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 Jan 2020 Silverflame
Lil Lalo
A row of bottles on my shelf
Cause me to analyze myself
One yellow pill I hope to pop
Goes to my heart so it won't stop

A little white one that I take
Goes to my hands so they don't shake
The blue ones that I use a lot
Tell me im happy when im not

The purple one goes to my brain
And tells me that I have no pain
The capsules tell me not to sneeze
Or cough, or choke, or even wheeze

The red ones, smallest of the all
Go to my blood so I won't fall.
The orange one's, oh so big and bright
Stop my leg cramps in the night

Such an array of brilliant pills
Helping to cure all kinds of ill's
But what i'd really like to know
Is what tells each one where to go.
 Jan 2020 Silverflame
Lil Lalo
It took me seventeen years
to understand
what they meant
when they said
That the monsters don't live
under beds.
 Jan 2020 Silverflame
Lil Lalo
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet
and perhaps you are too,
But the roses have wilted,
the violets are dead,
The sugar bowl is empty
And your wrists are stained with red,
The sun isn't shining,
The sky isn't clear,
there's no silver lining because your gone
Rain keeps pouring,
There's no end in sight,
you're standing there frozen
so far from the light,
Your beauties unreal,
your smile the sun,
but time can't be turned nor your actions undone,
The words you wrote that only I read,
"I love you so much, please don't cry when I die"
A bond that we formed,
a love that ran deep,
a pain that we shared,
a friend I could keep,
I wanted to hold you,
wipe the tears from your eyes,
been there the moment you said your goodbyes,
I want to forget but sometimes I don't,
I want to let go,
but I know that I won't,
Tears on my face,
memories burned in my head,
The roses have wilted,
The violets have died....
 Jan 2020 Silverflame
Lil Lalo
It's just sad
That when I push people
They just go
And don't even try to
 Jan 2020 Silverflame
Lil Lalo
You asked
What is the scariest part?

I answer
The scariest part
is not the feeling of loneliness
or the darkness that fills you
despite the looming pain
of emptiness

The scariest part
is the realization  
that you have lost yourself
sinking in as you lay awake
at 2 AM
because you lost the ability to sleep
and you can't even cry
because you don't even care
 Jan 2020 Silverflame
i deserve better
than chasing after you
and wondering if someday
my dreams will come true

i deserve better
than looking for a way
there's this pain in my chest
that just won't go away

i deserve better
than waiting for you to notice
the way i stare at you
handing you all these chances

i deserve better
than being taken for granted
time and time again
i am not the one you wanted
 Jan 2020 Silverflame
So much to say,
So few people to truly listen.
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