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Don't forgive someone

How can we seek forgiveness from the heaven?
We buried him
Closer to
Mother's grave

Whenever I visit
The churchyard

The wind gathers
The yellow leaves
And take them
Over their abodes

And then they whisper
And say, o Man
You were waiting
For him he is here
Being conscious of bad deeds
Is being able to change oneself.....
Pink flowers and blue satin flowers
My pepsi zero and my sister hero
Together will brighten my night

And tomorrow, sweet tomorrow
An exquisite masterpiece of delight
Sunshine, rainbows and smiles
Or I'm throwing a potluck pizza party...
And everyone should bring
a pizza over for us to share
let the poems
live in you.
let the words know you.
let them wear you
like a skin.
you will know them.
they will burst out from you
like flowers on the ground
and you will be the spring.
 Jun 2017 Sincerely Em
Divide the moon into two halves,
You'll find inside a million lamps,
Also cut the heart into two halves,
You'll find inside blood and valves.

Romance is trapped in a Shakespearean novel,
He buried it under the centuries with his shovel,
And the modern fast pace modified the human brain,
It's only a repetitive pattern of falling in vain.

Juliet has a husband, he's older by twenty years,
He's never home, she's always out shopping new fears,
Romeo is jobless, searching ups and downs for a key,
He heard life starts in the aftermath of a dream.

The old witch sitting in front of a glass bowl,
Now broke and retired, all her cookbooks are sold,
And the wolves are out, ruling the woods,
Magic's density in the air, isn't as high as it should.

So plug the stars out, pluck all the electric flowers,
The universe is now running low on power.*

● ● ●
November 2014
It's not the way you looked
It's the way you felt inside
The horizon is always booked
That's okay , I say with a sigh

Our days are long ago history
Our love just seemed to pass by
Tumbling into time's mystery
Leaving nuances between sad and why

I rub the rib I'm missing so
I no longer care to fight
I'm just wishing that you could know
How dark it is without your light

There is more than one star
Harboring in the sky tonight
But I'm looking just for one , so far
With all my earthly might
I keep seeing your eyes everywhere i go.
I keep feeling your arms wrapped around me
in my dreams.
Sometimes i'll be driving through
a beautiful sunset
and your scent will come
across me.
I had every crack and callus on your
hands memorized.
And now I barely remember the sound of
your voice.
And thats life
and I am trying to be okay with that.
Okay with the fact that I might die
one day without ever seeing you again,
hearing you again.
You were my life and now
you're absolutely nothing but
a memory.
All I want to know is if you
miss me too.
This is the cold truth about life.
 Jun 2017 Sincerely Em
Star BG
I am a monument of love,
sitting with pen in hand.
I breathe deep inhaling fragrances, for inspiration.
I open ears, to hear birds sing enhancing thoughts.
I dance, moving with energies that carry me in breeze.

I am a monument of light,
writing to fill hearts
I focus, to ignite dreams of self inside song.
I invite all to come,
as love anchors inside my roots to share.
I bow with gratitude,
as the world evolves in blossoming fields of love.

Come, stand beside me
as I write to cradle hearts inside the moment.
A moment, where light leads the way,
as my monument stands tall
and I scribe to guide in grace.

StarBG © 2017
inspired by  Leydis
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