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1.0k · Jun 2014
Masochistic kiss
S Smoothie Jun 2014

Regurgitated dreams

and a handful of hopes

slipping grain-like through my fingers

promisisng the earth

as it cracks withered and drying.

desolation and anticipation

brings the threat of pleasure

like the seed of hope without

the chance of bursting open.

Endless gurantees of endless possibilities

and your stupid ******* provisos.

**** the last drop with insistence,

take all you can,

Im already dead inside.

with all the graciousness afforded

you'd think you could at least

turn away when I cry?

Instead you watch,

a look of  abomination

carved into your hateful eyes

and ice cold detachment

running down your spine.

no matter,

I'll be fine;

you were only ever a sympathy case

that grew too wild.

all that tender love and care

without pruning

has a tendency to create monsters

you sting my rosy buds

a sadistic wash of passion red

I'm tangled in your mess,

you might as well lick the salt as well

the tequila slammer hit hard.

I can't seem to locate my vanity

its still missing after that

last masochistic kiss goodbye.
S Smoothie Oct 2014
once again the light of love has ssmoothed over your indisgressions

barbed arrows and blunt fist blows full of words.

I turned my back to ice.

i fractured.

I turned into scalding water

I seeped into the ground

luke warm is all I am able.

I dont know whether to turn into vapour

or collect myself at your feet.

my love is still a fragile phoenix.

its your move.
1.0k · Jan 2014
twisted rhymes two
S Smoothie Jan 2014
Ha ha! Here I am again
It's raining it's pouring
The criticism is soaring
******* I said just went and read
And could figure out why it was boring

This old mam she played ham
She played knock knack with my spam
With a sick sack fatty whack give a
Hog a pen this old mam came
Crowing poems

All around the burning bush
The donkey chased the ******;
The donkey thought 'twas all in good sport
Pop! goes the ******.

Hey ****** ****** a kiss and a fiddle
The cow entered the room
The little troll laughed to see
Such runs as the cheater ran away with a zoom!

Little miss stuffit sat on her muffin
eating her cares away along came a writer
Who sat down beside her and frightened mis stuff it away.
1.0k · Jan 2014
breathing spaces
S Smoothie Jan 2014
I take a breath on a heartbeat
in the spaces of moments
I respire in these moments
lost in the sense of you
These are the spaces I live for
these moments,
between our breathing spaces
S Smoothie Dec 2015
You've come again
delivered by the twisted hands of fate
swirling around my senses
Just the idea of you takes me aflight
I'm on a tilt, the axis feels so right
Heartskips missing beats
Excitement crackles the electricity between us
It's not right
But it's inexplicably addictive
Denial is the only truth
Calm over anxiety
Eyes meet
Heady Confusion
Skin on skin, a pleasant courtesy
A mere brush on the cheek
Stealing so much more
Than the microscopic dermis impaled on Un shorn jaws
Lips that left heated traces
Rushed prickles down newly flushed cheeks and into my cleavage
nestled deep
It's been so long
So giddy but on guard
I forgot the divineness of being swept up in your atmosphere  
Deftly, You took that heartstring between us
gathering it into a loving bow
I was so busy untying it I got tangled up in knots
Panic under cool
I washed with thoughts of ice
I combed with logic
I dressed in disregard
I know what comes next
The pain
But we both know it's too late
It's all started again...
989 · Nov 2013
S Smoothie Nov 2013

I just want to fall from the heavens into your heart

rush through you like a torrid river and wash you clean

I want to get lost amongst the dream stars in your eyes

seep into you and become one glorious love

and passionately explode our happiness upon the gamut

of all creation and lustily devour all that is in being.

Folder:  beauty in the tip of my inked tongue
S Smoothie Jan 2014
pluck out my heart and leave it on the road

I forgot what it was to feel again.

I scribble directions to healing

only i cant read my own writing

tip me upsidedown and tear me inside out

Ive left it all on the pages for your insight.

**** me softly

**** me violently

Ive died a thousand deaths

none more painful

than the first verse

and the hole torn from the fabric of my universe

still I try to feel something

anything except numb.
S Smoothie Jan 2014
I complete you;
You destroy me.
You lust;
I love.
spatters ofmatters unchanged;
you're cocked
and ready to demise,
gentle words never suffice.
you're the luckiest
faces of the dice;
I am the wrong bet.
you have so much
and want so much more;
when do you stop
keeping score?
Rubbing in failures,
kicks when I'm down,
how long do you think
I will stay around?
this is not a contest!
this is a union,
the snake of unhappiness
writhing between us.
You dont see,
you dont hear,
you dont change.
You will keep killing me here
untill I am gone;
and hoping she
'the one'
will re-appear.
She is dead.
leave her ghost at peace;
you killed her ages ago,
like your now killing me!
the truth is
you lost her
many times already,
and this world
will end for you
without any version of me in it.
So stop.
**** me slowly this time,
please, I cant keep dying
a thousand deaths a day.
fait accompli
/ˌfeɪt əˈkɒmpli,French fɛt akɔ̃pli/
noun: fait accompli; plural noun: faits accomplis
1. a thing that has already happened or been decided before those affected hear about it, leaving them with no option but to accept it.

"the results were presented to shareholders as a fait accompli"


# past uses: an accomplished fact
967 · Jan 2014
favoured re-rhymes
S Smoothie Jan 2014
1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
Once I brought a rhyme to life!
6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Then I let it die again.
Why did you let it die?
Because it brought a tear to my eye!
In Which eye did it make you cry?
See This little little tear drop on my right.

Tweaking, tweaking little rhyme
How I wonder what this time
Round and round in my mind
Wondering where on earth I'll find
How to tweak this little rhyme
Tweaking, Tweaking little rhyme.

Bah bah bad sign
For a little rhyme
Yeah sure yeah sure
Find a better line
One for the master
And one for a dime
And one for the amateur
Still thinking of a line!

There was a little poet
who had a little rhyme
He wrote in little lines
He worked in little time
And always did more
than little every time
963 · Nov 2013
I hate poppies.
S Smoothie Nov 2013
Chop their ****** heads off and I know why!
they are demented and toxic
And none more so than that liar bird
Aptly named by her own insipid title
Innocently excusable
and likely to fall apart upon
Deeper inspection
A trap for a well planned attack
For a non existent vengeance .
962 · Jan 2014
S Smoothie Jan 2014
The thing about me
is my life is a haiku
with not enough words

to tell my story,
the right words do not fit in;
I am restricted

life held hopes so big,
though words would not come close;
descriptions fell weak.

perhaps I have learned,
one haiku is not enough;
life is more than one

perhaps haikus are,
my own best analogy;
perhaps they are not?
961 · Dec 2013
Living with Conscience
S Smoothie Dec 2013
Dare I confess the black stain on my soul?
No, rather, lets tuck it in conscience
No need to feel sickly an numb.*

Tuck it away my soulless one*

What if I could pull the hands back of time?

You can't sweety, it's done.

Can I make it fade?

I don't see how? It's a dark, dark stain,
And you've been trying so long now.

Even with all my good deeds?

There aren't enough good deeds
To wipe it clean, the lead in your soul
Forever drags your feet.

I don't deserve anything. Why do I go free?

Because you are destined.

Destined for what? A life of misery?

No dear, no, a life of greatness.
None of clear conscience strive
To erase me from their minds
As I would not exist,
and neither would the gift,
the necessity, the change.

But I don't understand?

Your stain is a gift,
The journey of the holy grail.
Where others strive and fail,
You have already failed now strive.

But I failed?

You have failed, but now is hope;
The ever charging fuel of your journey.

My soul is ****** isn't it?

You have nothing to lose,
this is the secret of life's journey

But what of hell? Surely it waits?
I hear it screaming my penance?

Hell? You're already here,
Perhaps one day, you'll make it out?

You think so?

It's possible but
I'm your conscience...
What do I know?
I only know why I exist
And I in turn, wish I loved my existence

So there's no hope?

There's always hope,
I'm still with you aren't I?

Yes, but I don't understand?

You don't need to.
Just keep hope, and in us,
Never forget where we've come from;
You are destined

But I am stained?

*No, you are marked for greatness.
945 · Jan 2014
meandering pain
S Smoothie Jan 2014
pain ebbs toward me
like a slow river bending
I break at the fall.
S Smoothie Jan 2014
Yeah, yeah,
you broke me...
You think?
you cant break anyone or anything that feels an emotion
because we control our own.
we lend out **** on permanent loan
and freak when it comes back before its due.
what a sad sack of stories
with a ******* word for emotion.
**** it up and understand
you cant break what is never broken
its not like your word.
its an emotion.
if youre feeling like ****
and you wanna go and carve it out of your skin
well skin. that can be broken.
and if you do it yourself that's a cut
and that is not broken skin
its stupid.
and you know it.
but why don't you stop?
because you love it.
more than yourself.
the ritual screams
but rituals can be broken
but you know it.
your heart is big enough for every joy and every sorrow.
just think about that for a while...
but you wont
you know it.
instead you will go on believing youre broken
and youre not
and you know it.
921 · May 2017
Empty Spaces
S Smoothie May 2017
Too much space,
I grab the air around me trying to draw it in
But I've cleaned you out like a ***** sin.

Never knew how warm and comfortable the ugly side of love is
Touching the untouchable, to kiss the impossible kiss

I guess I thought pushing you out would leave me feeling like saint
Theres not a colour in my soul I haven't used in our love's hidden paint
The richest and darkest darks hiding lightest brightest sparks

I'm desperate for your connection, that indefinable thing
The pleasure of pain, nestled under broken wings

The crackling electric static hunting our souls to beat life into our hearts
We live in a life not made for us. Instead crossed with many other beautiful paths.

The patterns we've woven in our times apart all needing threading and tending. No end, no new start. Just empty spaces waiting to be filled in our hearts.

And though I gasp like a fish out of water for your breath,
I know the trails of our patterns cross paths and that our threads play off eachother, shining brighter and bolder than any other kind

But now I pay my pennance waiting for the next day, when we find our way and I can breath life in again.
920 · Oct 2013
S Smoothie Oct 2013
The silky strings of empathic poetry
wind thier way through my mind to my fingertips,
In turn each caress hums electricity
and glowing reverberated letters form
the beauty of eloquence reserved for greats, restrained.
Instead the satin pearls lay sprawled
gathered with elcectric tweed and tied with pixel yarn
with clunky pebbles inbetween ,
the pearls calling to each other
to dance together on the electric string,
and the pebbles beg for polish
in order for thier beauty to sing.
I however,will not.
For they are eloquence and beauty to me,
and are as my creative souls expression
faultless in the delivery of my first truth,
in all art born of soul and heart
elegantly evocative in the highest perfection
of the electrons clumsily,
imperfectly formed birth of
S Smoothie Jul 2014
oh dear sister how easily you forget

I can not read your mind we are not twins

nor are we travelling on the same frequency.

I can not ask you what you need if you do not answer my calls

and shout at me when I come to find you.

sister dear, I know you want me to make you shine

and polish the silver ware and forget my cooking flair, fine.

but, wasnt it you who had said:

"if your inviting that vegan friend"

that I had to cook something she could eat at the spread?

and now youre all huffed and puffed and natiness instead

when I have organsied to cook it together with this friend

because I was trying to contact you and got no response in the end?

I didnt blink when you and mother dear went shopping and planned all the fare

I didnt baulk when you asked me to buy the meat nor did I care

I didnt say anything at all when you didnt include me

and nothing again when you didnt call to advise me

now I didnt deserve that stupid display

and especially since you and mother want to put your wears on display

your facebook anitcs are something to annoying to see

#hashtag food selfie  

and well  I guess you dont want to see the shine in me

but the memo came at birth, I know its your own ball

Im only here as a front in front of you and mothers friends

playing happy family to whatever end  

just be glad I'll come at all thanks to my vegan friend

Her name is not 'that vegan chick' its Melissa

so do your own polishing.

News flash: Im not the ugly sister.
Because Family.
916 · Aug 2018
Street lamp
S Smoothie Aug 2018
kiss the street lamp closed,
a new halo is dawning
dew drops curl into little spheres
ready to reflect the coming joy
in glorious refraction!
the dove untucks her beak from her huddled wings,
the air wrestles it’s self to life
after the still night
the lizards blink a slow blink
charging in the gently rising rays
the salty sea smiles,
shining back every color the sun dares to paint the dawn
and the first baby gurgles in tune with the larks and wrens
the creaking of an old door warming up joins the chorus
as tip toes navigate the perilous sounds of sudden awakening
A tipsy dance denotes that love has risen in haze of daylight
the hopes of a thousand dreams fluttering about
Suddenly fall to the ground
the greeting came as hard as the stare
“Where the **** have you been again?
906 · Nov 2013
Can I go now?
S Smoothie Nov 2013
The night shade was drawn to envelop in dark
a balmy evening so warm and thickly
there were no others except the black lark
an eerie sense drew over one quickly.
893 · Feb 2014
I dont talk about it.
S Smoothie Feb 2014
I didnt want to talk about it.

it hung there in its ominous entirety devoid of explaination

the sickening welt in my gut peircing the truth into realisation

it is something that could not be unseen, unheard.

as you finally grasped its magnitude gaping wide open incredulously at the shape of it

I looked away.

I blame you.

but I never said a word.
893 · Feb 2014
I missed you, so...
S Smoothie Feb 2014

I missed you.

its as simple as that.

the shape of you is but a shadow,

And I found myself jumping through like a *smoke ring hoping to catch you.

but the edges always seem to vanish into thin air...

So im left with nothing

but this simple prayer.

Im sending you love on these wings of hope

to reach you because I missed you.

And its as simple as *that.
892 · Nov 2013
Ephemerally yours
S Smoothie Nov 2013
Immaculate dreams float through my mindscapes
eyes of liquid love washing over me
Strong arms embrace me just to let me go
you fade in and out like a welcomed stranger
you find my heart strings
and gently pluck most beautiful songs of love out of me
A sideways glance captures your full manhood ready and wanting
And as I turn, you no sooner dissolve into thin air!

An intangible love...

your thought prints lay all over my body;
my soul wraps itself around yours
only to twist myself into nothing.
ever dependent on these dreamy whisps
of visitations upon my request
my lovely ghost
A thought  here,
a whisper there;
where are you dearest?
Please come to me,
I ache so much to
love you now.

Ephemerally yours,
a love that died a thousand deaths.
865 · Dec 2014
A small token
S Smoothie Dec 2014
magnificence was never a trait of mine
thats why i always wanted to be near yours

the sun scrawls out fingers of light on your crown
The birds sing of love whe youre around
and it fills my heart with  the dread of longing
how many others open their doors to your glory
and which if ever will you walk through?
my archway lays bare
all my hopes and despairs lace the floor,
curl your soul around me
and lay upon my heart
pick the beat you want,
every one is yours
and with it hope endures.
860 · Oct 2015
Waiting on God...
S Smoothie Oct 2015
I'm flicked over,
Stressed and confused
I've thrown it up to the Lord
But I have yet to hear news
Painful chest clenching heart wrenching wait
Will they show the value of faith?
Did I believe in the wrong people?
How dire the results if it's true
That all that love and patience
Was wasted on every one of you.


If you're looking for me
I'll just be here huddled in the corner,
fighting with whatever I can
Waiting for God.
857 · Mar 2015
well played...
S Smoothie Mar 2015
Another heartbreak,
another mess
emotions lost in translation
I can't hear you
or is it you can't hear me
behind that glass wall
You think youre so untouchable
Drowning out my pain
as if it wasnt your fault
and the blame is all mine too.
I guess theres no reaching you
you lip-read terrible.
the perfect piece off the wrong puzzle.
Or is that me?
I guess youre claiming
the rest too.
As if i'd be nothing
with out you
the tide has rolled in and out
turns out
im nothing
but ****** up with you.
Is it lonely there?
in your self-serving glass house?
where my rent is a costly amount
of dignity and sanity.
the future i had in my grasp,
i gave up so willingly
on a rescue
has me
playing the victim,
a role
i never cherrished or intended.
The script
has been written
The dire twist
is about to befall
Hovering over our heads like
an executioner's sword
- but
just like that,
that look,
that sincerity
makes it all ok.
I am ready to ***** over again

Well played...
S Smoothie Nov 2013
Don't write me ******* poetry

The love that helps a knight traverse a mountain
well you don't have the words for that
the passion that curls toes
just doesn't sound the same when you describe it
is not a romantic word
niether is
'I wanna *******'
but the way you
do it;
847 · Mar 2014
the pain amoeba
S Smoothie Mar 2014
Thoughts drip from my mind as
globulous glassy fluids of emotion.

The curtains drawn,
the veil of love lifted and
bare truths litter the ground
at my feet.

Starry dreamlike flickers
each turned into glaring suns of acceptance;
the loss confounds me.

Amoebas shifting, pushing.
Meniscus pulls back each rush of liquid mess
my heart squeezes through new eyes
in its feeble attempt to fill the void
so glaringly obvious now
with something, anything.

Swallowed whole,
All sense of knowing lost.
The fabric of my undestanding
torn from under me.

As I fall
Betrayal nudges the corners of realisation
but its too loud an echo to make sense of.

Not ready yet.

As the liquid marbles
load up and fire their last
passionate pleas for compassion
the reality knocks intently
I push to keep it out
A long and useless fight.

Amoeba of pain Takes me over.

nothing left to try.
I brace;
waiting for the tears to run dry...
845 · May 2016
The art of breaking
S Smoothie May 2016

The heat of your soft breath,
leaves a warmth that makes my skin pine for you
Every hair standing on air charged with desire
Finger tips lace curves and edges
I'm desperately afraid to lose touch
Magnatised hips follow Arching up to meet your designs
Eyes locked suspended in time
Youre on my frequency
reading every thought,
Confessions tumble helplessly
Every wish,
Every hope
Every intricate design ive held for us
nothing but surrender
Every wall vapourised


Souls exposed mingling through eachother
Light danced us through aeons of memories
I tore up every star to find you
Kissing the footprints I followed as markers
You saw it all
Every desperation
Every hopless call
Endless pits of lamentation
A Tortured seperation
A pain to rival all pain
And still it wasnt enough
To forgive me.


You stood one moment longer than the last time  
i almost felt you let me in
I clung desperately to the cliffs of hope
As you picked away my fingers
And blew me a kiss before the fall.


A shattering thud was the door of your heart
Closing upon my breaking.
842 · Mar 2014
eidolon blip.
S Smoothie Mar 2014
all this time, you were just a phantom I assigned

to your face...

to your hard shape and soft eyes.

a phantasm

a love imprinted on your soma by my soul

so desperately wanting to see yours.

and here I am, calling you to me again

with no right after a thousand revelations

and every suffered revocation

youd think I'd learn why you disappeared?

but you will never be gone from me

I can sense these things.

my eidolon's soul fits you perfectly

Youre my perfect idea of beauty

all your crookedness and pain

every hunger in your eyes

every burn in your touch

the redemption you belive you will find in my destruction

to hell with the truth.

Im in love with your lovely brand of pain

the phantom of your ***

the soul of your love lies too well with you for me

I am convinced.

My vision of who I insist you are is all I need.

a breath on the wind and that look in your eyes,

still; all this time, a phantom i assigned.

a blueprint so well laid, in my heart and soul

I still believe you should be mine.
noun: soma; plural noun: somas
the parts of an organism other than the reproductive cells.
2.the body as distinct from the soul, mind, or psyche
Origin late 19th cent.: from Greek sōma ‘body’.

noun: eidolon; plural noun: eidola; plural noun: eidolons idealized person or thing.
2.a spectre or phantom.
830 · Jan 2014
my warm coffee hug (haikus)
S Smoothie Jan 2014
My warm coffee hug

warms me from the outside in

creamy bitter love

soothing my lost soul

coaxing it to come back home

fleeting though it is

A connection of

body, soul and of feelings

the warm sip takes hold

I am with you now

for that one moment present.

the next moment gone.

Till we meet again

in that warming silken kiss

adieu Consciousness.
830 · Nov 2013
S Smoothie Nov 2013
my designs for you don't match your own
A telling tale of how far we've grown.

My lovely lines
all tangled and torn
yours won't bend or dip in time
too irregular for mine

Please don't design yourself around me any more
I confess; my heart lines are all messed!
I can bearly breathe I'm so tense
you don't take the care to give the freedom I do
my arches lay bare for you to go through
But You
reach right in and tie me in knots
its not the first time you forgot.

please don't draw your designs on me
they tangle me up so
don't choke me, please no,
I don't want to go.

Reaching for you has become a chore
more tangles and crossed lines than before

time to draw the line in the proverbial sand
Though you and I will still hold hands

please dont tangle me up any more
I promise not to too either I assure,

let's just draw our designs on either side
holding hands following the same line
and let the windy trails twist them up
as we leave them to mingle and twine.
I'll stay yours and you'll stay mine
and weave our way into a grand new design!
S Smoothie Jul 2014
Its the times Im alone that i fear the ghost of you.

I cant wash the sins out of my hair

or the rising betrayal in my heart

I cant afford you.

instead I watch you shimmer.
823 · Dec 2013
of love and immortality
S Smoothie Dec 2013
I send my soul out
In search of you
upon on the wind.

I know our moment
Is close.

I sense you in the air
I feel you on my skin
these earthly things
Are of not our love

Let the glorious day come
When we cast off
the weight of these skins
These anchors of bone and flesh
to find each other;

Where for that small
Space in between
We are one light Immortal
unsepreated by cruel birth
And unmoved stars.

a breath, a beat;
a moment.
upon the breeze
whispers in
of our worlds in between
love  spaces.
820 · Jul 2021
She's like the wind
S Smoothie Jul 2021
Her grace and beauty blew in like a warm wind

Caressing the soul of one's creativity,

Raising blooms wherever she touched.

A blessing so powerful heaven could tear open with one thought and rain joy or tickle with delight!

With the same breath a tornado of hard hitting truths could lay down to rest when lyrically wrought

a gentle awakening from slumber

Without objection one would invite her careful dissection, the intimate eye of her perception

Her love is fierce as it is gentle, a stinging healing tincture

And she vanished just like the wind

But the feeling is indelibly there

And I fear always will be in memory only

And if so she unwittingly took my breath with her

On that stellar journey where were so destined to have met.  
So I will go on in suspense looking around every corner of every page for signs of her,

incase she decides to breeze in in that cool way she does and washes every eye anew.
I miss you already.
S Smoothie Dec 2013
though the hard black line is drawn,

my heart and soul simply ignores it.

all the wise and light in the universe

does no good for me.

a fool is a fool,

even a wise fool

when in love.

and the ***** **** dust

that glistens in our eyes

is so thick

you can never see

through it.

I wish it was that.

but it isn't.

its love.

pure and selfless.

and it craves the darkness

because it wants so much

to balance everything

  into one perfect shade of gray

where all things

are ephemerally constant

and nothing but the motion of love

810 · Nov 2013
As you walk away
S Smoothie Nov 2013
A *kiss

tender but uninvited;

nothing more nothing less.

an exit.

two steps;

a question,

two steps;

an answer:

because I love you.

my searching eyes see nothing of yours

my ears just won't validate it

three steps

a question,

an answer:

very much.

an exit.
S Smoothie Dec 2013
This strange kind of numb has chased away the desolating pain
there seems nothing in the part where love grows
not in the heart or mind or soul
Is this what death feels like?
Every shred of decency you stole in that **** weak moment of betrayal
you shook the hand of the beast that gave the burden
the thief of my dignity
it was an inncent action between men who respect each other
you had had no right to placee all my shreds of respectably in his palms
to anialate me without provacation
to give me up to avoid confronting the truth
you let my pride die a silent death
the humiliation.
the state of shock
and constant scraping up my self off the floor
it was because you found it easier to forgive, than fight for me
so I died A million painful deaths in that moment
like the love that swore it would die a thousand more
it vanished emphasising the nothing that I am
and you didn't even blink an eye.
808 · Nov 2015
The way things go
S Smoothie Nov 2015
As the stresses of the day wear on,
My furrowed brow tucked firmly in pensive thought,
My back torn open from the malicious whips of jealous competition
Lips pursed tight,
chest groaning with slivers of painful angst
Mind racing foul
I carry my heavy load yoked firmly home
I walk through that familiar door
bright eyes burning with warm welcome seer through me
my furrows are swept away
tension easing,
I unfurl as you  rise to greet me,
Warm smiles contagiously leap on to my gaunt expression
tender lips move so gently over my  mine
softening every hash word passed through them,
My chest unclenches releasing butterflies from thier  paranoid chains
Warm arms brush away the stings of the days warfare
Relief washes through me
My armour falls away
As my soul tucks tightly into you
A whisper from my heart releases
'I'm home'.
Love you xo
806 · Sep 2021
S Smoothie Sep 2021
Behind the days bluish glow

I know you're there

I wait for sunset and while away

Until the midnight hour

Where your breath speaks to my soul

Where constellations twinkle

in sequence spelling out your secret name

And as I rise weightless

Leaving the old leaden sheath behind

The cosmos suddenly opens

A stream of concious light

Interconnected highways and byways

And the game of tip chase begins

Are you amongst the stars?

Are those your soul prints amongst the quasars?

I search for you,

With all the excitement

Of innocent eyes devouring the wonders

but you still remain for my efforts unseen...
Inspired by greatness
804 · Dec 2020
I swear but...
S Smoothie Dec 2020
Hold up

Enough of this bird drip

Wipe your nose and look up

Pathetic blind mice play 2 wise sheep

The artificial heart beeps

While yours bleeds

Your blood is coin

A fools folly of *****

Your child sacrificed

Cut to pieces and torn

Yet for the afflictedbstrangers you mourn

For animals you weep

Some to **** some to keep

Scientific lies poison your mind

Call the message fear

Call the message hate

Call the message division

God does not exist

Re-call the message

Re-call the message

Re-call the message

Fall asleep zombie

Fall asleep sheep

The lion sleeps tonight

The red dragon stalks

Green eyed monster

Gives birth to the invisible beast

A burden

Gray matter feeding artificial martyrs

You can do it yourself only you can't

You can be free only youre not

Poked with incessant panic

Prodded with incessant fear

Switch off

Recall the message

Recall the message

Recall the message

We are not saved in this world but the next

For the wise
Not the intelligent.
799 · Mar 2014
heart skips
S Smoothie Mar 2014
I always say you never lose a thing you need.
obviously you dont need it if you were careless enough to lose it
Oh well, Off we skip like the most heartless things in the world,
looking for another heart to borrow,
and sign a new due date for its return,
Hoping this time, its long enough to re-borrow
so it wont be returned early
by skipping over the beats.
796 · Oct 2015
Like fireflies
S Smoothie Oct 2015
Soft floating embers rise
from the fires of long remembered desires
Slowly twisting and twirling  like a sensual  dance
My thoughts reach out to capture the moments
before the cradled embers die
and fade one last time.
795 · Feb 2014
personal interest
S Smoothie Feb 2014
I had a chat to someone today who really went about it the wrong way. I dont think it very sane or fair to give a credit where the act lay bare.
I am someone whose opinion I think highly of,
and rest assured, I am interested in what I think of.
but to call a ***** a ***** and dig a hole with it for yourself
is not a wise thing to do.
though the wise have been thought crazy and the crazy wise
the fool is the fool in any position naive or wise because a what a fool believes
the wise always questions what he sees.
a fair and valid comment is not cause for defamation,
defamation though has cause and stains by association
and I will suffer none of it
because I just couldn't give a ****.
think of it what you think of it.

Making of false, derogatory statement(s) in private or public about a person's business practices, character, financial status, morals, or reputation. Oral defamation is a slander whereas printed or published defamation is a libel. The plaintiff must prove that the defamation was communicated to someone other than him or her. And, if the statement is not obviously defamatory, it must be shown that it carries a defamatory meaning (see innuendo) and that reasonable people would think that it refers to the plaintiff. In case of unintentional defamation, the defendant may mitigate damages or escape liability by offering an apology. Defamation with malicious intent (see malice) invalidates the defense of fair comment and qualified privilege. Defamation that imputes a criminal offense punishable with imprisonment, is usually a sufficient ground for a court action even in the absence of a proof of special damages. Under the UK law, defamation damages are assessed by a jury and not a judge.


Read more:
Enjoy Enlightenment :)
795 · Nov 2013
S Smoothie Nov 2013
Reprieve \Folder:  Heart aesthetics

a breath drawn ever so lightly,
so cautiously aware.
the rain drops fell lightly and kissed the dry ground.
a blessing eases out from under a rock
blood  from a stone turned to wine
the cool breeze caresses
and the heat slips into sleepy embers
the wind gently consoles.
the nagging worry eases on the shoulder
knowing too well the conjuresome
tricks of the fire storm,
a breath, a beat;
a sideways glance;
a view to a ****.

795 · Apr 2014
the steaks
S Smoothie Apr 2014
Its not rocket science
the way you **** Me
Its nothing specific
Mechanically fitting 
But there is something ethereal About your touch, 
And the way you say ***** things with that husky voice
The way I choke on it while you watch
And the sincerity  in your kisses
Contrasted by your cool withdrawal
the way you pull your pants on 
And walk out the door
with your shirt over your shoulder never looking back
The way you think you've won the pride steaks.
It never lasts
always been your good time girl.
I let you hunt me down again.
Its not rocket science
I love to ****.
S Smoothie Aug 2018
A world of starss between them
their hearts reached out for eachother at the end of each passing revelation
revolving in the same matter
as if the distance could be mitigated somehow,
by touching the same space only worlds apart
he traced their names in the stars and she traced out thier hearts intertwined
alas, the end was ne’er in sight
the mysteries of why were too mystical to ponder
and creation filled the void with challenges, love and light.
thinking back to when they were new
they had shone brightly with innocence
the span of things was endless, but had allowed limited exploration
the One had called them unawares
and rushing back like obedient children
with great anticipation of what grand joy was at hand
immersed in the mysteries revealed
it was then they lost eachother
caught in different planes by a different set of stars
beyond the eye of the black hole created by the break in his heart
and the shattering of hers.
Searching in opposite polarities aeons apart the matter ever expanded
passing eachother withn a blink of an eye
but without words a universe was said;
Iris to Iris, soul to soul,
touching the same matter as eachother
only, aeons apart...
782 · Aug 2021
A little birdy told me
S Smoothie Aug 2021
He came and rested

like a bird on my shoulder  

Cautiously testing the suitability

and equilibrium of his perch

After a few inquisitive glances,

he seemed to ease.

I let out a slow careful breath...

Then another...

and rather gently built up a rhythm

so as not to startle him

lest he fly away.

And seemingly resolved,

he inched closer

till I could feel the flutter of his breast

and the gentle nuzzling of his head on my ear

My conciousness bade him welcome

such beautiful iridescent blues

straddled his white breast

and piercing blue eyes peered through

a velveteen mask

nestled upon a darkened beak

A striking fellow.

his weary feet belied his beautiful veneer

upon closer inspection,

I notice a small part of him missing,

maybe caught in some fierce struggle for life,

I had enjoyed him fluttering and flitting about weaving such wonderful things with trinkets collected from his travels

There was something ethereal,

yet lonesome in his posture

like that of a wise man

whose trials had marked

the strength of the lines

in his weary well travelled face

but a youthfulness glowed beneath

that smiling eyes could betray in an instant.

It felt like he knew me.

An old friend of the cosmos

that I'd crossed by and by.

And when I dared

and he dared,

our eyes met

and instantly our souls

recognised some ancient promise.

After an endless moment of acquiescence

He began to whisper his mystical wanderings chasing the astral turning of tides.

He whispered ancient mysteries in my ear,

of being lost in endless Odyssey's

revealing our secret truths laid amongst the stars waiting to transform

and reunite in some spectacular way,

some new creation

to flush away the yearning of brighter ways.

I pointed them out to him on the horizon

and I did my best to assure him they were there,

it was then that I spotted that low bow that

broke bare and it hung there

In front of him like a stalking giant,

oh well I whispered

"what's the meaning of existence,

if at least we don't try?"

And off we flew in a different direction

searching for some metaphorical chainsaw

to make for a clearer view.

We couldn't help but feel we were missing something...
A little inspiration
S Smoothie Oct 2013
Two beautiful moons,
galaxies apart
Turning circles
held there
by the obligations of gravity.
But one ever seeks the other,
Sensing they are destined;
They feel the pull of the other
Through the void of spaces.
In their endless revolutions each
Counting the twinkle of the stars,
down to the one Lunar turn
when they align paths
only seconds to Tell
of a universe of love
in that moonbeam,
eclipsing Each others spaces,
their refractions touch.
Particles of moonbeams close enough
to mingle in each others high hopes,
but the universe has
its own time scape
At least as they drift,
further from the rings of their bounds
Each endless cycle,
drifts them a fraction closer to their hearts;
and on that glorious night
when their hearts collide
the universe will see
a brilliance of love
To eclipse every sun.
This is part of a printed work copyrights reserved.
773 · Jan 2014
happily understood
S Smoothie Jan 2014
"They were happily absorbed

in their misunderstanding of me.

By my understanding of them;

I found nothing would change it.

So, I didn't bother anymore."
771 · Dec 2016
Plisterion barbicels
S Smoothie Dec 2016
Folder:  The Art of Breaking
Feathers  of thought floating down to the gravity of reality
Finite ends drawn out so delicately, slowly and wholly.
Something so light, weighted so heavily
Beauty wrapped in barbs of wire and ire
Pained senses and armed defenses
You were so innocent then
Before the burning fire of desire
When life came at a pace,
Bursting with color in all directions!
when every which way led to adventure;
a life dancing among the clouds.
touching the sky,
tipping the stars,
huddled safely in the moon's sling
Before the crack of truth rang out the liar you still admire .

wrap your thorns warm,
and tightly packed
The time has long passed for love to fade away
fall, drift, settle into oblivion...

First draft:
feathers  of thought floating down to the gravity of reality
finite ends drawn out so delicately, slowly and wholly.
something so light weighted so heavily with pained senses, armed defenses
beauty wrapped in barbs of wire and ire
You were so innocent then Before the burning fire of desire
when life came at a pace bursting with color in all directions
When every way led to adventure
a life dancing among the clouds
touching the sky, tipping the stars
huddled safely in the moon's sling
Before the crack of truth rang out the liar you still admire
wrap your thorns warm and tightly packed
The time has long passed  for love to fall away
fall, drift, settle into oblivion
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