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silvervi Sep 19
I don't know
What to say
But I'll say it
You are awesome
You are great
I am happy
You are straight
silvervi Sep 18
Sometimes wondering
where I’m going
Missing people
who believed in me

Feeling empty, guilty, angry
Loneliness and more within me

Losing sight of hope
But a spark stays here.
Feeling much better because many things changed after trauma therapy for me. But I barely remember how I went through the last months of the last year. If you're still in this dark place, please keep looking for solution and help. You are not alone and isolation isn't the answer. As much as it costs you to ask for help, reach out to a center or doctor, friend or family member. Please do it. Talk about your problems. Your problems aren't your fault. It is a heavy burden to carry and you deserve all the support you need to overcome it. I believe in you.
silvervi Sep 18
I let go of control.
Noticed that I've been trying to control myself in various ways even when I am alone. This is daunting and prevents relaxation from happening. Breath deeply, relax and let go of control.
silvervi Sep 18
Love is confusing these days
Some say it never stays
The others claim
It only comes after some time,
When you and your partner
Left the infatuation behind.

Some say Love is spiritual,
It is the truth, the energy,
that holds the universe in an embrace...
It was always here
and in our hearts it remains.

Each verse shows me
Whatever love means
or is meant to be -
I know less and less
But at least I confess
My pure unknowingness
honestly, how many definitions of love are out there? Aren't you, too, confused?
silvervi Sep 17
Im Ozean des Vertrauens tanze ich, schwebe ich, verliere kurzfristig den Halt und finde ihn wieder,
Der Ozean ist endlos, nur die Sicht kann ich verlieren, aber die Ruhe kehrt wieder ein, sobald ich loslasse...
Ich schwebe und schwebe und es ist ruhig, still und klar um mich herum. Ich sehe dann, dass es sich ausbreiten möchte.
Der Ozean ist und war immer sicher für mich.
Die innere Panik hatte mich verunsichert und den Ozean gefährlich erscheinen lassen.
Ich darf hier atmen. Ich kann mich bewegen. Ich werde mich nicht verirren. Ich bin und bleibe frei.
Mit dir. Und das ist ein Wunder, das ich hiermit zu würdigen und zu fassen versuche.
Ich bin hier. Ich verbinde mich mit meinem Herzen. Das ist alles, was es braucht.
Du schwebst auch. Du und ich zusammen im endlosen Ozean-Universum.
Es fühlt sich immer leichter an, je mehr ich loslasse. Das ist Vertrauen für mich.
Loslassen. Hier sein. Glauben. Wissen. Fühlen.
Wie es sich anfühlt, endlich zu vertrauen und frei zu sein.
silvervi Sep 16
My body is safe. It is safe to relax.
Long exhales. You are safe here. Look around you. Realize that your body is safe. Continue breathing <3
silvervi Sep 16
I am here.
It's ok, breath.
I love you.
I know, it's difficult sometimes.
We fall into patterns of wanting to make everyone around us happy. But ourselves.
We sometimes need time to see and realize this.
To recognize what is happening.
We are learning.
It's good you show yourself as you are.
I have your back.
You don't need to control anything or anyone.
Just be and relax.
Just be yourself.
You are safe here.
I am always here for you.
What would happen if we always talked this way to ourselves?
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