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Imagination is one scary and at the same time
wonderful thing, it gives me wings and make some rhymes;
wonderful in a sense it could be an instrument to touch one's heart,
and at times tormenting breaking me/you/us apart,

like Icarus flying soaring too high
reaching the sun ended falling flaming down the sky,
I sometimes wonder I still did not lost/end my life;
even so little I still got hope in the future maybe have a child and a wife.

Maybe I don't trust myself that I could handle it;
for all the things I reflected I've been doing I feel like ****.
Like making a pen rotate on your hand,
reversing the glass over again with its sand.

I sometimes wonder if Jesus rises from the dead
why he didn't just stay; what was he thinking in his head,
How do he feel with his heart;
why can he forgave those who broke him apart.

but after he forgave them he went far away;
then others can say they feel his presence in their hearts/life he stayed;
what was he thinking letting others follow him carry a cross;
even Jesus wept and needed help to carry his own cross is the way of a boss.

Human being being human is the best thing to be for me,
God, angels, devils, animals could be wrathful at times as you can see;
Being human accepting weakness reaching and lending a helping hand
for what we are in the grand universe is just a spec of sand.

I love it when I am being humbled,
for I don't like when I'm acting cocky grumpy old;
too proud head high and being loud;
that is why I need to hide myself to balance the sound.

A time to reflect what I have become;
cause living so fast and noisy let me see none,
but life is not yet done many things good things will come;
for the younger one's will replace us when our time is done.

And there Jesus was, he was hungry,thirsty, lonely;
in prison, homeless, lost and broken, he is there in all of us you and me;
Many have ears to hear listen and eyes to truly see;
to be or not to be for all of us what will it be.

too be continued.......


There was this unheard story of a peculiar child;
of somewhat his imagination freely runs so wild;
Imagine if what that kid thinks and feel resonates the world the weather;
that it could bring harmony to the world or catastrophic disaster.

Sometimes life is so full of unimaginable mysteries;
that at times dreams become living realities;
realities we live that affects everyone and all;
Throughout all the seasons from winter to fall.

Some of those thought scares the hell out of me;
if some of those imagination becomes the reality I see.
Seeing all the lives that were lost;
so it made me think is writing worth the cost.

The second day of November before I went to sleep;
I told myself when I wake I'll roll the dice and promise to keep
if I get 6/six and below I'll  promise to stop writing rhyme;
Woke up I rolled it I got 8/eight now I'll be writing from time to time.

First things first I'll put my fate faith in our Creator in God's hand;
Second thing my hope in all humanity together we act and stand;
Last but not least let love be always in my living heart;
To save our common home we all need now to start.

Yes our Creator/God takes and do care for all of us;
but we all also need to act and do our part;
Our Creator provides our home and needs he/she willingly does;
do we also need to take care of everything, everyone, and take it into the heart.

Yes, we all need to take the risk and jump the leap;
for in working all together our common home, we can all keep;
Science and signs we all see our common home is breaking trembling down;
Now is the time to forgive give and learn from each other for this matter is not funny even for a clown.

Deep inside we all frown seeing suffering as we all slowly drown;
but we don't lose hope we lift all each other not putting a single one down;
All over the world far and beyond all around yes we can unite as one;
lift each other up whatever your creed, religion, race, gender yes we all can.

Everything said and done now is the time to act;
for in the past years, days, decades that was what we lack;
the track is still on we now learn and move on;
for today's phenomenon, we all together are drawn.

Drawn to understand each other's differences;
respect each other and everyone from far distances;
Now is the best time for all of us to be one to unite;
for we will all lose everything we cherish if we will still fight.

All together all over let's share ideas, solutions, and talents;
for everything we are we have comes from our Creator heaven-sent;
If we become and act so cynical and mock each other;
What will we accomplish will it just bring us to our fall altogether?

Now is the time for all of us to save our common home;
for now, this is the only living planet we have known.
I the writer is just a mortal instrument;
You can use or play with me if it is to be meant.

I look forward to seeing all of us everyone to harvest a good fruit;
for in my heart I will no longer plant anger hate but love to take root;
I long to see my dream our dreams be a reality do come true;
With our Creator/God's help now it's up for all of us to do our part we me and you.
#on going
Birth giver of my breath,
since earth and I met;
Great depth is my debt,
absence of death you let but yet.

How can I a mortal clay repay?
Beyond words can say.
Never passes away,
Older than for ever and a day.

Mysterious is your ways,
To interpret what you convey.
Portray a wise sage of old age,
was just born yesterday:

I have my own milky-way and galaxy in my mind;
Inside my head called the temple so sacred you'll find.
All the unwritten verses that curses my hand to write;
The words that emerges that even in the darkest night,
to see nothing less than the presence of brightest light.

Whispers of the heavenly hosts,
Then flows the life force Ghost,
The foremost in my innermost,
Leads my fingers to compose,
What is essential the most.

Heard not the ears of the world, longed but forgotten,
The words beyond any one in this moment could have written.
That awakes our ached spirit as we breathe in;
The Paraclete that escalates as it terminates our burden.
As I heard these words started hairs in my arms straighten.

Verses of words
                       never heard in,
                                           a thousands of years
                                                                            living in
silence it hurts
                       the very life
                                         of this earth
                                                          as it slowly falls
                                                                                   into dirt.
as people give not a worth
                             to life of each birth
                                                       bits of grit life wasted death. for us to regret
                      that we let
                                   the earth taste the blood of each death.
Yet it is not too late
                           ending the fate of hate.
                                                         before things will escalate;
Each soul has its mate.
                                   Rates at due date
                                                       those who let the earth ate
The flesh of each death.
                            What a lack of respect
                                                            The heavens never slept
As blood spills as it wept.
                                     This is not just a concept
                                                                  but the truth not kept
It is easy to accept
                            what the worldly
                                                    says on the net
                                                                  sometimes an outlet
a wrongly accepted
                             norm of a state
                                            that affects the minds of the young
As they forgotten the heavens also sung
                                                            the moment of their birth
Till the day they rest on dirt;
                              But if the Greatest Being say in His tongue:
    Be back to life whose gone so long
                                                            now to Us you belong.

          It is up to you,
       You have a mind
       Of what you will do
To be greedy or to be kind
To love or trick some minds.
To tell truth or lies that blinds.
To be selfish or to have a friend.
To stick with someone or pretend.
            To be in the start till the end.
         Even I the writer of these words
Cursedly trap within my written verses.
But each and every minute is not too late;
To have a peaceful world living not in hate.
                              I'm no prophet nor a saint,
                            But a sinner in words I paint.
                    Writing a little piece of what I have;
                   Meant not to spread hate but of love
     Even the hardest hearts could move a mountain;
If in those hearts they give a chance that love may spread in.
Black, White, Red, Yellow,
Korea, U.S.A,. China, Filipino,
And all the countries that follow....A-Z (Not world war Z)
South, North, West, and East
We are all one race
Different looking in the face
Far and away different time and day in each place
We are just in this crazy maze of haze
But we are called the one and only HUMAN RACE.
We could never destroy our own;
Imagine your own will destroy your home.
It is easy to share even the little piece of spare;
But it is hard if we did not try or dare.
Almost close to a place called nowhere;
Where everyone could walk the streets without fear.
To look at each others eyes then smiles a lovely stare.
But where are those who dream?
Those inside themselves silently they scream.
That the mean world destroys their self esteem.
That the world let them believe not what it seem.
A spark of an idea could change the world;
Burning as the bush the words twists and twirled.
We get confused as it spins and swirled,
But hope in the good lord everyone can afford.
             Reading this very sentence
               For you I clap my hands
             You have a lot of patience;
    Verses and words as dense as the oceans and lands.
    Words painful like a woman's ****** you can stand.
Now you can share what is Nowhere Now, Hear Now Here.
Or you can do anything that brings this world some meaning.
Thank you for the patience and time for reading this rhyme;
I hope the One who inspires me will give you everlasting time.

Insects, worms joyfully live;
Trees, flowers naturally give.
Every other creature, fishes, and birds are free;
Human beings know how to be, now how are we?

Imprisoned in the planets face;
beings called the human race.
Rushed by time, unease by space.
Life went by vanish to waste.

As human beings bit by bit die;
But we could not argue and deny;
Human beings made this planet cry;
To **** every other life for our supply.

The planet's life slowly went dry;
as human beings butchery went by.
Every other creature has a life;
as human beings slice it with their knife.

Plants and animals have a life of their own;
The living planet slowly turns skin and bone.
Human beings have a heart but hard as stone;
We are not alone as earth our home sweet home.

We waste our time to praise and blame each other;
we're not even guilty to the other creatures we ******.
The plants and animals we consume;
To fill our bellies morning, night and noon.

As soon as we realize we are not alone;
On this living planet, we call our home.
There are other creatures has a life of their own.
You can feel it if you melt that heart of stone.

Our common, one Mother, our provider good Mother Earth;
nourishing us with food, shelter, water, and air since birth.
Thanks, generous Mother Earth for 'Life' this life, our life to live;
Forgive us if we don't share and abuse what you selflessly give.

May you forgive us and still give everyone all that we need;
Indeed you're a compassionate Mother who always bleeds;
just to feed everything and every one morning, night and noon;
Each and every creature and being we'll all commune so soon.

Sorry, Mother Earth if we all fight for your resources;
For our deadly weapons of war and destructive forces;
Sorry if we don't know how to share and give as we live;
Mother Earth we learn from you how to give and to forgive.

Each drop of blood lost in violence and wars are not worth it;
Mother Earth we promise you to have peace in all if you permit;
As we sit and discern we realize wars and violence we need to quit;
our wars for your resources Mother Earth is just everyone's defeat.

Then again thank you so much Mother Earth for the Life you give;
As we live we will imitate how for every one you give and forgive;
All the needed resources Mother Earth that we receive from you;
We will share it for the good of everyone may it be many or few.

'Mother Earth Thank You'
What a wonderful day to breathe upon the earth,
We're now aware there is a moment for death and birth.
The time is not ticking if you notice this,
But our very precious kicking life is.

Every second life is ticking passing away,
Is it sensible to be happy each and every day?
Don't forget when you wake up if you wake up just smile,
Life is ticking for all of us, make your life worthwhile.

We're here today and maybe gone tomorrow,
Is it time to be joyful and forget about the sorrow?
Everybody is just passing by if you notice this;
Within you, there is a hidden bliss release it, don't resist.

Happiness is a choice so please don't frown;
Despite the circumstance create positivity around.
We all have ups and down if you notice this,
Kindly face it gracefully it's just the way it is.

How treacherous is death when he comes;
He will **** all the air in our lungs.
Sooner or later he will arrive;
Thrive to spend time when we are alive.

Gone in the wind see you no more;
Death had come knocking at your door.
Can't escape even how fast you run;
Your day is done death hunts everyone.

Yet though we've forgotten where we come from,
The closer we get, the happier we become.
Remember when we were born we have none;
There is enough for everyone but have we become numb?

Some say our time is up when our candles melt;
Then lonely to whom is left is what they felt.
Candles melt but it shines so bright;
Death comes like a thief in the night.

Can't fight, can't fight death always win;
Unseen but stays under our skin.
It seems we could never cheat death;
He holds the key to every breath.

Hey, death! Hey, death! Why do you come?
From time to time you steal from some.
You are the one we want to overcome;
But in the end, you always won.

None not even one escapes from you;
We run we hide but you always knew.
So few, so few want to be with you;
You leave no clue when our time is due.

True so true you are only there;
As the wind blew you flew in the air.
Unfair for us that always care;
You share the burden we couldn't bear.

Unaware where we will meet;
Bittersweet the way you greet.
Beat heartbeat it pumps so fast;
If it ceases! Dust to dust we wouldn't last.

We trust, We trust to you mankind;
take care of our land if you wouldn't mind.
It's time to be sensible that would kind;
Negativity could blind you drop it behind.

If there is nothing  best when you say;
Kindly not destroy everyone's whole new day.
Could we not waste the You and I;
Can we respect each other as we try?

There are greater things in life in plain view but still unknown;
But sometimes when it hits you, you tremble on your bone.
There are things in life our hearts could understand but the mind and mouth can't say;
Beyond any words can express the happiness that stays
forever and a day.

Make us humble when we are so proud;
Take away our grumble when we're so loud.
As we face the cold cloudy storm;
Embrace us hold us tight and warm.

Yes, we’re lost in confusion, all the illusion, delusion,
our life in transfusion, but where's the conversion?
It's like a cosmic explosion, and we're in seclusion,
is death our conclusion? have a positive emotion.

Be a part of the solution, not the problem;
In what so ever circumstance just try to solve them.
Complaining will do nothing if you notice this;
Even the world is fixing itself, it's just the way it is.

I reminisce as I write you this;
A simple letter sealed with a kiss.
Sincere regards I'm just no one;
I fear my words are already done.
unspoken words spill through the air,
dripping and falling both vile and fair.
unspoken love unspoken hate,
I see it all no need to blate.
In anger your vision clouds in reds,
when cold clarity smears my vision instead.
In sadness you worry and weep in pain,
wondering if perhaps I'm just not the same.
But sorrows, I have no time to attend,
all I can do is assure your still my friend.
In happiness you claim, I'm the best friend you've had,
when in reality I'm wondering, if you've gone quite mad. :)
I see it all, both old and new..
from the silent worry to
the unspoken "I love you"s
to this I say no need to fret
for you I can not abandon yet.
and as to the love, you keep silent in fear,
you know that I cannot help you here...
I belong to another, yet i still hold you dear,
and know, that as a friend, I shall always be here.
for the eyes of one man alone to hold
for to him this poem is carved from gold.
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
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