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SimpleWritings Jan 2019
i love her
i love her so much
she's everything
i don’t understand it
the feelings that overcome my body
the thoughts that occupy my mind
nothing i have ever experienced
wholeheartedly foreign
whitman said
“we feel the long pulsation, ebb and flow of endless motion”
i never understood it
until she gave it meaning
she entered my life without permission
and intertwined with my story in an instant
nothing else matters
she’s the only thing i can see
all can fall into ruin
i don't care
she's my only pinch of bliss
in this incessant cyclone of turbulence
she transforms the mundane into compelling
hopelessness into safety
darkness into light
all i want is her to be next to me
to hold my hand
and love me
the desire to share everything with her
makes me want to live
makes me not want to die
she's the love of my life
all i ever wanted and dreamt of
i adore every inch of her body and soul
i refuse to be without her
we shall never be apart
i will love her until my dying day

i just hope
she feels the same way

SimpleWritings Dec 2018

Mhux dejjem naraw għajn b’għajn
Imma nħobbok

Naf li dejjem pruvajt mill-aħjar li stajt
Biex tagħtini dak li int qatt ma ngħatajt

Imma sfortunatament mhux dejjem irnexxilek
Il-Mulej mhux dejjem provdilek

Jien qatt m’għidtlek meta nqasstni
Meta bin-nuqqas tiegħek warrabtni

Qatt ma ridt niksirlek qalbek
U ngħidlek li ħadd mhu qed jisma talbek

Imma iva Ma,

Għaddejt minn ħafna u int ma taf b’ xejn
Alla ħares tkun taf kif u x’ fatta u fejn

Bħalek Ma,
Għaddejt minn dak li m’ għandu jgħaddi ħadd

Ġarrabt id-dlam
U bkejt fis-solitudni

Imma issa Ma
Sa fl-ahhar...

Inħoss li sibt il-kuntentizza
Inħoss li qbadt it-trejqa li qed nibni jien

Ma rridx nibqa naħbilek iktar
Għajjejt nigdeb u nħaref

Allura għidtlek

Ma flaħtx inżomm iktar
U għidtlek

Kienet diffiċli għax kont beżgħana
Imma ridt naqsam din l-aħbar ferħana

Stennejt li ser tifhimni
Stennejt li xorta waħda ser tibqa tħobbni


Ir-reazzjoni tiegħek ma kienetx dik li stennejt
Ma kienetx dik li f’ moħħi pinġejt

Għalfejn Ma?
Għalfejn ma tridnix?
Għalfejn mhux taċċettani?

Għidli Ma

Lil min inħobb ma għandux jaffettwa kemm inti tħobb lili
Lil min inħobb ma għandux inessik li jien xorta waħda bintek

Mara offritli dak li dejjem fittixt
Mara għallmitni nagħraf x’inhi l-imħabba

Mara urietni kif jidher id-dawl fost id-dlam
Mara qed tgħini nsir inħobb lili nnifsi

Iva Ma

Inħobb mara
U mhux raġel

Għalfejn qed tħares lejja b’ dak il-mod Ma?

B’ ħarsa ta’ diżappunt
B’ ħarsa ta’ diżgust

Bintek għadni Ma

L-istess b-i-n-t li kont tgħannaq miegħek
Meta kont tħoss li d-dinja qed tikrolla

L-istess b-i-n-t li kont tiftaħar tgħid li hi tiegħek
Lil kull min taf meta tilmaħni fost il-folla

Ħobbni Ma

L-istess għadni
Biss, ħrigt mill-moħba

This poem is written in Maltese.
SimpleWritings Dec 2018
i hate my life
i hate myself
i’m not good enough
i’m not strong enough
i don’t see a point in living
i don’t see a future for myself
i’m a waste of space
i’m just a breathing vegetable
i don’t want to do that anymore
i don’t want help
i can’t get better
i’ve seen too much
i’ve felt too much
i can’t take it anymore
i can’t keep pretending
i’m not ok
i’m so not ok
i’m weak
and tired
i was a mistake
i was never meant to be here
i refuse to stay and watch my life get worse
i will never be happy
i want to end it

SimpleWritings Dec 2018
Laying down on the grass
Growing with the flowers

Learning to love the sun
Making this world ours

Run with me through this crazy dream of mine
where we're the only two left to wander

Not caring about those that have wronged us
and flying off into the wide blue yonder

Every morning we'll taste the sweet dew
and every night we'll sing the sun to sleep

We'll have the life we've always dreamt of
and go beyond the mediocre skin-deep

SimpleWritings Dec 2018
as we die
we inhale our last breath
and exhale a shout into oblivion
shouting all that was not said
and all that could have happened
while you are screaming though
you question why you never said this
while you were alive
where people could take in
what you had to say
and possibly change
but then again
how could you scream
to a world with headphones in
and music turned all the way up
to drown out all other sounds

April 2012
SimpleWritings Dec 2018
crying silent tears of misery
biting your mouth to ignore the pain
praying for someone to hear the screams in your head
to come in the room and stop the abrupt hurricane

is it r-a-p-e if you don't kick and scream?
is it r-a-p-e if you just lay there?

they were meant to protect you
they were meant to uncover the sun amidst the clouds
but instead, they took what was not theirs to take
cursed you with evilness that'll make you unable to fit in crowds

SimpleWritings Dec 2018
Minjaf ħajti kif kienet tkun
Li kieku
Missieri qatt ma telaq mill-Eġittu
Li kieku
Karmenu qatt ma miet

Minjaf ħajti kif kienet tkun
Li kieku
Ommi kienet soda u tlaqna darba għal dejjem
Li kieku
Missieri fehem li mhux kollox kif irid hu

Minjaf ħajti kif kienet tkun
Li kieku
Ħuti jiefqu jħarsu lejja qisni ma jonqosni xejn
Li kieku
Jkunu jafu x’inhu jiġri hawn ġew

Minjaf ħajti kif kienet tkun
Li kieku
Nista ntir u naħrab minn dan kollu
Li kieku
Twellidt f’ familja differenti

This poem is written in Maltese.
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