you out there,
sit back and relax
watch it begin.
She being my sister said,
'you're not weighed in,
I think you're a bit loopy,
think you need your brain balancing'
and that was the start of it.
Family, half crazy and the other half middle Britain,
can't stop themselves from putting the boot in.
It's a bit of a sod that the siblings are odd, but it's par for the course where we all come from.
Some say it's a shame that we all bear the same name, but let me tell you,
I wear it with pride.
Take a look inside and you'll see that our family is welded tight, we look after each other,
Mother who's older than methuselah taught us that the bond between sisters and brothers is the wall that all others would breach.
I could say half crazy's the way to be and definitely is in our family.
I love them all though even if half are not plumbed in and some need balancing.
It's blood in the vein
It's the family name
all a part of the game
that we play,