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It's a story of a man
Who dived too deep
It's a story of a life
And wonder and heap
It's a story of a mystery
And junk to sweep
It's a story of music
That puts you to sleep
It's a story of a journey
With tears that seep
It's a story of memories
Force you to weep
It's a story of a turtle
With dreams to leap
It's a story of everything
But nothing to keep
© Copyright
Abdullah Ayyash
May 10th, 2016
I dream of you where the flowers grow
such visions of contentment
where your voice is the stream that I follow
as it leads me to dappled shade
and beyond there are meadows of love
and the fields give life to happiness.

As I lay within my thoughts
your arms cover me in buttercups
clover softens my head
and dandelions touch my skin
as gently as your fingertips.

The smiling yellow faces look towards the sun
and your love feels like daisies
the ladybirds and I love you so
a gently growing blossom about my feet
you love me, you love me not, you will always love me

In a myriad of purple hues  
I hear your happiness like budlia
the bees and I love you so
dizzily dancing to taste your joy about my head
I love you, I love you not, I will always love you

I see tide upon tide of the brightest blue
a sea of remembrance, every petal is a kiss
and the butterflies and I love you so
they drink deeply and float about the breeze
evoking the fondest memories of you
*forget me not, forget me, please.. forget me not
The spring showers fell like your love
drenching my soul
and even in the pouring rain
I shone silver from behind the clouds.

I was your hot summer haze
parching the earth
dappled by leaves
warming the buttercups to a shining yellow.

Autumn leaves swirled
russets and browns blanketing the ground
and I shone for you low in the sky
from east to west.

The winter snow fell
and I sparkled clear silver
like the diamonds that glistened
in your hair, your eyes.

I was always your sunshine
a bright clear warmth in your days
a burning sun
a reflection of you.

And you will be forever my seasons
each a changing wonder in my world
and I will love you the entire year of my life
There's nothing I hate more,
Than judgemental, snarky people,
Who roam this earth,
Assuming that their words are harmless, but always true.
It's a major turn off for me.
humbled like children
we embrace the Sustainer
letting go of self
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