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and I'm avoiding the shower all day because your scent lingers in my hair and I don't want it to stop
 Jul 2015 Joanna
Julie Grenness
In our Universe,
Far, far away,
Once were aliens,
Or were they angels?
When gods were men,
And men were as gods,
Until the last quark
Fades away, like stars,
Ineffable love,
Perpetual cosmos,
Close but far,
Intangible to feel,
Is invisible real?
Impossible dreams,
We are generations
Too young,
Is the Universe
So very far?
About our origins, somewhere in the Universe.  Feedback welcome.
Have I found you?
Starless sky
Or have I lost you?
Stolen charity

Steel skeleteons
Burning through the dust
Silver has lost its worth
Lustful heap
Hurting bleak
Always wanting teeth
For that reasoned skin
A night bending on my knees
I'm waiting for her to come back
The sea is spinning on summer eve
Two small blue jars around my neck
Holding your street-light eyes
And his quick wits grounded
Lonely small-town fires
Have I found you?
Chain the sound of your name on my wrists
Or have I lost you?
He's sore but warm.
Leave me out here drenched in hope
It's just your bones your made of.

*Oh you love him with all of your body
Oh that's alright with me.
For LycanTheThrope
 Jul 2015 Joanna
Claire Elizabeth
There are forgotten words hanging over my chest
Dangling like freshly shattered glass spread across a navy quilted glass
Glittering in the sunny heavens as they fall and spray painful reminders
Of the past into the still air
Heavy hanging fruits of our labours so long ago
A sigh
A touch
A vague impression of your body pressed into mine from those days we spent
Sometimes the words fall
Impaling my heart and my eyes fill
With happy tears, or liquid anger clouding memories of golden laughter

Watch out for those
They hurt the worst
 Jul 2015 Joanna
raine cooper
i wanted to tell you i loved you,
but the butterflies in my stomach swarmed my throat, and all the words got caught in their wings
So happy this was picked for the daily! Thank you all so much for your kind words and support of my writing. I appreciate it, truly.
 Jul 2015 Joanna
Kyrsten Leake
Im sure this is just a fairytale
When I'm alone, I feel like a princess
Just thinking about you

I love the way you hold me tight
With something of you holding anything of me
It just feels right

So what am i gonna do
Six months down the road
When laughs become silent conversations
And smiles become tears
And a girl in love starts her new life
*pre breakup writings*
 Jun 2015 Joanna
There are 10 kinds of people in this world,
and binary accounts for them all.

They're happy and sad.
They're ones and zeros.
Villains and heroes.
Villains, yet not all bad.
Despite everything life decides to hurl;
Despite every brick ball of fear
Through the stained glass windows of their minds,
Through it all, they survive.
They're angry and glad.
They're happy and sad.

And in their duality, they're still smiling there
at your sharp hasty words
at your venomous hurt
that you wish so desperately they, too, shared.
Love thy enemy.

Special thanks to Kelley A Vinal for the binary inspiration. You can read her poetry here:

It's pretty solid.

Edit: Holy Daily, Batman! Wow, I'm so honored. Glad you all like it so much! :D
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