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Norman Crane Sep 2020
I read the book
a second time
the book: unchanged
changed: my mind
Mitch Prax Sep 2020
I'm still reading
the book she gave me
for Christmas.
it's as good as you'd expect.
So why is it taking me
this long to finish?
Dereaux Sep 2020
A book with a good plot,
is on the table in front of me.
It won't open.
JW Sep 2020
i switch to my jeans
i slick back my hair
i take off my shirt
i show off my abs
i slip on my martens
i put on my glasses
i light up my cig

i also come in paperback
Dante Rocío Sep 2020
I expect
the day when
Poetry is no
longer forcefully
when we commit
as of
when we
of it,
or rather
of us,
not shunned or shunning by
the traps in
We Poets then
will truly spurt
and raise an elegy
the skin.

That one faithful day
libraries and others will shed
letters and papers,
like finally autumn
our chips into small
like pearls with shells

those who choose us
on the shelves will
receive the reward
of our dragging
our depths like
persistent algae,
a while,
or forevermore.

And I’ll finally be
able to unveil to them:

“I am one of Poetry’s

For now/
pay the lyrical’s heed/
in its written ways/
by the respect of every/
blank space ending/
before each and every verse/
it brings/
Expectations towards the way Poetry’s sharpened, like earth to metal clustered,
for vending mists.
I wait for the lip-like, felt transfer.
I wait to for the first time under
standing customers on the sale
for our chippings made easy.
I wait for my affection’s freedom from
paper, pen, glue and shopping stink.
I make an everlasting patient boycott
On a bench clear.
Heyaless Sep 2020
I am a open book ,
It's not hard to read me when I pour out my emotions to you .
So when you'll tell me you don't understand me ,
I will never say you have a hole in your heart .
Time will reveal everything . Until then .......I am a open book
Michael R Burch Sep 2020
by Michael R. Burch

for Kevin Nicholas Roberts

I liked the first passage
of her poem―where it led
(though not nearly enough
to retract what I said.)
Now the book propped up here
flutters, scarcely half read.
It will keep.
Before sleep,
let me read yours instead.

There's something like love
in the rhythms of night
―in the throb of streets
where the late workers drone,
in the sounds that attend
each day’s sad, squalid end―
that reminds us: till death
we are never alone.

So we write from the hearts
that will fail us anon,
words in red
truly bled
though they cannot reveal
whence they came,
who they're for.
And the tap at the door
goes unanswered. We write,
for there is nothing more
than a verse,
than a song,
than this chant of the blessed:
"If these words
be my sins,
let me die unconfessed!
Unconfessed, unrepentant;
I rescind all my vows!"
Write till sleep:
it’s the leap
only Talent allows.

Keywords/Tags: talent, poem, poetry, poet, book, sounds, write, writing, words, art, creation, creativity
Kristina Sep 2020
Thoughts racing,
trying to fill another page of this book with my story,
sewing in new sheets of paper to build some space.
Space between me and the page saying
The End.

Turning the pages, looking back at some from many years ago.
I read about a little girl, happily exploring the world.
She doesn't know about pain or despair.
Just look at her glowing eyes.

Progressing in the story, a few years later.
I watch a little girl, crying, covered by the blanket.
She doesn't want others to see, 'cause they'll just laugh anyway.
In her home, she has no room.
The whole house is filled with her father yelling.
The whole house is filled with her mother crying.
The only place for her sorrow is deep inside herself.
Just look at her puffy eyes.

Skipping a few chapters, years of searching and hoping.
I hear a little girl, laughing loud.
Nobody heard her screams when she needed them.
At least, when she's being loud, they notice her.
Being lost and out of control she hurts others.
When they scold her, they look at her.
Just look at her pleading eyes.

Going through pages of her trying to understand what she's done.
I hear a little girl swearing she'll never hurt anybody else.
She'd rather hurt herself to cope with the severe cold of this world.
So she builds a wall to keep everyone out,
to trap the wrath inside.
But she forgot the fear was already there.
Just look at her empty eyes.

Flipping the pages to read the ones from a few weeks ago.
I see a little girl drowning in tears and self doubt.
Apparently the wall she built long time ago is still standing strong.
A lot of 'Wanted' posters are hung on it from both sides,
but neither can reach through.
Just look at her anxious eyes.

I'm sitting here crying,
hoping my tears will wash away the letters on these pages.
But they won't.

So I'll keep on sewing pages.
Hoping one day I'll read the one about a girl who's come home.
About a girl who tore down the wall,
about a girl who built a place in a house to live in.
Until then I hope to have enough strength to put
space between me and the page saying
The End.
Yinka Sep 2020
As I eyed the book
The pages fly by
I can't remember the words I eyed
Because my mind is eyeing the food.
Druzzayne Rika Sep 2020
After the end of cold evening
I pull through the sleeves of my sweater
Keep my hand wrapped around my coffee
Get ready to dive into a new adventure
The book resting on the table
The one who'd keep me up till early morning.
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