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JDH Jun 2017
Some introductory food for thought...

"Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire."
  - Ludwig Von Mises

"Bureaucracies are inherently antidemocratic. Bureaucrats derive their power from their position in the structure, not from their relations with the people they are supposed to serve. The people are not masters of the bureaucracy, but its clients."
  - Alan Keyes

The European Union as the New Eastern Bloc?
The Eastern Trading Bloc of the Soviet system had it's origins in the tail end of the Second World war, where, through the suppression of the whereabouts of Kremlin manipulation, had purported itself as democratic agreement, initially giving itself the appearance of a 'bourgeois democracy' as the Soviets called it. Though, inherently was, and clearly became an imperial establishment of control from the Soviet Bureaucracy. Likewise, the European Union, when originally advertised to the nations of Europe was propped up in a similarly unassuming manner, despite having been previously discussed and having the concepts of such a union already organised further back into 1948 at the Hague Conference. The parallels of such such unions (Eastern/Euro) are that they garnered the consent of the public through their foundation being merely upon an economic transnational policy, and not a political one, and therefor their basic parallels are that of deceit.

The Eastern Bloc formed what was essentially a symbiosis of the state and the economy, something that naturally would be inherent under a Communist regime. However, the European Union, too, follows a similar reciprocal foundation, for it binds the state and economy, removing the separation of powers by Capitalistic enterprise, and instead, Centralises governance in a more oligarchical, corporate and bureaucratic apparatus. Operating through a complex arrangement of multitudinous committees and boards, whose members form a body of non-elected representatives. Essentially the European Union, on the guise of an economic market, has formed a centralised, quasi-private parliament akin to the Soviet style hegemony of the Eastern Bloc, and through soft-intimidation and misinformation, keeps it's members bonded. Lest it be forgotten that the Union is allegedly one of 'free trade', yet, when discourse begins to brew of leaving, as it did in Britain, why are we met with threats of economic disability and ostracization? That shows more the signs of a protection racket; of bureaucratic gangsterism, than it does of a voluntary cooperation of national markets.

The unification of Germany and the amalgamation of the European continent?
In a more predictive sense, the European Union shares similarities in it's unifying policies, as it it does to the unification of the German states circa 1871. Spearheaded during the Bismarckian era of the late nineteenth century, Germany, well within a period of two decades transformed from a collection of trading states, to a fully amalgamated nation under Prussian dominated rule, but by what means did this occur, and in what ways does the unification of Germany share similarities to modern Europe?

Of course, the chief processes of German unification lied in the economy, the political structure and culture, the political structure I have already covered. The establishment of a newly amalgamated economy among the German States was created through the breaking down of trade barriers between the previously independent states, one of which ways in doing so was the introduction of the single German currency (the Mark) along with a centralised banking system that allowed for both monetary control by the state and the removal of currency exchange between regions. Likewise the European Union brought with it the introduction of a common European currency (the Euro) and too, a European Central Bank. The new Germany also extended its unification to the creation of a common German culture that evoked a sense of nationalism, for instance, the establishment of a new national anthem and German military, to be paraded with pride. Too, the standardisation of the school system to create a state of coherent socialisation among the German generations. What we see with the European Union is also the creation of a common European national anthem and a cooperative European military (though a centralised European military is still developing) and through policies such as the Bolonga Process, the education system of Europe as a whole has been standardised to the specific image of the European Union, even a single European emergency number (112) is under proposition.

It is said that history repeats itself, and perhaps what we are living through today is the amalgamation of the European states as transpired nearly 150 years ago within central Europe. And that the non-representative, self appointing parliament of the European Union, resembles almost a kind of bureaucratic Kaiserreich; a kind of Prussian hegemony of the modern day.

- a short essay by JDH
ConnectHook Apr 2017
Superwoman to the rescue !
Le Pen: mightier than the sword,
greater than Joan of Arc,
sexier than Hillary and Maggie Thatcher,
way better hair than TRUMP,
up-front and national,
able to leap obsolete concepts in a single bound;

Votez avec sagesse.
[ borders / language / culture ]

This is the reasonable opposition-proposition.
Bonne chance. Que le jour de gloire arrive et que Dieu benisse la France...

et vous, Madame.
Scott Hamsun Mar 2017
Things are changing fast, just as they should,
They've changed for the worse, now let's change for the good.

The national pride has dwindled and died,
Call us whatever you want, we have God on our side.

Please do not fear what tomorrow might bring,
This extends further than a political wing.

I'd like to give The EU a personal thanks,
You've shown what a cancer man can create.

Were turning our backs and we're done with your games,
If the countries collapse, we know you are to blame.

So thank you La Pen, You care for your land.
We'll show those ******* where to stick their grand plan.
"Paris doesn't look like Paris anymore"
Vote Le Pen!
Serafeim Blazej Jan 2017
Eu sou o vazio
As estrelas e o fim do mundo
Eu sou o nada
Que engole o nada
Eu sou o vazio
Que não tem início nem fim
Eu sou o nada
O nada absoluto
Eu sou o vazio
A escuridão mais escura
Eu sou o nada
A parte mais vazia de mim
Eu sou o vazio
Meu corpo inteiro é nada
Eu sou o nada
Minha vida é toda de vidro
Eu sou o vazio
O universo saiu de mim (me abandonou)
Eu sou o nada
E agora estou sozinho.
Serafeim Blazej Dec 2016
Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
Ele é o rei das flechas
O príncipe e o próprio monarca
Ele é o último pássaro humano

Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
Ele possui olhos pálidos
E canta como um rouxinol
Ele vai te enfeitiçar e atar

Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
Ele me prendeu ao seu coração azul
Meu lar é mais frio que gelo
Eu, que um dia, fui uma fênix

Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
Ele é o vilão de muitas lendas
Eu sou seu prisioneiro em todas elas
Inclusive em meu próprio mito

Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
Eu fui seduzido por sua tristeza e solidão
Eu fui enganado por suas lágrimas
Eu fui preso por seus lábios

Eu estou atado ao garoto de cabelos negros
E nunca serei livre
Meu coração foi tomado de mim
Pelo garoto de cabelos negros
Escrito em 13/12/2016.
É um presente.
Serafeim Blazej Dec 2016
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Você  perdeu sua âncora
Você perdeu seu atlas
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Você matou seus companheiros
E não há lugar em terra para você
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Te disseram para nunca mais voltar
Te mandaram parar de respirar
Marinheiro, marinheiro
E toda dor que você sentiu?
Você perdeu seu coração?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Eles te odeiam
Você é a própria morte, dizem eles
Marinheiro, marinheiro
O alfaiate e o jovem da meia-noite estão em paz?
Seus fantasmas ainda o perseguem?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Você perdeu o receio daquele barco?
O velho barco quebrado  que é você
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Você sentiu o cheiro de casa?
Seus companheiros estão em terra
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Como você navega pelo desfiladeiro?
Como você luta com o desespero?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Eu achei sua âncora e seu atlas
Mas eles pertencem a outro senhor
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Você desistiu do seu destino?
Você abandonou sua tripulação
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Onde será seu enterro?
Porque você está morto afinal
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Se eu disser que te odeio
Pois você abandonou sua tripulação?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Você me responderia
Se eu dissesse que te odeio?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Se você está morto afinal
Porque eu sou um fantasma?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Onde seu coração está?
Porque eu não quero mais sofrer
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Quem é você afinal?
Porque eu sou um espectro de quem você foi
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Se eu matar meus companheiros
E abandonar a tripulação
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Eu vou ser livre do desespero?
A escuridão vai me abandonar?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Por que eu sou tão triste
Se sou um fantasma solitário?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Eles dizem que você é o pior
Aquele que nunca deveria ter existido
Marinheiro, marinheiro
O que isso diz sobre mim?
Se você, afinal, não tivesse nascido
Como eu poderia estar aqui?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Se você recuperar sua âncora e seu atlas
Se você recuperar sua tripulação
Você me aceita?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Se você estiver vivo afinal
Você me empresta seu nome?
Porque eu estou cansado de sofrer
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Se eu for seu herdeiro
Você me deixa navegar naquele velho barco?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Você me deixa ser a própria morte?
Porque eu não quero mais sofrer.
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Você permite que eu seja apenas um fantasma
Vagando sem rumo pela escuridão?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Você permite que eu me mate
Para não fazer mais ninguém sofrer?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Por que tudo mudou?
Era mais fácil quando todos éramos sonhadores
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Eu quero ser novamente um marinheiro
Para que eu sinta o cheiro de casa
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Se eu não sou mais marinheiro
Eu posso abandonar o barco?
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Eu quero abraçar o mar
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Eu quero sangrar com o mar.
Marinheiro, marinheiro
Eu quero entender por inteiro
Por que eu deixei de ser marinheiro
Marinheiro marinheiro
Eu vou virar seu companheiro
Vamos estar mortos afinal.
Parte de uma história e meio que um desabafo também.
Escrito em 08/11/16, numa viagem de ônibus intermunicipal, de manhã bem cedo.
Série "Marinheiro, marinheiro".

("Sailor, sailor")
Ju Clear Nov 2016
Bob sang about it
Martin dreamed it
John  and yoko did too
Jo spoke out
As Europeans we were close
One world one love
Leaders unite
Listen to our past
Make peace top of the pack
Lets not go back
Evolve for unity
Let's get together and be that all inclusive
one world
One love
Inspired by those that stayed true too peace love unity
Simon Leake Oct 2016
What I have is a pitch
angled at nothing
and I envy the limber crowd of bees,
and I envy the spider’s easy meal.

The low hum of a wash cycle
competes with, then dislodges my dirge,
gradually builds a golden,
natural looking wan expression.

Diffident? Go out and meander
content to accept the indifference of meaning.
This walk is not a protest.
This work was only ever play.

Suitable for all skin types
our explanations can’t help themselves,
run like British accents on trade
and explain away any need for help.
Non-streaking conceits
you know best how much you are worth.
a poem partly made up from the blurb on a shampoo bottle!
Simon Leake Aug 2016
we use a cheap language full of facts
spools feeding nightmares
in our grisaille history painting a flat canvas
every thing reduced
the door said open
and you opened it

so much of what we are
is not about how well
we do it
but how badly
we want it
the promised future never came quick enough
and we are left asking…

the phone wants constant interaction
the builders drill, drive the caterpillar squeals
the kids on the trampoline howl
the dog whimpers like Miles Davis on his horn
a more authentic expression than
the smooth pop jingles
from a lost youth

zero — expression from nothing —
the background radiation —
the song of yes — I am — I want —
all this noise against the sense of lack
now we know why exhale follows inhale
and all things seek to return to their natural gravity —
observations will be made by the still articulate
of the tiny ecosystem of a forgotten pond
the silence after this will be immaculate
Influenced in part by Peter Balakian's poem Ozone Journal. This was just published in Angry Manifesto - The E.U. Issue:
RH 78 Jun 2016
Some voted for freedom from that rusty  EU shackle.
Discussed immigration issues they were unable to tackle.
An establishmentarian North, South divide. When poverty strikes there's nowhere to hide.
Deep trenched anger rising from the disenfranchised vote. The pound devalued as the right wing gloat.
Uncertain times causes a global ripple. Bank of England acts to avoid economic *******.
But what of our neighbours? Our brothers in arms? Democratic victors, do they know who this harms?
Young against old, divisions laid bare. Political wrangling, do they really care?
The Prime Minister resigns and a new chapter to be written.
Democracy wins in a diverse, Great Britain.
Felt obliged to pen some words subsequent to the Brexit vote. Britain voted and in the coming years is set to leave the EU. Uncertainty has manifested itself in many ways since but the debate roars on. The political establishment are in turmoil. Resignations are a daily occurrence as the bloodbath spills into the media.,! Our ears are glued to the news to establish what happens next and there is an underlying sense of excitement from the leave voters that our Country can spread its wings on the global stage again and renegotiate our position in the single market (EU) as well as strengthen old relationships worldwide. Whatever happens, the majority of our people are extremely hard working. Our adopted europen citizens have unequivocally assisted our country to thrive. Long may this continue.!
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