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  Mar 2015 sunxset
Katelyn Knapp
These days...

Are you sitting alone in the quiet and cold
or surrounded by friends with your colors and smoke
Are you thinking of me as you fall back to sleep
Or grinningly praising the silence and peace

Is your love still the same
Are you glad that I'm gone
Do you miss me at all
Are you happy alone?

These days...

I knew that I cared more
****, probably too much
but now I can't eat or find joy in the comfort
of knowing you're finally happy - you're free
But did it really take you not talking to me?

God, just tell me straight
Did you want me to stay? Please...
know I'm around
Are we better this way

...these days

You're still my everything
Yeah, that'll never change
But I need commitment and love
not these tears you're proud of
You say you're a man; are you happy again?
Well, ****.

I still see you and Zuri,
I still miss my lover,
but I need security the way you need me not to hover.
I want peace and partnership
You want casual relationships
We both can't win
and we're fighting again

These days...

I get it now
I really do see
Insouciance doesn't make you worse than me
and being so invested doesn't make me right.
We want different things -
is this worth the fight?

And one day I hope you will want to be mine
But you need some space
and I need some time
to forget your ambivalent shove toward shame
and the way that it hurt you to call out my name.

But I am still here
Your pain is still mine
and though I know love tends to fade over time
I swear that mine won't
One day you will see
One day you'll remember

And it will still be
...these days.
  Mar 2015 sunxset
Coleen Jade
Why do I try?
Why do I bother?
Why do I love you,
When you love another?

I'd give you the moon,
the stars and everything.
But you can't give back
an ounce of the same feeling.
  Mar 2015 sunxset
s Veazie
It is so hard for me to talk about my thoughts of loving you

Because I sit here with a smile and a friendly face

And talk to you about your thoughts of loving her.
Unrequited Love
  Mar 2015 sunxset
frankie crognale
before i ever met you i had no idea i liked blue eyes especially ones that resemble the crystal clear blue carribean sea and normally i'd never get anywhere near any ocean of any sort but the sea of your eyes is enchanting and it fascinates me to no end, it's what causes me to stay up past three am every night thinking about how heavenly it would be to drown in opulent sapphire serenity, but the weird thing is that i'm normally absolutely petrified of the ocean and when im around you i feel invincible, i guess the ocean is euphoric to some but to me any geographic or cosmic wonder could never compare to the inner and outer beauty that radiates off of you like a ray of sun or a wave through the sea of your irises, i may not have ever told you how beautiful i think your mind is or maybe i did but it's kind of hard to think about anything because im normally too busy wishing i was drowning in you
  Mar 2015 sunxset
Emma Mariko Rahalski
Some day, one of us will wake up
and not think about the other.
And although I’d like to say
that I could brush you off
in a matter of days,
I’m afraid I’m becoming too accustomed
to your fingers filling the space between mine.
I don’t like the taste
of air that hasn't filled your lungs.
and every moment apart from you
feels like wasted time.

I may be living in a dream
but its true.
I’d never wake up if I knew
it wouldn't be
to the thought of you.
sunxset Feb 2015
the flowers you have given me,
they slowly wilted
like the way you told me
you loved me
l o v e d
l o v e
l o v
l o

but still, they grew back as

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