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 Aug 2016 Sumit Saha
when the days and nights start bleeding together
and your mind stops shutting off at the end of the day,
call me.
i can't guarantee you i will have anything to say
“you're not the only one awake.”

because sometimes my mind forgets to go to sleep too,
and by sometimes, i mean almost always.

when you do finally close your eyes only to wake up
thirty minutes later, paralyzed in fear, body in panic mode,
call me.
i won't promise you i will have any words
“i've had that nightmare.”

because sometimes my anxiety triggers those dreams too,
and by sometimes, i mean almost always.

when you leave your house the next morning
already dreading having to go through it again hours later,
call me.
i might not have anything to tell you
“i understand.”

because sometimes i can't feel anything anymore either.
because sometimes it's like this has taken over my whole life.
because sometimes i'm so sick of living this way.
and by sometimes, i mean almost always.

so call me.

because sometimes you don't have to be on your own.
because sometimes you're not really alone.
because sometimes you don't even you know.
and by sometimes, i mean almost always.
song: truce by twenty one pilots
 Aug 2016 Sumit Saha
Leigh Marie
I can't tell who ruined us
perhaps it's foolish to think
that it's not over
not yet cause  
we built a story and
called it home
Though maybe there were two stories
and we were on different floors but
when the whole house crumbled
we still ended up laying there
on the dirt
Phoenixes ready to
live and love again
even after you covered us in oil and I lit the match

— The End —