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why is it at 5 am i get the urges again
to write you silly love songs
the urges to go
and buy four more
to quench my thirst
like today will be so different
and so it goes on and on
like I don't know the
numbered have my name
or any river
that flows on
and on
might change course

this is what it is
and downstream is tomorrow
today is now
and so
I say again
how beautiful it is
to not worry
with such things
This cosmos, indisputably, a sheer wonder
We cannot but bow before its grandeur
To what strange terrains opens its doors
And what secrets, hidden beneath the stars

From the merciless emptiness sans light,
From the deep silence of the horrendous night,
Was heard the bang of hammers
On the anvils of eons like thundering fire crackers

Abruptly through a gas cloud burst of inexorable force
Life emerged from stardust, our energy source
This is what the exponents of Big Bang assert
Life, from cosmic egg was hatched, some others purport

No doubt, this universe is an infinite stretch of lattice
Woven in the loom through billions of years by gratis
Where myriad wonders exist in the intergalactic space
And man has been on relentless effort to trace their course

As the wheels turned and as the fires burned
Through cosmic vapor the first atom was churned
How, over the eons, life here has flourished
With man’s wisdom and efforts nourished!

Galaxies are scattered in infinite space
And our planet Earth is well balanced in place
After the day’s vigil, when the mighty sun sets
The stars invariably take over on their night shifts

Multitudinous stars glitter and twinkle, a wondrous sight
As branching chandeliers, shedding luminous light
They are gems donning the night sky with their splendor
Where meteors dash and star light dances in nebulous glare

Some extra terrestrial hand has set the Earth in tune
And everything needed to hold life is benevolently strewn
Through countless dawns and sunset
Endless generations did come and beget

 Just as this universe was born, it would one day die
With all the planets, stars and starlets of the sky
Who can predict how it is going to end
With a bang or whimper, or is the end impend?
Dear Mother
You have always been there in my time of need
The facts of life, that I have learned
A beautiful mother will always have her boys to feed
No matter the age, I know your respect must be earned

I may be tall and stout
But i would never run my mouth
Because no matter how big I sprout
I will always remember you grow up in the south

This year I didn't get you flowers
But instead I sat down and wrote this
It might have taken a few hours
So please read this in complete bliss

In fifteen days I will  be a man
In fifteen days I will enter the real world
In fifteen days life might turn bland
But in fifteen days I will get to see you twirl

For even though I am leaving high school
I will always remain close to home
Because with a mother like you it would take a fool
To take off and roam

Because no matter how many  miles  traveled
There will be a spot in your heart for me
That will not be tainted or unraveled
But rather be open and free

<3 I love you mom <3
I’m as old as you
You’re as old as me
We should not be
By everything
That we see

Sean Hunt
Twenty Word Poem
In me all your strength lies
The source of your bright power
Come then oh Lord of the Night
Seek me in my tall tower

All your beloved essence
Courses through my veins
In the blackness of my blood
Not a trace of light remains

You drink me like a fine wine
Heady and sweetly perfumed
Swallowing deeply slowly
Until all of me is consumed

Your words echo out to me
Searing silence like a knife
Calling to the dark within
Extinguishing all my life

I give myself completely
Each moment till I grow old
You take all your heart from me
You command my very soul

In me all your strength lies
The source of your bright power
Come then oh Lord of the Night
Seek me in my tall tower
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