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 Oct 2015 stéphane noir
 Oct 2015 stéphane noir
The emptiness that I feel inside
Doesn't have words that I can describe
The loneliness I feel throughout
It was her fault without a doubt
She's still alive but to me she's dead
Of everything that we've ever said
I can't stand to live with her
All the time we fight
Because I don't forget anything
Nothing's alright
My Dad says she cares
He says that she's stable
When I was cutting myself
She only cared about the table
I don't know how I'll feel today or tomorrow
'Cause every other day is a day I feel sorrow
Some kids are lucky
Not having to deal with this bomb
Because this poems about you, so called--Mom.
I pray to God that karma is real
and that you feel

Every single thing you've done to me.
Ten fold.

 Oct 2015 stéphane noir
airports remind me of you
the smell of recycled air, and sterile plastic, remind me of you
getting the window seat reminds me of you
Bon Iver as we slip into the clouds
the clouds
the ******* sky

it all reminds me of you
up up and away
I haven't been completely honest
With myself
I lie to her all day long
She asks if I am alright
I nod and give a frail smile
You could consider me that
I think I would rather give it the name of "surviving"
Lovesick and tender, his heart rolls yet again,
on the flowerbed watered by a petite maiden,
it jumped out bleeding all over, loudly wailing
wounded by the sharp thorns galore, kept hidden,
"Ä rose is a rose is a rose" aloud, he repeatedly chants,
to his swollen heart, he reassuringly quotes,wriggling in pain.

The bleeding would stop soon, a sweet pain would  take over,
if only one is a lover,one feels that way, be aware,
don't get bitter,not just for now, a time might later come,
love , be loved, bear the scars of the heroic war wounds on hearts.

to go back in time and recall how one fought one's wars,
to win the heart of the lady loved, then if it fails,smile!

walk back in time,to visit that historic spot, in the story
of one's life,where one finally fell smiling,unflinching
before the dagger eyes of the  maiden, without mercy.
Love is often a war unforeseen , heart hunting heart
a walk along  the zone corpse  strewn, would make one realize
how heartless it all could turn!
 Oct 2015 stéphane noir
 Oct 2015 stéphane noir
I'm so sick of hearing
the same old lecture
why can't I grow up
and be mature
no one understands
even if they think they might
I'll just put a rope around my neck
and pull it tight
will that end all the pain and agony
that I go through every day
you say I haven't changed
but I have in my own way
I don't do it to impress
I act how I do
because for some reason it relieves the stress
you don't understand me
so please don't try
eventually ill be free
and you'll be satisfied
but until then be patient
because my rope is tied...
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