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SimpleWritings Dec 2018
Minjaf ħajti kif kienet tkun
Li kieku
Missieri qatt ma telaq mill-Eġittu
Li kieku
Karmenu qatt ma miet

Minjaf ħajti kif kienet tkun
Li kieku
Ommi kienet soda u tlaqna darba għal dejjem
Li kieku
Missieri fehem li mhux kollox kif irid hu

Minjaf ħajti kif kienet tkun
Li kieku
Ħuti jiefqu jħarsu lejja qisni ma jonqosni xejn
Li kieku
Jkunu jafu x’inhu jiġri hawn ġew

Minjaf ħajti kif kienet tkun
Li kieku
Nista ntir u naħrab minn dan kollu
Li kieku
Twellidt f’ familja differenti

This poem is written in Maltese.
SimpleWritings Dec 2018
"You're such an extrovert!" They loudly claim
"I'm nothing but a loner" I secretly say


loneliness is the most familiar feeling of them all. i'm a thinker. i sometimes wish i weren't. but i am. i constantly feel like i am detached from everyday life. too much of an analyser to immerse myself in it without feeling like i'm acting. i have always felt and still feel lonely. the odd one out amongst siblings. the only child of a mother's second marriage. the people in my life are too different to bond beyond shallow communication. i love my family and friends but our connection is too superficial for my needs. even though i go out, i laugh and play the part, i sometimes feel that something is missing. i sometimes feel that no one really knows the real me. i don't even know if i know the real me. sixth form is now over and i am starting uni next week. will i continue to feel this lonely? being depressed and suicidal at home whilst being ms perfect at school was my reality for the past 7 years. i can't believe how proficient i have become at hiding my feelings and expressing only what i want to express. no matter how hard i try to let loose and stop overthinking, i find no one else like me in my life. i feel like i have nothing in common with anyone. i feel trapped in a world that judges me at every turn and yet never bothers to try to help or understand.
SimpleWritings Dec 2018
Kemm hu b’ saħħtu l-baħar
Qatt ma jaqta nifsu
Bil-mewġ dejjem jiżfen
Mar-ritmu tal-kurrenti

Kemm hu b’ saħħtu l-baħar
Qatt ma jieqaf jikkumbatti
Ħadd u xejn ma jwaqqfu
Jew jibdilu d-direzzjoni

“Kemm hu b’ saħħtu l-baħar”
Ma nista naħseb xejn għajr hekk
Kemm ngħir għalih
Kemm nixtieq inkun bħalu

This poem is written in Maltese.
SimpleWritings Dec 2018
beauty lies bereft and bound
it cries for help but utters no sound

mascara kisses on bitten lips
etched by lovers worn fingertips

purple bruises and sullen eyes
the broken skin it never lies

fists of thunder do not make a man
nor the swift strike of the back of a hand

a thousand apologies can never repair
the displacement of a single hair

for she is not an object for you to own
she is a queen that deserves a throne

******* you.

SimpleWritings Dec 2018
Żmien ta’ ferħ w ’nnoċenza
ta’ sempliċita u purezza
Żmien ħieles mill-inkwiet
u mżejjen bil-paċi fis-skiet

Dak li dejjem smajt
u dak li dejjem tgħallimt
Pero m’ huwiex dak li esperjenzajt
m’ huwiex dak li ngħatajt

Mingħalihom li tawni kollox
Mingħalihom li ma naqsuni f’xejn
Mur għidilhom kemm battejt
Kemm minħabba fihom soffrejt

Noħlom bi tfulija
sempliċi u pura
Nixtieq li ġejt mogħtija
bidu ta’ ħajja sura

This poem is written in Maltese
SimpleWritings Dec 2018
one of the hardest things in life
is to simply accept someone
for who they are

one of the easiest things in life
is to strongly hate them
for not being able to change

choosing the hard one
will help you grow

choosing the easy one
will help you destroy

but what if accepting someone
for who they are means loving them
more than loving yourself?

what if accepting someone
for who they are means accepting
violent hellos and condescending goodbyes?

SimpleWritings Dec 2018
I hope I find the kind of moments that take my breath away. The kind of moments that change me. I hope I travel to places that cleanse me. I hope I go to concerts that ring through my bones and make me feel alive. I hope I connect with the small things. I hope I look at someone mid-conversation and feel my stomach surge with the feelings I have for them. I hope I surround myself with people that encourage my spontaneity and respect my desire to explore and wander. I hope I live. Truly. I hope I don't hold back. There is so much to feel in this world. I hope I feel it all.
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