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Daniela Amor Feb 2016
A wound is tender,
in our hearts, yonder.
Wishing I have magic,
to erase you-- you're nostalgic.
This poem is about forgetting what was done in the past. However, we can't easily forget things, it takes time.
B Dec 2015
i've done everything
to forget you
to hate you
to unlove you

i did it all just to erase you
from my mind
from my heart
from my soul

only then did i realize
that it was unnecessary to do that
because you were a part of me
and that meant
that i was erasing 'me' too
Gita Jun 2015
Writer’s block has hit me once again.
Ideas fallen through, glass half empty,
metaphors worthless, rhymes are hopeless.
Every word written has been erased.
A blank mind continues at this pace.
Sluggish reading, unbelieving,
downward progress, I’m voiceless.
Ash Tree Meadow Mar 2015
I long for the day.
I can wake up.
Without longing for you.
I can't take anymore.
Mornings with tears in my eyes.
I couldn't roll over and look at yours.
Looking into mine.

Leave my memories.


— The End —