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 Jun 10 st64
Peter Balkus
 Jun 10 st64
Peter Balkus
Everyone needs Peace,
but not everyone has the courage
to admit it.
 May 23 st64
Alvin Agnani
"Not so fast", said the girl to me.

It was the first time someone had pointed out my most unusually long hair.


The wind picked up and the old man's hat flew out into the fields.

I chuckled to myself.


It's not I wasn't happy, just strangely compelled to ignore them.

They at least let me into their fold.

I was no longer a lost sheep.

                   ­   m

Not so fast, said the God to me with a smile on His lips.

My being hadn't been properly prepared for this turn of events.

Sdorw htiw

He actually spoke now. It wasn't just some message written in the sand.

"Are you going to finish that bagle?"

I most definitely was not.


Sorry. I felt like sharing something really different. This is "most definitely" up to interpretation. Have a good one.
 May 23 st64
Alvin Agnani
It seems as though the entire world is asleep; in a coma.
Blinded by ideological propaganda.
A sense of belonging.

There is none.
Or there is only.

Human beings are of the same mind.
A collective.
Yet nobody understands another and everybody thinks they're alone.

You are.
You are alone.

Until you open the door.
And they let you in.
They never will.
 May 22 st64
“Not yet,” I whisper to the heavens. “I love it here.” — Clare Cory


when desperate thoughts come seeking me
in the dark dear moments of near insanity,
when the hounding is bounding and baying,
nipping at my heels but aiming for my throat,
and the litany of next time, we’ll meet again,
is a whispery threating thread in my head that no scrubbing,
can unravel, erase, debase, or erase that awful distaste of
my embittered saliva, and a peace of mind finale
comes with a disgustingly disguising crook finger,
offering a taste of relief,
I will remember this story and  clap my hands
and reach for the quill,
put down the temptation of the knife
and let it pour on to the paper

expiating and excavating and expectorating
sugary salty bile of
mine own self~hate
by whispering the magic of
Not Yet,  Not Yet.*”
May 21, 2024, 3:00 p.m. ET New York Times

Finally Finding “The Magic”

Since childhood, I yearned for love. Once, I came within weeks of marriage before it abruptly fell apart. He said we were missing “the magic,” and, admittedly, he was right. A few men came and went. I’m now 59 with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. I still don’t have a partner, but I’ve fallen desperately in love with life. Exquisite beauty emerges everywhere: my cat on my lap, a cashier extending an unexpected smile, sunlight skipping across a lake. I use each day to soak up the world’s splendor. “Not yet,” I whisper to the heavens. “I love it here.” — Clare Cory
 May 15 st64
 May 15 st64
her mind is chaos
thought after thought
chase each other around
a brain that never rests
half finished jobs
lie strewn across a kitchen
table where we cannot eat
and if she's lost something
watch out, better to let
the hurricane settle, for
storm winds to blow
themselves out than
disturb a train of memory
I have books and cd's
in alphabetical order
love the peace of our fish
swimming in their tanks
I am the eye where calm
persists and she sometimes
visits to rest her brain
I have learnt that love can
conquer so many differences
and this little ship we sail
has never threatened to sink yet
 May 15 st64
Eric Martin
I feel sick
Rotten to the core
All I want to do is quit
I can't take it any more

Nothing I do will stick
And just makes me feel more sore
I think about ending it
But I can't loose this war

I know there's no trick
To make me feel like I did before
But I'll keep on trying to make some thing fit
Because I believe life has more for me in store
 May 13 st64
S R Mats
It has been said that
A man will shape his tools
Then his tools will shape him.
It is true of male or female.
Necessity is the parent of invention,
Invention becomes the driving force,
The power to move forward towards
 May 13 st64
Mass Stranding
 May 13 st64
The pilot's off the wagon and on the sauce,
leading his pod to rot on the rocks.

She said I'll see you later and I said why not.
Steak dinner, body massage, whatever gets you off.

Short of breath and out of my depth.
Low on cash and I don't want what's next.

Wrung out, tapped dry, limped ****, heavy sigh.
Asking Gungan questions like, "are we gonna die?"
 May 13 st64
 May 13 st64
Too fast are the leaves changing from green to orange when I have yet to soak up the warmth of the sun.
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