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I could live off the evergreen on a weak bet
or a whisper in a library that wasn't for me
I'll take off in the dead of night if it needed to be
without shoes or a backpack if it was necessary

the euphoria of the soil beneath my feet
and the sun feeding me all that I need
a place where the fog will never clear
but is never the symbol of gloom

the trees speak to me in code during the day
and let me know if they do make a sound when they fall
if I stay still long enough I too will be the woodlands
and the woodlands will be me

let the mushrooms grow off my back
and the spiders web between my fingers
petrichor the only fragrance I know
as I spit blossoms on the ground

I'll sit in silence and think of it all
for one thing is certain though:
the biophilia will eat you alive
but the exception is just so
couldn't afford Christmas presents this year, so I wrote poems for my family. this is for my sister's boyfriend.
A Apr 2018
Biophilia is described as
a love of life and
the living world
the affinity of human beings  
for other life forms.  

I suppose it could mean
loving everything you can
the sunlight on your face  
insects buzzing in the air
the dusks and dawns
of a hundred summer nights.  

It could mean your love
for your pet fish
for your dog
for the cat that you don't own
but comes up to you every day
and lets you pet it

Biophilia could mean  
a wish for better
a longing for more
the want for every
single life form to be happy.  

It could mean  
caring for a flower you planted
in the spring with dew holding down  
a million tiny clovers
dotting the lawn.
The definition is from
Prince of Spring Sep 2014
You are a child of the Universe.
The pith of your heart and the atoms in your skin
have existed since the beginning of time.
You have an unquestionable right to live.
You are integral and vital.
Your steps grace the Earth with your presence just as,
the Earth graces your feet with its presence when you walk.
Your identity is a facet of humanity just as,
your body is a temporary expression of the Universe.
You can never truly die.
When you choose to accept this,
you may dwell in radiance.
This is probably one of my the happiest poems I've written :)

— The End —