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Lifting the full moon sails
blowing across the
skeins of eternity
our hair tossed
with the fragrance of love
our eyes lit by a strange light
You hold me in Your
surreal embrace......

never let me go
I gathered bilva leaves
in the moonlight
Your crescent moon
illumines the dark mist
and fog
crowning my head with
an otherworldly glow

With every breath I chant
Your eternal name
Holy leaves cascade
over the Shiva lingam
Like incandescent prayers
kneeling at Your feet

O Bholenath!
Golden wedding bells
are ringing in the far heavens
O Divine Lord when will
Kailasa embrace the
pining Earth?
Where are You my beloved
Where are You my Lord?

Tropical monsoon rains
pelt my face with a
thousand kisses
I feel You in every drop

Where are you hiding Beloved
Where are You?

Warm winds laden with
fragrance of Your presence
embrace me
You live in every silken caress

Where are You?

Ardor of sun's rays
leaves me breathless
You fan the embers
of my blushing heart
I am shining! I am shining!

Where are You my very breath?

Choir of birds chant Your name
Hari Nam
trees in the forest bend low
cast garlands and fruit
at Your lotus feet
I wander through Paradise with You

Where are you Hari?
Where are You?

"Where is God?
God is in you, with you, in front of you, around you"
- Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
annh Apr 2021
|small gee for god; big bee for byron|
Strikes a chord with you, does it?
This shambling poverty of thought,
Insta-rated and underwhelming;
Thank god for Byron.

|keats versus shelley|
Sparing no injury to his phthisicky frame,
Keats lies atop a make-believe of cherry trees
Searching among the clouds
For wealth, health and a Grecian urn,
While Shelley does Venice
And blows himself a hookah.

|o poesy! for thee I grasp my pen|
Panning the wayward sky for inspiration,
A hope, a word, a beginning;
A versification so ecstatic as to transfix the senses and pierce the heart,
A lightning phrase capable of uprooting all commonality,
As outrageous a miracle in the minds of men as crucified immortality.

Unlike the wilting rose which has no higher calling
Than to bloom and die upon the stem,
And having relinquished its last perfumed petal
Retreat from memory again,
I fear that I shall linger,
Tethered to this eternal moment
By shudd’ring will and breath combined,
A brighter shade of myself than what of me I have left behind.
An extremely weird mix of tone and content! Started out as one thing (a dig at the samey sameness of Instagram poetry) and ended up as something else (a celebration of Keats). Not to mention the β€œBright Star” scene review somewhere in the middle. Never mind - better luck next time!!

β€˜When old age shall this generation waste,
Thou shalt remain, in midst of other woe
Than ours, a friend to man, to whom thou say'st,
β€œBeauty is truth, truth beauty, - that is all
Ye know on earth, and all he need to know.”’
- John Keats, β€œOde on a Grecian Urn”
I want to remember You
On my bed of stars
final kiss goodbye
to pink peach sunrises
purple peacock sunsets

I want to remember You
Beloved Sai
Wind blown hair on
luminous banks
of the Chitravati
Marvelous miracles
that only God could create

I want to remember
Your glorious eyes
embracing mine
and the healing touch
of Your holy hand

I want to remember You... Sai

I want to remember You... Sai
I went for an adventurous walk through a wooded lot next to our house this afternoon.

It's Spring break and the neighborhood kids bursting with jubilant energy, boisterous laughter and inate curiosity showed me a path through the densely knitted patch of forest. Their bright little elfin faces, venturesome spirits made me feel like a child again, only taller, lol.

They wanted show me the fort they had built further into the thicket, but good sense reigned when I observed the thorny winding branches, briar and looping vines,
I graciously declined.

I thought to myself, "Oh what a wonderful spot to sit and write poetry... and meditate...
when the kids were back in school, lol.
An interesting thing happened before the election,
both parties were rooting for their chosen candidate
with fever pitched excitement.
David and I favored the
Biden/Harris ticket.
in fact, first time ever we planted
a sign on our front lawn.

Everyday felt like a horse race.
Then one evening as we went
for a relaxing stroll,
we ran into a neighbor who was
an avid horticulturist,
he was perched on the side
of the road examining wildflowers
he looked at us and
said, "I don't mean to be political
but do you know what this flower is called?"
I said, "Daisy?" It was a small
dainty daisy looking blossom
he said, "It's called the
Biden family Daisy."  
Both David and I gasped with delight
What an auspicious omen,
all was boding well for Biden/Harris.

Then post election, after Biden/Harris
won the presidency
and the fervor and tension calmed down,
I noticed on a morning jaunt
Biden Daisy families exploding in size.
They romped through
urban street meadows, neighborhood lawns
sides of the road,
their jolly miniature white and
yellow pinwheel faces
bobbing in the breeze.

Suddenly my eyes caught
something quite unusual,
the white pearl petals on some of
the Biden family daisies
had transformed into
vibrant purple amethyst petals
"How Royal!" I thought to myself
and befitting our new leaders
The feet I love to kiss
walks towards me
on soft pink lotus clouds
my sari flutters in the
poignant breeze
from every pore of my body
a rose blossoms and
falls at His adorable feet
I bow low to the Earth
the fragrance of Eternity
envelops me
His Heavenly beauty
deepens with every step
I cling to the feet
that will ferry me across
the raging ocean
Dear One have mercy
Save your Devotee
Ohhhh I can smell

Hints of mint, rose and
verdant notes

Little birds and buds
beginning to open
their petals, unfold
their newborn wings

Sky, blue skinned
celestial Goddess
wrapped in whirling
gossamer gowns

On the barren tree
of my heart
flowers are blossoming

Here is one
especially for You!
How can I enchant You
not by fancy hairdos,
red lipstick and kohl lined eyes

Only by a heart perfumed
with love, service and devotion

Only by soft, sweet words and songs
falling like white roses at Your feet

Only by thoughts illumined
and sanctified with
Your constant presence

O Glorious Love
the temple door is decorated
with mango leaves
and marigold blossoms

Inside your bride waits for You
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