund May 2020
Awakened, illimitable potential, indivisible
as life, you, can stop them and their coronaing
All.  If one doesn't die to the life every moment,
then they not only never have lived, but, will not
rise from those ashes, as a phoenix in flight
dives and dashes up that cross, more deftly
in finality, unto a wondrous plain, it's the plain
boss, the plain.  If you're not taking bullets
you are making them. This Mother's Day, leave no
footprints that followed none, which will echo
on in all ways, always, abolish fossil fuels use,
walk in nature's balance, giving back to her
abundance, each one reach and teach one, to
turn 360 degrees around, back to the evolution
and future, humanity will only have if you do.
The 'big fix' is in, if it ain't fixed don't
break it. Vote early, protect, occupy and GOTV,
be well, viva la vida, solidaridad, la evolucion.
Good Mother's Day to All mothers.  Thanx for all you All do and don't; have an excellent eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund May 2020
Few know, fewer heed this WWII lesson, if you're not taking
bullets you're making them, used to ****** in your stead, on
your steed.  Winning WWII by luck could've prevented WWIII.  
An eye for an eye, then, allowed the whole world to see.  
You see not-see scientists who were working on the atom bomb,
in a strike of sanity, decided that they weren't as criminally
insane as ******, that they must stop him from getting it
by any means.  They should commit high treason, half go East,
half West, determining a stalemate, detente amongst powers.  
Now it seems too late, that bi-polar axi of supposed powers
'use' of pandemic to subjugate the world to survival instead of
alival, exigency instead of humanity, has pulled the rug out ....

Sadly, everybody's 'going along to get along with the program',
the speed nearly blitzkreiging, of the extermination of mankind
to it's extinction.  Why, do you ask?  They've premeditatedly
murdered 8 billion with climate crisis and if most figure it out
the global oligarchy, republican and totalitarian conspiracies
(West, East, new world order, same as the old), the corporate
structure, institutions, gov'ts, tools of la machine, would be
facing the wrath of 7 billion souls, they might not fare well, no?  
The coronaing of human being is the rich dictated needed segue
to get US to be extinct with a whimper, instead.  You, illimitable
potential, indivisible as life, walking nature's balance, giving
back to her abundance, can abolish fossil fuel use, save us all.
If the global oligarchy doesn't have an exist strategy, the supposed 'Mars Colony', that's the only way they will be forced to save the Earth and humanity.  Thanx for all you All do; have an excellent eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2020
Escalating conning of our Ship of State by the S.S. Tea Party tug into
Plymouth' Rocks is projected to be invisible, non-existent and normal, but
Gandhi taught "the root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science", also,
normalcy, I never suffered or suffered from northern malaise, euro-centrism,
nor academia, a blood disease.  The direct linx between the purposeful non-
prevention and denial of smoking cigarettes distributing cancer, mass-death,
economic destruction (dictating subjugation to and replication of the medical
industrial complex, the con), climate crisis denial and Covid-19 pandemic
denial doing the same, can't be over emphasized.  The supposed sciences'
non-renewable fuel nexus', self-possessed/avarice pyramid scam, of imperial,
patriarchal, colonial, global oligarchic supposed power, run and ruled by
the bi-polar axi of global supposed power, cold war called West vs. East,
**** of Utin's headed, republican, capitalist not-see one (who are also
totalitarian, materialists) and Utin of ****'s ... headed, communist,
socialist totalitarian two (who are also not-see, materialists), a false
duality/dichotomy (there's also no 'sides', a delusional construct) ...
Work in progress; 1 st stanza   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2020
Reeling in the living art, unbeckoning
the hand, pen, weaving paths of study,
words, into lines, betwixt which the poetic
tapestry's music is detailed by life's loom,
flowing within it's own rhythms, rhymes,

Metered within eternity's, space's time,
with echoing silences define, an ear will hear,
a birthplace is divined, a twig of poetree to be,
becomes in chrysalis, being, you, evoking
from a Cosmos evolving, we, One, Thee.
English is like a machine language, 0's and 1's, compared to Chinese; which is why it was so easy for exigency to replace humanity in the united **** of assassins- illusional, delusional constructs are built into the language   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2020
Sitting on this moonlit night,

Not able to forget when we,

At our height,

Were one then three,

Two hearts overflowed with love,

Being with you I knew was meant to be,

Nothing could separate us,

Or compare to Thee.
They say "love's a many splendid things", what they don't say is that the people you'll love aren't.  Thanx for all you All do and don't.  Have an excellent eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2020
****, his admin., Ain Raindians, Malthusians
are ‘using’ the corona virus as multiple means
to their plethora of ends. Many ends of lives,
species, the humane and otherwise, will be
taking place due to their modus operandi of
divide, conquer suckceeding.  How much will it
matter how "close and together" we've become if
there’s 2,500,000 less people, if a % of the
remaining don’t vote in the election in the
Fall because the virus will come back with a
vengeance, for a lot of people will go back to
operating as if it’s gone, just because repubs
told them to, and out of fear of dying, causing
the death by pandemic of their family, friends,
and a king-kong sized terrible-two gets re-
installed into the Black-house?  After the bi-
polar axi of global supposed power, socialist,
totalitarian China, Utin one and his ****, the
other, capitalist, republican one conspired to
try to cower the usa citizens with the supposed
trade war, media hype that was no more than a
repub new tax on every consumer, because the
Chinese corps. just increased their prices on
goods from China to cover the cost of tariffs,
failed to, it's plausible that they came up
with the pandemic to permanently cower man,
the environmental cause and segue humanity
into it's extinction.  Now that dem States are
stopping the extermination of elderly, infirm,
hospitalized, lower-middle-class to poor, dems,
people of color, prisoners, detained immigrants
Utin's **** is dictating that his and Bush'
klans kafknching from their investments in big
pharma and medical supplies corps. increase,
even more than their dictated bidding war for
medical supplies, by dictating people take a
malaria drug proven to **** more patients than
if it's not used!  Don't let the same as it ever
was, 'old world order', East vs. West, that's
supposedly "new", dictate the blitzkrieging
speed of humanity's extinction increase
extremely through pandemic, stop ****'s ***-
backwards agenda, social distance, wear masks,
stay home.  We need inauguration day moved to
a week after election to stop the **** of Utin's
planned cull of 1 million poor before 1-21-21,
The Winter Of Our Extermination.  Awakened,
illimitable potential, indivisible as life, you,
can stop them. If you're not taking bullets you
are making them. This 50 th Earth Day, leave no
footprints that followed none, which will echo
on in all ways, always, abolish fossil fuels use,
walk in nature's balance, giving back to her
abundance, each one reach and teach one, to
turn 360 degrees around, back to the evolution
and future, humanity will only have if you do.
The 'big fix' is in, if it ain't fixed don't break it.
Vote early, protect, occupy and GOTV, be well,
viva la vida, solidaridad and la evolucion. reality
One of the aims of this escalation in the class war is to ****** coastal metropolitan populaces, mostly democrats, to stop them from voting; don't you let it work- fund democracy and voting by mail, please.  The increasing of the blitzkrieging speed of the repubs class war against the lower-middle-class to poor can't be tolerated; mass-murdering tens of thousands behind the guise of ineptitude?!?   reality
james nordlund Apr 2020
...Struggling to strive,

Striving to thrive, thriving to

Be alival, not survival, do.
Please thank all the healthcare professionals you know?  'The big
fix' is in, if it ain't fixed don't break it.  
Social distance, wear masks, protect and GOTV,
viva la vida, viva la evolucion.  Thanx for all you All do and don't; have a great morning   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2020
Yet put to it,

Humanity's call,

Being unburdening,

A path less traveled,

'The big
fix' is in, if it ain't fixed don't break it.  
Social distance, wear masks, protect and GOTV,
viva la vida, viva la evolucion.  Thanx for all you All do and don't; have a good eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund Apr 2020
****, his admin., are ‘using’ the corona virus
as multiple means to their plethora of ends.  
Many, many ends, ends of lives, animal, humane
and otherwise, will be taking place due to their
modus operandi.  How much will it matter how
"close and together" we've become if there’s
250,000 less humane, if a % of the remaining
don’t vote in the election in the Fall because
the “virus will come back with a vengeance,
for a lot of people will go back to operating
as if it’s gone, just because things got better
by Summer”, out of fear of dying or causing
the death by pandemic of their family, friends,
and a king-kong sized terrible-two gets re-
installed into the Black-house?  After the bi-
polar axi of global supposed power, socialist,
totalitarian China, Utin one and his ****, the
other, capitalist, republican one conspired to
try and cower the usa citizenry with their
fake trade war, that was no more than a repub
increase of tax on each citizen, because the
Chinese corps. just increased their prices on
consumer goods to cover the cost of tariffs,
failed to, it's plausible that they came up
with the pandemic to permanently cower man,
the environmental cause and segue humanity
into it's extinction.  Awakened, illimitable
potential, indivisible as life, you, can stop
them.  If you're not taking bullets you're
making them.  The 'big fix' is in, if it ain't
fixed don't break it.  Social distance, wear
masks, vote early, protect, occupy and GOTV,
be well, viva la vida, viva la evolucion.
( It was hacked off two places on another poetry site so i made it better; do you agree? )   What happened in Wisconsin yesterday is an example of what will happen in the General election in the Fall, how many got infected because the repubs wouldn't allow voting by mail; how many of them will die?  "The sleepers must awaken", the movie, 'Dune'.  Thanx for all you All do and have a good eve'   :)   reality
james nordlund Mar 2020
Does this heart reddened with love, that swells unfathomably, sink to thee?

What ever was, ever will be, will always be surrounded by blackened space.

What of the lily, glistening with morning dew, filling an eye vastly as you?

Vacuous nights color, immeasurably vaster than all that ever was within it.

Yet, can it dim ruby red lips desire, undo it's flame of love's fire, ever?

To each there's but a parley with Cosmos' black, a short stint, just that.
Work in progress   :)   reality
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