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One day
Mother's won't have to worry for their
children if they are late to getting home
Getting more nervous as the
Minutes slowly tick away
Wondering if this morning was the
Last time they'd ever see their child
Or say I love you
One day
Teens won't throw their lives away
Because some of their peers made their life a daily pain
With hurtful bards of words and scarring memories
Because they are just a little different
One day
Policemen and citizens alike will not have to fear each other
And can stand united as one to fight the real bad guys
Where there will be no more funerals for the people's lives
That were taken due to this struggle
That is causing all this pain
One day
Females everywhere will have rights
To learn, to choose, to have a voice
Where they are not tried to be silenced by those who would hold them back
Where they have the opportunity to make the world a between place
And even if they don't want it it’s was still an option
One day
People of won't live in fear of being killed by others because of their religion
Scared in their own town
All due to a couple of extremist who can't be caught
Where something people should be proud about
Is now a source of fear
One day
Girls won't measure themselves by What they see on magazines or TV
But look to their inner beauty
Where being bigger set than others isn't a wrong thing
Where being anorexic is a serious problem
And not a way to get skinny fast
One day
People won't be ridiculed because they like people of the same ***
Where they are forced by society to pretend
Knowing they'll never truly fit in
Living in fear of being hurt if they let their true feelings appear
One day
It won't be cool to be mean to others
Where everyone will treat others with a mediocre of respect
Where even the kid in the back of the class will have at least on friend
So they don't feel alone
One day
There will be no third or fourth world countries
Where there will be no more people living in trash heaps
And at least have some food to eat
Where parents have to struggle daily just to put a little food into their child's belly
One day
There will be no more soldiers running into wars
With bullets zipping past their heads
And sleepless nights in their beds
When they leave the battlefields of war
Only to come home to another battle
One day
School will be a safe zone
Where parents can send their kids
Without worry something will go wrong
Where students can learn
And grow strong
One day
There will bad water
No islands made of trash
And we won't have to worry when we won't have clean water anymore
Where global warming isn't a norm
One day
Getting and education for the working class
Won't be like digging a student loan grave
And people spend years of their life trying to pay
For something that should have been
One day
There will be no need for feminist
Because be no certain way to dress
Or they will be a consequence  
And you won’t have to worry about
Weather what you're are wearing is
Going to get you picked on
Laughed at ,Teased
One Day
 May 2016 Skipping Stones
The silence roars...

No one can reach me.

My soul calls out to an empty void.

Do you hear my cries?

I am like the lone wolf

Howling into the night

Going out of my mind

For the company of my kind.

Like a ***** in search of a friend,

I'll just keep whistling to the end.
I am not spring
frost thaws eternally
from shallow-rooted fronds
tenuous and unbound
susceptible to wind's constant round
battering the living flat to ground
sodden, smell of decay all around
time is fleeing
these shoulder seasons
with all their restless reasons
yet to unfold in you
sun-soaked glade
I need your rays
to germinate
Heartbeats fast
whispers and plans
a mother's heart conflicted
as she wrings her hands
through the courage,
streaming tears
        she will let him go
despite her fears
Outside, canines barking harsh
men's cruel shouts
she must say her goodbyes
as the shots ring out
So many kisses
on his sweet, sleepy face
         little man deep in slumber,
in angelic grace
yes, he cried for a minute
as the morphine kicked in
and she rocked him and rocked him
his little frame, so thin
Now as his father takes him
she crumples to the wall
"By the will of God may I see
him again" she whispers
for he is her all
Outside the freeze
puffs breath into clouds
the quiet imperative for
             this next move:
Father gently slips son
into the rough-hewn jute,
No rotten potatoes today, no
this is far more important
No one will look for a tot
in a potato sack, he hopes
He looks around and slips
through the hole in the wire
These moments are critical
the need for speed is dire
A quick trip to the village
           in the black cloak of night
looking over shoulder
Finally the house…it's just there,
the next meadow over
the secret knock is sounded
and the door opened in silence
warm arms greeting, helping
carry the goods inside
Will this be a respite
from all the endless violence?
            Laid gingerly on the bed,
the sack is eased off gently
no potatoes inside
just a small sleeping boy
his parents only pride
Father strokes his hair,
Lays his palms on his head
to bless this bundle of sweetness
in his new environment
"I will come for you, my son"
tucks thin blanket around
and the deed is done
and now, in the cold lonely
smoldering air
of the burning dark
now in the kiss of hopeful protection
yes, now it's time to part

Back to his wife in the ghetto's
cold, sickened  space
to try to convince her
to bust out of that twisted place
You are my warrior, you
and all the others
Your spirit beats on
in my
     naked heart's
For my grandfather, badass survivor partisan
who saved my father (and also survived)during the Holocaust by smuggling him out of the ghetto to farmers in a sack of potatoes
My grandmother never made it
Tonight is Holocaust Remembrance Day eve in my part of the world
In moody silence, nursing my shallow bruises
I sat outside in the graying hours of the night
Staring into the cloudy night sky
With nothing to cheer my sullen spirit

My hair left in shabby mess,
By the mischievous passing breeze
My thoughts slipping out of focus,
Like tiny specks of leaping fleas

A circular face full of sheen,
From behind the nebulous veil,
Showed up all too sudden
Looking at me with a beaming smile

I thought of a thousand smiles
Which kindle and illumine the universe
The love hidden in all things
That eclipses all bitterness and curse

Like ripples in a still pool
Caused by pebbles hurled
By the naughty kids’ wanton hands
A strange sensation unfurled

Tearing down the pall of gloom
Wavelets of cheer grew
Coming off in wider circles
Changing my mindscape into brighter hue

A new moment was born
And in the ceaseless beat of my heart
I sensed a new rhythm,
And knew all my dullness depart!
Like two scorpions in a bottle,
The two wolves continue to fight.
One holds never-ending dominance
Relentlessly mocking and scolding.
The slanderous one, better known as the chief
The master, better known as my back bone.

The other wolf; the sufferer,
Facing the horror of the fire.
Like luscious, vibrant air filled with beauty and self-worth
With the intensity and beauty of a glowing golden sun,
Glittering as it beams among the surface of the waters.
The lustrous one, better known as my daydreams
The lovely one, better known as my pure naked self.

Like two scorpions in a bottle,
There was a fight between evil and good.
The winner; the one the operator chooses to feed,
The winner; a display of my blindness.
Blindness, lacking the sense of sight; sightless.
Blind to the naked beauty and worth of the lovely wolf,
The starving wolf.

Like two scorpions in a bottle,
The two wolves continued to fight inside of me.
The delightful became liquified into dark raw evil,
Leaving me drowning, gasping
Gasping the slightest bit of that air of self-worth.

(C) Emily Mckusker 2016
This was written from one of my grade 11 students, who struggles with anorexia.
Her poem touched me; I had to share it with my HP friends.
She has given me permission to post it publicly.
 May 2016 Skipping Stones
 May 2016 Skipping Stones
What I am trying to say is,
I am well aware that it matters not whether I am with or without you;
I will keep moving,
but I much prefer your limbs with my limbs,
and I enjoy the tragedy you think makes you unable to be loved,
and I'm sorry I didn't touch you a little bit longer,
and when you're here I feel it,
and when you're not I feel it too.

by : Alexandra Crawford
Like an incandescent brass gong
The afternoon sun
Burns in the sky

Like a boiling pan
The asphalt streets send out steam
Scaring pedestrians to travel on foot

The rushing wheels
Raise spouts of dust behind
Turning starched white into muddy tint

The undergrowth rustles below feet
A match stick can ignite a wild fire
That might grow into a conflagration

Glass windows are coated with layers of dust
Sweat trickles down the grimy faces
Of those who toil in the open

Sunbeams pelt down like rain!
Under which parasol can we seek shade,
In this sweltering desert of heat?
With the steep rise in temperature, life has become miserable in many parts of India !
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