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  Sep 2016 Stxlle

I saw autumn

reflecting in your
springtime eyes

and knew
as long as I was with you

summer would never end
Part of my Compact Poem series
Stxlle Sep 2016
turned off the light
and let the darkness invade
then you came into my life
and the darkness went away
Just a little something I thought of
  Sep 2016 Stxlle
remington carter
death is not knocking
on my door;
i am knocking
on his
come back. we miss you.
There's no Pokémon
here in Rio, much like our
clean drinking water.
  Jul 2016 Stxlle
The Lunchtime Poet
Don't live life
Full of regret
High expectations
Never met
Love letters
You did not send
Broken fences
You wouldn't mend
Hurtful words
Unable to take back
Feeling your heart
Start to crack
Pushed people away
Now your alone
No one to talk to
On the phone
It'll be okay
Don't be sad
Things can't really
Be that bad
That is why
When things look bleak
You must turn
The other cheek
Don't let life
Get you down
Turn your frown
Upside down
You must have done
Something right
Because I am here
With you tonight
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