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 Jan 2015 SofiStreet
cheryl love
There she waits
on the doorstep of doom
with curlers to scare
as she points with her broom.
There he totters
up the street
with beer in his brain
and two left feet.
"Where have you been"
"cant you guess that!"
He replies with a brave note
Bowing removing his hat.
Not wise, the broom raised
He moved in the nick of time
awkwardly - backwards
in the gutter amongst the grime.
she smiled, her curlers winced
The broomstick bent
The drunk wondering
from where the stars were sent.
She threw him a blanket
the gutter for a bed.
"Make your bed, lie in it"
She madly said.
the door slammed
He was with his dreams
She cried buckets
or so it seems.
Her and him
it will always be.
Him outside and her indoors
that is plain to see.
 Jan 2015 SofiStreet
nicole smith
you meant a lot to me until
I realized your body runs cold.
you meant a lot to me until
I recognized the ways you are bold.
you meant a lot to me until
I heard the number of times your voice cracks throughout the day.
you meant a lot to me until
you spoke of things you were initially afraid to say.
you meant a lot to me until
I saw the way you laughed.
you meant a lot to me until
I saw some of your chosen paths.
you meant a lot to me until
you told me the secrets you forgot to keep inside.
you meant a lot to me until
I stood by you while you cried.
you meant a lot to me until
I heard the mistakes you made in the past.
you meant a lot to me until
I discovered how different you were from the last.

you meant a lot to me until
all your flaws were laid out to see.
but after all this time I've realized
you don't mean a lot,
you mean everything to me.
 Jan 2015 SofiStreet
I don't want a control freak
& I don't want lust.
I don't want someone
who smothers too much
I don't want a parent;
no I don't need a dad.
I don't want temporary,
I never want that.
 Jan 2015 SofiStreet
We say our demons are bad
We are told not to side with them
The rules are in place
To keep us from straying away
These demons that sit on my shoulder
That wander in my head
Tell me to go the other way
Say to take a walk down the other road
Make me question
Make me rebel
I feel a fiery pit in my stomach
as I look down the road
All the others are there
But should I stay here?
I am not to side with the demon on my shoulder
For it will do me no good
Except I can't help but feel a sense of wonder
A curiosity that pulls me the other way
An overwhelming of desire
Making me crumble onto the other side
You say not to listen to the demon in my head
But it has a way of drawing me in
With a crisp language that will never fail to entice me

I'm sure that someone else has said this before but whatever I'll say it anyways.

People don't get to choose what they look like (with few exceptions such as plastic surgery, and even then. ..) so what right do we really have to say that a person is hot, beautiful,  pretty,  cute, ugly or average,  based on how we view their ****** appearance.  Fall in love with one's personality and what's hidden beyond their appearance.
Or don't, whichever right, I mean who the hell am I to tell you how to live.
while all my friends are making fantastic grades and excelling in sports and arts, I can barely comprehend my own thoughts into words
I can't remember what it feels like to wake up feeling ready for the day but instead I feel the same tiredness that put me to sleep at four in the morning
 Jan 2015 SofiStreet
Some nights are for writing.
Some nights are for reading.
I only pander to poets.
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