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kaycog Feb 2017
My weapon sounds like a whip
when the strap hits my palm
wild satisfaction when it lands with a CRACK
oh, dear god its so good to be back
one, two, three, catch
whoosh repeat.
one, two, three, thud
wood smacks my bone
better than the dirt
I go back into my rhythm
as bruises start to form
Turning anger into beauty
and beauty into art

They say to lay down your guns
but instead I throw them up
Erica R Garcia Dec 2016
No pain no gain is an understatement

Pushups are a form of punishment

You respect your captains every single day

And trust your choreographer to lead the way

You leave the field sweating, makeup in your eyes

A fire burning in your heart... and in your thighs

Practice every day, dripping with sweat

That six-foot pole no longer a threat

Working hard to be the best

Every weekend is your test  

You gain new family and friends

With each other till the very end

Bonds that last all year

People to project all your fears

This is where you throw it all down

Because in the band, you're the crown

You make the show

And you need to know

To hold your head up high

And don't you dare be shy

Cause the countless hours you have spent

Can't be bought with any cent

Cause Denise's bleeding hands

And Beave's constant demands

Always changing

Always rearranging

Working hard to make the show great

Making sure to keep your posture straight

This. Is. Colorguard.

Which will always have a place in my heart
This was a prompt from a good friend of mine. Colorguard is also known as Flag Corps and other fun names.  Beave is our band director and Denise is the Colorguard sponsor/choreographer/guard mom.
Mason Jay May 2016
colors bright
catch the light
metal cools
silver rules
silk square
beauty there
breezy air
without a care
singing swish
make a wish
music fun
hope we won
rhythm beat
in your feet
hear the drum
don’t be glum
hot hot sun
hair in a bun
perform to the sky
planes passing by

fall arrives
whole new lives
more people join
fees paid by coin
things begin
teach to spin
friendships new
new show too
trouble’s coming now
stop it how
drama starts
breaking hearts
for you it’s no longer fun
but you are not the only one
did I mention
much team tension
you will see
no unity
you’re too late
all this hate
he’s a snitch
she’s a *****
wanna quit
more than a bit
you survived? how?
well at least it’s over now
Leila Valencia Apr 2016
Rivers of life rush in as each moment enters my mind
slip down and plop - slowly flowing
Trickling as the past comes forward
And each bellowing cry leads my flowing eyes
To reach within
Each breathe does not run smooth

I fall back into my mind looking I see the
Cinematography lights capture your faces
And each passing laughter captures your spirit
As each passing moment enters my mind as a spinning glow
Every waking moment I'm  holding onto what is left

Every pixelated second reached from your pocket
Lives, breathes, and encapsulates your eyes
Flickers as a breathe from the under currents
Stirring inspiration

Your grace - beautiful - posed - sparkle
Breaks every boundary I knew about you

I climb my mountains, and burn my bridges
Stonemasons carved my road, yet I stand looking at an empty well
I heard laughs and cries of joy, but my trees hid a waterfall
And all were jumping but me
I dipped my toes and now I see I could not dive
But do not be afraid to jump
The glowing mist will circulate in your body - casting a god like shadow
Greeting, gently, fervently - you are here
Do not be afraid

The wheat grass blows beneath me and you stand with me
Seeing what I see
The city lights melt in my arms - and you fade into flashes
Movements of passing gestures and
My love for you only grows, but I stay asleep

Your adagio string symphony fingerprints my fluttering breathe
And your whip in the wind stands still as I see you dancing to your heart
You can not see the regret - it shall not pass
Again, I see you in the wheat field
My hands reach for yours - the dandelion is lost in the wind
The rain falls - the music falls to a slow ending
I grab what I see
Hold it for as long as I can - it will never be to late
To start once more
While holding what - I've become
My growing pains. To learn what you finally love - see it for only a second before it it is ripped away.
Wake up before dawn
**** it all
Throw on clothes
Stumble to your car
Drive through the down pour
Arrive to a cement prison
Joined by another
Shed jackets and shoes
Grab frozen poles
Work too early in the rain
Put it together
You're done for the moment
In time you turn to her car
She drives
Coffee is essential
You two can't life
But you do anyways
Sitting in the warmth
On cushions you won't have later
You talk and laugh
Just like old times
New place
Different coffee
Same duet
Time to go
Back into her car
You arrive on time
Once out of the weather
You two must venture back out
Running through the puddles
Rain splattering your faces
You stop
Open the door
Walk in
She tells you to  take your pants off
You don't bat an eye
No pants now
You try on clothes
Find what you need
Put pants back on
Back into the rain
You find the buss out of place
Direct in sync
Laugh and continue on
Losing steam now
You two stop running
Walking in time
Everything is together again
Your smiles the same
Back into the warmth
Two peas in a pod
You fill in each others blanks
Knowing looks have returned
Finally you can relax
Only for a bit though
What comes next is even worse
But you both love it

— The End —