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Lalit Kumar Feb 28
Bold, fearless, burning bright,
Your flame ignites the quiet night.
A spark of fire in the heavens’ song,
Leading the lost, where they belong.

Cradled in the softest glow,
Your gentle tides, where emotions flow.
Moon-kissed and wrapped in dreams,
A protector of hearts, or so it seems.

Golden rays, a king’s pride,
In your light, no shadow can hide.
Roaring fiercely, burning pure,
A love so fierce, so strong, so sure.

Whispers in the starlit breeze,
Your perfect grace puts the heart at ease.
A quiet love, a tender care,
In the cosmic dance, you’re always there.

Balance in the celestial view,
You seek harmony, love so true.
Your scales weigh both joy and sorrow,
Finding peace in each tomorrow.

Deep, mysterious, the unknown,
In your gaze, the universe is shown.
A lover’s passion, a soul’s embrace,
You touch the stars with secret grace.

Chasing horizons, wild and free,
Your spirit is a dream, untamed, you see.
The stars reflect your endless roam,
A love that never calls one place home.

Sturdy as the mountain’s base,
You stand strong, no need to chase.
A lover of depth, steady and wise,
Building love under starlit skies.

Revolution in your sight,
Your love is a spark that ignites the night.
A thinker, a dreamer, on the edge of new,
With the stars, you create what’s true.

Drifting in a sea of dreams,
Your love flows like gentle streams.
A lover’s touch, a soul so pure,
In the stars, your heart finds its cure.
Merlie T Jun 2021
Through many moods and moons
I've felt the heart of your soul
moving me like clouds through the sky
A guiding wind to journey back and forth
Love me always through the bluest nights,
like stars shining in the desert.
Bright light backdrops the most immense gray as I dream
of you and you and only you forever among the cosmos
Butch Decatoria Aug 2016
"Oh Mighty Mighty!--you
sure look / Good tonight..."

When James Brown Yelps
And sometimes you got to
when you feel it
getting down
that funky-fresh-flow groovy
groove is in the heart
of hearts of mother
(of fathers - who also know - love)
We band
together under
                           One Sky-father-mother-Earth
For the birds... "So get on up!"
Be---a living machine
with dreams of all things
yet imagined / to be --scene, yet not seen...

You are home to me.

Take a look-see
In and through your own telescope
the magic of galaxies
far away dreams
                 The rings of Saturn
cosmic stuff made of stars
beyond this drab daub of a pebble


That's what we become
un-imaginable - Wonders - Awe
by the Light / blinded / in the dark is
a mind with no heart.

So preacher what you know?
Take me to mass/service
             (***** Bible needle words
                sticks out tongue
                because the money pays the bills)

And still,
Out there is Scary-big
The Infinite
Its cold vast Silence / Say nothing / shhh...
you've gone (lost) to **** yourself
Still the Masterpiece shines your light
Within Without (breaking nails)

Without sight we are merely
the Walking Dead gawking
attracted to Loud
                     explosion - sounds - brain - flesh
So desperate to reach it
so reach out...
At the light so bright / truth is:

If you've got no Bic
any tiny flick
flash of candle-wick
Have no Halogen no halo glow
you're blind in the dark
                quality is unbecoming
when none of them have the truth / is
bright is light...

Who what when how
or where - are you now?
Still only a mold of clay, waiting
for your hands

Not yet even
a meteor floats amok
Nor yet from a dwarf --to a star...
oh lil Celebrity fire!

The glow I see
Within you (beyond burning)
tho' outside of you unbecoming
your Heart of Gold
is still worthy of so
more than something
(going blind)

Oh Mighty Mighty!
I dance the body
Always still All my Love
is you
and someone else may
            "Just you was doing you!"
For you...

Rather I will paint the galaxies

The Quintessence
A collaboration between Elisa Maria Argiro and SG Holter.*

Dear feather. You fell on my heart.
I keep you on my person now; pocket held;
An eternal companion.
As beautiful as you, I remind my
Thoughts to be.
I wake up as Buddha every day.                  
Peace is the corner stone of my breathing.

Dear Last Crescent Moon,
adorning Lord Shiva's brow,
smiling toward Morning Star
enjoying her sweet presence
in clearest predawn light.
She smiles too, drifting into feathery sleep.

Birdless flight, unclenched, un-
Clung to.
With this dew drop in my palm
I need no ocean to swim in.
How can Life's castle, with its wars and
Tragedies, hide within its
Towers of                                                          
Nois­e such quiet chambers?
Paper sails, bamboo, emerald waters.
Single feathers rest even when

From your outstretched palm,
sweet taste of morning touches
my tongue, oceanic dew drop
sharing itself across floating time.
An offering holding the last shining
starlight of this new morning. Drifting
now through limitless space,
finding words in our common language
on your yellow paper sails, we gaze down
from these towers of our ancient dreams,
emerald water below us waiting to catch
the falling feather.

Dear insight.
Light as the wind itself, you
Floated; fell on my heart.
Merged with heavy memories
Like paper balloons rising;
Tsunami of kamifusen
Render my whole being
Third-Eye-Hindsight sees me
Remembering nothing with
One or a hundred lifetimes
Finally now,
Even waking hours feel like

Dear Wisdom, Guardian Planet,
Buddha's radiance shining.
Thousand-Petaled Lotus
is now your own effulgent mind.
Smiling, eyes closed, feeling the
glowing kamifusen of magenta,
scarlet, turquoise, and yellow
floating above us,
we swim so deeply, diving down
into these warm emerald waters,
winking at the luminous fishes
dreaming all around us.
Copyrighted by ©SG Holter and ©Elisa Maria Argiro 
(as a collaborative poem)
K Balachandran Sep 2014
I just stood transfixed, letting her eyes light
the smothered wick in me that needed the oil of love
with  anxious stutter I asked, "Is your name Grace?"
"It really is, you are right there, but pardon me
I am Grace Fallen" I took it as a joke and smiled,
"Dear fallen flower, your grace resurrects my crucified spirit"

I have seen them all, blooms, perfect, fragrant,
the ones that catapult one to momentary bliss
with a wink,  a word that touches somewhere tender
or share love, fresh like butter, that seems gushing from the depth
that not even  expect any kind of reciprocation,
blowing like fragrant  breeze, caressing drooping trees.
Women with such luminance ,bless their ilk
whom one only could think as incarnates
came down  to lift this miserable world
up from the quagmire, the ***** pit  it has fallen
because of the absence of feminine grace in abundance

— The End —