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Nigdaw Sep 2024
I put you back inside your box
and placed it just behind my eye
the lid is loose and the sides cracked
light shines as though under a doorway
your story paramount in my library
when you're not here I hold a breath
that is yours and yours alone, a sigh
for when we are once more met
and history tumbles like yesterday
Vange Cain Sep 2024
In your eyes, I see my soul,
A love that makes me whole.
You reflect all that I am,
A bond that's never a sham.

Your love is like a guiding light,
In the darkest of the night.
You trust in me, like I do you,
A friendship that's tried and true.

You are a reflection of my heart,
A connection that will never part.
Together we'll face any storm,
Our love will keep us warm.

So cherish the bond we share,
For in each other, we find care.
You are a reflection of me,
A love that will forever be.
Abi Winder Sep 2024
i will make a cup of coffee
for my mum and i.
seek solace at the table
find comfort in each other's company.

these are the moments i need.

this is the sweet,
amongst the sour.
Arturo Aug 2024
My youngest is an Aries.
Fiery by nature.
Has been from the start.
When the nurse brought her in
She chuckled,
“She’s feisty”.

Today, jumping from thing to thing.
with dizzying speed.
Hell no!
A champion of initiation.
She moves mountains
with whit.
Cuts through inertia
So quick
It closes the opening
With a searing stroke.  

Yet not so hot at
But who would?
With as much as she starts.

The kid’s growing
And as she does,
I want for her to commit.
Of course!
To things big and small.
For her future.
For her now.

When she forgets
to feed the dog,
I’ll cover it.
I’ll even flush the toilet for the umpteenth time.

My dream for her
is that she does what she loves,
Follows her heart
in all of her affairs.
Whether she’s a finisher

Or not.

But, when it comes to dishes?
The good **** dishes!
She must always,
Without fail,
the dishes.

My youngest is an Aries.
Fiery by nature.
When the nurse brought her in
the words were
“She’s feisty”.
She jumps from one thing to
the next.
With haste, and
dizzying speed.
Some may say it’s adhd.
Hell no!
She’s a champion.
She initiates.
She can move a crowd
to laughter with whit.
She’s not so hot at finishing though.
But who would
with as much as they start.
As the kid grows  
I want for her
to commit.
To all things big and small.
For her future.
For her now.
When she forgets
to feed the dog,
I’ll cover it.
I’ll even flush the toilet for the umpteenth time.
My dream for her
is that she does what she loves.
Follows her heart
in all of her affairs.
Whether she’s a finisher
Or not.
But, when it come to dishes?
She must always
Without fail
finish doing the dishes!
Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2024
I know I pull nerves sometimes
Your stomach left feeling hollow
Chest rhythms identical
In your footsteps swear not to follow
A solid lump forms in throat
Weighing down heart
So fragile I experience pain
Cry even miles apart
I may not have gotten to select you
But I wouldn't have ever picked another
If death kills you hope you haunt me
Because I can't imagine life without my mother
Written before my mom passed away so reading it again makes me cry...
Fiona Aug 2024
today marks
day 903

903 days
since you’ve left.

the first day I met you
I was tiny, barely a
fragment in this universe.
You held me
and shouted,
“She has my eyes!”

days collected together
just like a dusty library.
the memories we had together
are now ink, written and

how can I fit
8,035 days of admiring
your soul
learning your ways
into 78,083 pages?

yet I hope
that I got it right.
the way your heart
adored the small creatures
that purred
and deferred
your pain.

the way you
radiated joy
every time
you heard thunder
echo in the distance,
lightning splitting the sky.

the way you
carried the 10 of Wands
for days upon years
and released
this lifetime.

here I hope
that one day,
all of our days
will be held
in the hands of those
that were made
from the same
stars as us.
Grief is eternal. But so is love.
Abi Winder Aug 2024
i'll never escape it.

the redness of his blood
the eyes that stare back at me in the mirror.

i still bleed the same as him,
still write with his pen,
i am still his daughter,

despite trying so hard not to be.
Abi Winder Aug 2024
my mother deserves more than the hurricane she was given.
i am certain that i am not what she signed up for.

she deserves flowers and fine art
and i am nothing but thorns and cut-throat.

so i buy her flowers,
hoping it will make up for my rot.

hoping the scent of them will make her forget
the damage of last nights fury.
Odd Odyssey Poet Jul 2024
In their woods; there is a love that is hunted with all
of its goodies in a basket- basking on all that we could
hold onto; as your cheeks blush became the main
protagonist, like a Little Red Riding Hood

Beware the bite of love; beware of the wolf- for the
goosebumps you feel, is a breath howling at your skin
And doesn’t that make you want to scream; in those cries
surely caused by the eyes ******* you in the world
we live in; making you out as its meal

You are so pretty and so wild; to the tragedy of a love being
so blind- as your true blessing is softly masked in a disguise,
For even as there are people who care for you, there are so
many to despise, so many that are truly, and completely vile
Those that treat you like a chicken lost in the woods- people
only interested in the breast and thighs

Love is no fairy-tale- neither anything close to a movie;
though heartbreak is nothing of fiction. Love is sometimes a
crippling addiction; the oxymoron of us always chasing after love
My dearest daughter, don’t get lost in its woods.
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